Chapter 12: Vengance
Eren's POV:
They say its hard to forget... and well, they weren't wrong.
Some would say that seeing someone get killed at the hands of a titan was becoming painfully normal, but it wasn't just 'paper-cut pain'. It's 'stab in the chest' pain. And damn it, it hurts like hell.
She died. Right before my eyes.
The last thing she saw.. was me.
Her pleading (e/c) orbs boring into mine, as if to say 'I'm sorry.'
I didn't know that I could cry in my titan form, but it was proven, a single tear cascading down my cheek.
It was hard to believe, and impossible to accept.
Just like my mother. It was all the same, and I was reliving a nightmare.
Ymir simply flicked (F/n) off her finger like she was a bug, and her lifeless body plummeted towards the ground.
Catch her!
What the hell is wrong with you?!
Stop her from falling! Do something!!
My mind was screaming tons of things at me, but I was stunned, frozen.
A soldier from below caught her instead, a somber look on his face, and booted off to a nearby horse carriage.
I looked up from my crouched position, to see Reiner, Bertolt, and Ymir, all surrounding me with unforgiveable looks on their faces.
It was all intentional.. just to get to me. This wasn't even about the military anymore. But... why me? Why do they want to hurt me..?
My teeth were gritted, and my fist balled up.
I'm not a coward.
And I sure as hell won't let (F/n) die like that without avenging her.
I screeched loudly, the intensity from the noise enough to knock all three shifters over.
I didn't hesitate to begin attacking them.
I put all of my strength into my fist, forcing it into action at Reiner.
It sent him flying back, just as he had done to me.
I didn't even feel any type of sympathy for
them. They'd already killed my loved ones. Why the hell should I have any type of sympathy or mercy for them?
I stomped over to his slumped body, and sharply picked him up by his chest, bringing him up to eye level.
There was no expression unlike before, and he went limp.
No, don't be a coward now... Fight me! Fight me like you fought her!
I screeched repeatedly in his face, earning him plenty of saliva coating his face.
Still, nothing.
Fine, do what you want, but don't say I didn't play fair.
I dropped Reiner on the ground, and stomped harshly on his chest.
My foot pushed down farther and farther, to the point where I couldn't even control it anymore, and his armored skin began to crack. His armored face gave a discomforting look, but he still refused to do nothing.
C'mon, do something Reiner. There's no reason for you to let your guard down.
Surprisingly, neither Bertolt or Ymir had opted to attack me. They'd all let their guard down, as if they'd gotten their prize, and that prize was killing (F/n).
But why?! Why just her?! They were after the military weren't they?! What did (F/n) have to do with any of this?!
Without warning, Reiner drop-kicked me, earning me a stinging headache.
Out of the corner of my squinted eye, I was able to see the shifters sprinting towards the tree-line.
No way....No way am I letting them get away!!
I quickly lifted myself up, as a flood of soldiers came soaring by me.
None of them would be fast enough. Not even Levi.
But I was. Someone's going down out of their group, and it isn't just Annie.
It seems that Ymir's in front, and Reiner and Bertolt are in the back. Good plan for defense.
I eventually caught up to Reiner and Bertolt's position in the back of their formation, but I'm still a pretty far distance from them.
But I don't want Bertolt or Reiner. I want Ymir.
I sprinted up to her position, much to her shocked demise.
With no hesitations, I leapt on her tiny mangled body, and knocked her to ground.
Reiner and Bertolt continued to bolt pass the tree-line, with no signs of retreating to rescue Ymir.
She squirmed and squealed under my hold, as if she was calling for them to save her.
Its too late for that, Ymir.
I gripped her brittle titan neck and twisted it counter clockwise with ungodly force.
I'm not going to kill her, at least not yet.
After an eerily silent 5 minutes with the steaming titan corpse, the scouts finally reached my position.
"Eren!" I heard Commander Erwin's voice call. I leaned my head towards him in an utterly exausted fashion, ready to take any order he would give me.
"We need you to transform back, and return to headquarters immediately.. there are extremely.. urgent matters to discuss."
You guys hate me, I know. This was supposed to update on Saturday not Monday.. try not to kill me. But on the bright side, I've already started writing Chapter 13, and it should be up later sometime this week. Hey guys, I also know its 4/20 (try not to read this while you're high) and smoke responsibly if you do! I live in a legal state, so if you walk outside you're probably gonna get high(*^o^*)(*^o^*) but anywho, thanks for reading, and please comment, vote, and favorite! Love you guys!!-Drama Typhoon
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