Chapter 1: Together
Shiganshina was a quiet little village inside the walls. Sure, there was always a bit of commotion, but other than that, it was perfect for you and your family. For the most part, you and your family were completely oblivious to the fact that the titans exsisted. But of course, you were only 10 years old. How could you even fathom a topic such as the titans at such a young age?
After finishing some bread that your mother had prepared for the day's first meal, you'd walked over to where she was washing the dishes.
You cheesily smiled as she pinched left your cheek, and grabbed your plate from your tiny hands.
"(F/n), I'll need you to go into town and pick up some wood today. I would ask your father to do it, but he's on duty." Your mother asked politely, briefly mentioning your father.
You'd known what your mother had meant by him being on duty. Your father had joined the Military Police just a few years back. You'd never imagined you'd be joining the military though, not to fight the titans at least.
You'd nodded, your (h/l) (h/c) hair bobbing along with your head movements, and quickly scurried to your front door.
After closing the door behind you, you noticed a group of children surrounding a small child just a bit farther down the road. You squinted your eyes a bit, but just couldn't quite make out what exactly the kids were doing.
You shrugged, deciding to mind your own business, and headed off to do your errands.
After obtaining the wood, you began to make your way back to your beloved home that was fairly close in proximity to the walls.
"Hey, I heard the Survey Corps were heading through the middle of the town right now!" Someone conversating near you had caught your attention.
"You mean the scouts? Did they just come back from outside the walls?"
"Yeah, c'mon! We should go see them!"
And with that, the two chatty villagers ran off to see the soldiers fresh from battle. Normally, you wouldn't care about this sort of thing, but something about the Survey Corps had just clicked in your brain, and you suddenly became interested.
You decided that you had enough time to watch the soldiers head through the town for a bit, and then you would head back home. Quickly, you sprinted toward the town, immediately catching sight of the wounded warriors being carried by their fair steeds.
A frown fell upon your face. 'The titans did this to them?' You'd thought, immediately becoming angered by that fact.
"So this is where our tax dollars go to. Tch. Just money to feed them, and watch them sit on their asses." A man's snooty voice interrupted your thoughts, and abruptly caught your attention.
His comment had angered you more than before.
But before you could say anything, a boy about your age, with shaggy chesnut brown hair and aquamarine eyes had already intervened for you, almost earning a punch from the man. He was then pulled away from the man by a girl also in your age range, with long jet black hair, and solemn grey eyes.
You admired the boy for his courage and ability to stand up to someone who had no right to disrespect the men who gave their lives to protect him.
Shortly after the boy had left, you decided that it was best that you left too, before earning yourself a lecture from your mother.
You'd began walking for a short period of time, not before you'd heard an abundant amount of screams coming from people around you. Curious to know the cause of the shrieks, you turned around only to have your heart almost stop due to horror.
Standing many feet above the wall was a titan. Yes, a titan. Covered in muscle- like skin, and staring directly at you.
Your (e/c) orbs widened and you froze.
'No.No. This, can't be happening. He can't get in...can he?' A million questions were running through your mind, only to be answered mere seconds later.
A large eruption of sound traveled through your ears, and a wave of smoke and dust came hurdling toward you.
You coughed trying to clear the smoke, and screamed out in terror as you saw what the titan had left. There was a hole in the wall.
"They're gonna get in... They're gonna get in!" A villager shrieked, as the crowd around you began rushing away from the wall.
You followed, and began sprinting to your home so you could meet up safely with your mother. The titans had already begun filing inside the walls, and you saw people being squashed under them. People were being.. eaten. Killed.. murdered.. destroyed.
Tears began to run in waterfalls out of your eyes, as you started to tremble. How.. how could they?
And then you stopped. Something harshly squeezed around you, and you were being lifted many feet into the air.
You looked down to see that the thing lifting you up was a bundle of fingers enclosed around your body.
Please, no!
You turned around, and locked eyes with your fate.
A titan stood, smiling at you, with murderous eyes, and the will to kill.
"AGHHH!!! NOO!!! HELP ME!! MOM, DAD!! PLEASE, HELP ME!!" You'd lost it, and began to scream pleas of help, but you knew it was the end. You'd known, that this titan wasn't leaving without a meal. And that was you.
You snapped your eyes closed, and waited for your impending fate.
It was too early. You couldn't except the fact that you were about to die, or the fact that you would probably never see anyone that you'd ever loved again. You didn't want to die. You refused to let go.
"(F/n)!!" You heard your name being called, and your eyes shot open, searching for the holder of the voice.
It was you father, who with his 3-D gear, was sprinting in an effort to save your life.
'What!? Dad is with the Military Police, was is he doing here? He needs to get out of here now!!' You thought.
"Dad!" You called, as he began to pry you out of the fingers of the beast, shortly after arriving.
There was no time, no time to say goodbye. Yes, you had escaped the titan's grasp, but there was a sacrifice. Titans would never go down without at least one kill.
The titan had grabbed and took a hold of your father instead.
Your father pushed you off the shoulder of the titan in a heap of time, just enough to get you safely away from it. Another soldier had caught you in his arms in mid-air, but you were still looking. Still looking for your father. You hadn't seen him die. You didn't know. As soon as you had gotten safely to the ground, the soldier urged you to get to the boats.
"But, my dad and my mom! I have to wait for them! They're all I've got!!" You cried.
"I'm sorry kid, but they're gone! You have to go now, or else you'll be too!" Your father's former comerade warned, and rushed off to slay the titan that had just tried to kill you.
There was no time. You ran towards the boats, sobbing into your arm. You'd eventually got on one safely, but you couldn't think. You couldn't breathe. You couldn't even question what had just happened. Your parents were dead. They were brutally murdered by the titans. All you had left was a mix of confusion, anger and sorrow. This made you sob even louder.
And then, you felt someone tangle their hand in yours. You looked to your left, to see the same boy from earlier, with tears overflowing from his eyes, but a blunt face of anger. Without speaking or even eye contact, you both knew. The titans were yours. To murder. To destroy. After all, thats what they had just done to you. And you weren't going to stop until they were all dead. Until they would pay for what they'd done. And the boy, he felt the same way. Together, you were going to avenge the fallen. You were going to avenge what you no longer had. You had a passion for it. An ambition. This was something you had to do.
Yay! First chapter! I know there wasn't a lot of eren x reader action, but this chapter was mainly for the background of the character, and for those who haven't read the manga or seen the anime yet. Hopefully this chapter didn't suck too much, right guys?
Anywho, chapter two should be coming soon, and thank you for reading!
Be sure to vote, favorite, and comment!
-Drama Typhoon
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