Chapter 10: Eternal War
Today. Today was the day you would say I do . That was all that was going on inside your head. Today, you would marry Eren Jäeger. Today, you would now be formally known as (F/n) Jäeger. It sounded even weirder in your head.. But even better too.
You looked into the mirror before you, concentrating on your heavy breathing and the fast paced beating of your heart.
"I'm about to marry my bestfriend.." you quietly whispered to yourself, causing your own heart rate to beat even faster.
"I'm about to give away my brother," you heard from somewhere behind you, and you turned around to see Mikasa slightly smiling.
"Mikasa?" You called her name, surprised. You hadn't seen her in a while, due to everything that was going on, but you were glad to see her.
"You look beautiful." She said, taking a seat next to you.
You blushed, doubting any type of beauty you had when sitting next someone such as Mikasa.
"Thanks, Mikasa."
"I'm glad you're marrying Eren, (F/n). You're the one thing that can distract him from what drives him insane, and his mother would've wanted him to be happy. Carla would've wanted to see him with someone like you. Someone that would make Eren, himself again." Mikasa said as her eyes began welling up with tears.
It was touching to hear that. To know that you made Eren act as he once had before the fall of Wall Maria. Today, you were going to forget about the titans. This is the closest thing to freedom and happiness you were going to get, and you weren't going to let anything get in the way of that.
The sound of wedding bells rung throughout the castle, (former HQ of the scouts) signaling the start of the ceremony.
Mikasa nodded her head, and looked at you as if to say, 'It's time.' and she held her arm out, for you to link with hers.
You stood up, clinging onto Mikasa, and began to walk towards the center of the castle, where the 'ceremony' would be held.
Mikasa waited at the top of the stairs, as you requested to walk down the aisle by yourself.
Your father would have wanted to walk you down the aisle, not Commander Erwin, or anyone else. He would have been happy for you if he were here.
He's here in spirit.
You closed your eyes, taking things one step at a time.
You were finally starting to feel it, that little bit of freedom starting to surge through your veins. You felt a smile fall upon your face, as you reached the bottom stair of the staircase. Once you opened your eyes, you knew, Eren would be standing before you, just waiting for you to be with him.
And so thats what you did.
Your eyes fluttered open, and the vision of Eren took hold of them.
His eyes widened, and a smile began to take over his facial features.
This..this is really happening. This is it.
You thought as your heart began to beat even faster that it did before, making you believe that it could beat out of your chest.
You stood across from him, Commander Erwin reading off the traditional procedures for the wedding.
But it was all a blur. You got lost in Eren's eyes, knowing that you could now get lost in the forever. He was yours, and you were his.
It seemed like mere minutes that Erwin had been speaking, but it was time. You were no longer going to be just an individual anymore. And you didn't care.
"Do you, Eren Jäeger, take (F/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Eren looked into your eyes and smiled, a rare sight from him.
"I do."
"And do you, (F/n) (L/n), take Eren Jäeger to be your lawfully wedded husband.
There were no hesitations, you had your mind set.
"I do." You spoke happily.
"If there are any objections to this marriage, then speak now, or forever hold your peace."
You thought that this was it, that today was the day. Who would ever object your marriage to Eren? This is something humanity needed, and not only that you wanted, but also needed.
Standing at the large stone corridor resting mere feet away from where you and Eren stood was Annie Leonhart.
Everyone thought she preserved herself in a chrystal to keep her secrets. She was heavily guarded...or so you thought.
"Annie?" you heard Eren call her name, as his once cheerful face faded into one of hate and vengence.
Somehow she'd known what the plans were for you and Eren to get married, and she wasn't having it. Two titan shifters meant Annie was going down.
"There's nothing you can do, Annie. Its me and Eren now. Two against one. You can't stop us. And this time, we will find out what you're hiding from everyone." You sneered at her.
Annie began to vainly giggle, just as she did when Eren, Armin, and Mikasa first discovered she was a titan shifter.
"Oh, (F/n). Its not just me that doesn't want you and Eren to have a big happy family,"
Ymir, Reiner, and Bertolt opened the grand doors of the castle, and stood next to Annie, all confidently smiling.
"Its all of us." Ymir snickered.
Behind you, Commander Erwin and Captain Levi along with several other members of the scouts stood readied and armed if any of us dared to transform.
"Be ready.." you heard Commander Erwin whisper.
You knew what would happen if you and Eren tried to fight the titan shifters that stood before you.
Especially right inside the walls like this...thousands if not millions would be killed.
At all costs, you had to avoid anyone transforming.
"We don't have to do this, no one has to transform." Your voice nervously shook with fear as you changed your tone and perspectives.
"Don't be a coward now, (F/n). We're ready. Lets go, us against you." Reiner's husky and intimidating voice echoed against the walls of the castle.
And with that, they all began to transform, smoke, and sparks extorting in every direction and corner.
No, not again.
These were the exact same people who'd taken your freedom, and this little bit that you had today, they were determined to take that to.
Eren stood behind you, his hand raising up to his mouth.
You have to worry about him, you have to do something! You have to transform!!
You thought to yourself, as the rubble of the castle began crashing down upon all of you.
"NOW!!!" Commander Erwin shouted, as he and the rest of scouts present sprung into action, grappling into the buildings that once surrounded the castle HQ.
Eren bit harshly into his thumb, as he quickly transformed into his titan form, towering hundreds of feet above you.
It was just you now. But you couldn't worry about him. You were worried about what was left of the humans inside the walls, that may become extinct because of what Annie, Reiner, Bertolt, and Ymir had against you and the military. Eren's screech erupted above you, as he rushed off to fight the rest of the titan shifters.
Its happening again... Everything... Its all just falling apart!
You collapsed to the ground, tears cascading down your face, as you held your head in your hands.
You knew the group wasn't afraid. They wouldn't hesitate to kill anything or anyone, including Eren.
Including Eren.
You gritted your teeth.
You were out numbered, but you weren't going down without fighting.
Not without at least trying to save the humans at stake.
And there was no way in hell you were going to die without seeing what was outside of these walls.. not at least once.
Gas and smoke spiraled around you, as your body morphed and molded into a monster that you'd known numerous times before. But that monster was the one fighting for freedom, the one that wasn't going to die, not like this.
We're still going to be free, Eren.
Woahhh guys that was pretty intense, haha. Take the 'Reader and Eren didn't get fully married thing' as an April Fools joke, cause I bet you didn't think that the titan shifters we're coming.
Anywho, I know that was a pretty large cliffhanger, so I'll try to get that next part up for you guys soon!
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Love you guys, -Drama Typhoon
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