Chapter 13: Relief
Eren's POV:
I don't find myself in a rush to talk to Commander Erwin. Why would I be? The main thing we were going to discuss was (F/n)'s death, and that wasn't something I wanted to discuss. It was hard enough to take in, being that it happened so quickly. All I wanted was time by myself. To mourn for her. To take everything in.
Thinking of all this, I hadn't even realized that a bundle of tears were dripping off my face, and collecting in a puddle on a belt buckle fastened on my pants.
I wiped my arms on my face, and sniffled.
"Eren?" I Iooked up to see Hanji who had somberly called me.
"Erwin is ready for you now.." she said holding out the door for me. I sighed and pushed it open, allowing myself to walk in. I chose to lean against the wall, across from Erwin's desk and Hanji who was politely sitting in a chair presumably designated for meetings.
Merely seconds after I took my place on the wall, Erwin stood up, folding his arms on top of each other.
"As we all know, that during our early battle with the protection of the Trost District, (F/n) (L/n) was presumed dead, by first hand impalement from titan shifters."
It wasn't something I ever needed to be reminded of. I know exactly what happened, and it keeps playing over and over in my head, as if it's burned into my memory.
Erwin took a deep breath, before looking into my eyes.
He's probably going to say something about funeral arrangements next, which I'll have the great displeasure of being in charge of.
Erwin closed his eyes, and breathed in harshly once more. "Our presumptions were wrong."
My head snapped up at the sound of his words, the emptiness in my body almost instantly filling up with hope.
"W-what?" My lip quivered, and my fists grasped shut.
He's lying. He has to be.. (F/n) died right in front of me!!
"Hanji performed tests on (F/n), revealing that when she was impaled, her titan shifting abilities allowed her body to cast a hard shell around her vital organs, protecting them, though she did lose a lot of blood. We were able to get her into surgery right away...and save her life."
My eyes widened, tears rushing out of my eyes in joy. She's alive! Oh my god, she's...alive!!
"Where is she?" I asked excitedly. I need to know where she is. To see her for myself... I just want to know that she's okay.
"She's currently resting from the operation. She's in the emergency clinic, down by the south gates." Erwin's face never changed, being straight faced each time he spoke.
I soluted my superior, standing tall at the thought of such relieving news. "Permission to go see soldier (F/n) (L/n), sir!"
Erwin nodded. He knew what I had gone through. Even if he had denied me the right to see her, he knew that I would go see her anyways.
"Permission granted. And.. Eren..?"
I turned around at the source of Erwin's voice, anxious to hear whatever he had to say so I could leave. "Yes, sir?"
"Don't ever let her go like that again. You.. you take care of her."
Commander Erwin wasn't the type to give off life advice, but I could tell that he'd meant what he said. Being a commander, he's probably lost more than his fair share of comrades.
I nodded, rushing off to the south gates.
After endlessly sprinting from the North side of the the Trost District, I had finally made it to the emergency medical station.
I didn't hesitate to push pass the curtains, ignoring the nurses who told me I wasn't allowed to be in the medical tent.
All that mattered to me was seeing her.
Finally, amongst all the wounded soldiers and villagers, I was able to see her.
She was no longer covered in blood, or on the verge of death. She slept peacefully, looking healthier than she's ever looked.
Her (h/c) (h/l) hair sprawled around her face, just as I remembered it.
Tears fell out of my eyes as I rushed to her side, hugging her unconscious body.
I didn't care I was just so happy that she was alive. That I could spend my life with her. That my best friend wash't dead. That my wife was in my arms, right here right now.
I could hear her heart beating steadily inside her chest. She never let go. Just like she promised.
Oh my glob, guys. Over 200 reads!!! Thank you guys so much!! I cannot express how happy I am to make these stories for you guys! Any way , the next chapter should be up soon, and I love you guys. Be sure to keep reading!! Also, be sure to listen to the music of you want to. It goes well with the chapter! - Drama Typhoon <3
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