Chapter 9~Secrets Revealed
Avila Di Angelo~Monday 9:30 P.M
This school has a ridiculous curfew. But, I've been going here forever and I still can't understand why this woman hates magical hybrids. I've tried sneaking in her office a few times, and almost every single time I've almost been busted. That woman has security on both the sides of her doors to the office.
I will say though, I'm pretty much smarter than all those security guards. I mean, I'm a 16 year old girl with mommy issues. And they DIDN'T catch me. That's plain stupidness if you ask me. But Kasy here is pretty cool. And so is Izzy. But, Trinity, she'll get eaten alive here if she doesn't learn to toughen up.
Some of the other girls here are kind of, odd. I have a special ability that comes with being a starborne species and mushroom species. And it also comes with my personality of the toughest girl in school, plus my dark magic. I can sense magic aura's. And all of the girls in that room had some kind of magical aura.
Mimi had yellow, Kodi had green, Dove had teal, Trinity had sunset pink, Kasy had black, Izzy had dark purple, Cyrah, or Ember, had dark gold, (not sure if that's even a color) and Kira had orange. But, Dove's was, dim. Extremely dim. And I think it has something to do with her no emotion. But right now I'm sneaking to the other dorm, that belongs to Kodi, Dove, Mimi, and Cyrah.
----------9:45 P.M
As I arrived at the other dorm I saw all the girls had already gotten there. Welp, that was embarrassing. "Don't you 4 share a room?" Mimi asked. I gulped. Not like I could tell them where I was. "I was um, using the bathroom." I said. That was the lamest excuse ever.
Mimi Mushroom------9:50 P.M
I for one, found that statement 100% FALSE. I feel like there's something this Avila girl knows that the rest of us shrimps didn't. No judging. C'apish? Oki. "Guys, this island is super small. But theres also a really big forest out there." Kasy pointed out. "You're right. Maybe there's something we can do about it." Dove said.
"Maybe." I agreed. "Everyone, chill. Also, why did we even get sent to detention? Not only that, now you're also talking about sneaking out? Not on my watch. Imma make sure not any of you sneak out." Trinity argued. "Trinity, we have to do what's right." I said. "I know. But listen up. Every single one of you is hiding something. And every single one of you know it. So spill, and tell everyone what you're hiding, or I won't hesitate to tell Mrs. Johnson EVERYTHING you're planning on doing." She snapped. Damn, she makes up her mind fast.
"Fine." A voice piped. It was Kodi. "But mark my words, if you continue to hide something, Trinity, I won't hesitate to light you ablaze." She said. "M'kay, dramatic, much?" Kira asked. Kodi's face exploded with flames. "I'll go." Kira said. "I'm not weaklings like you. I'm a cheetah hybrid. I was forged from the flames Madfet, the goddess of Egypt's kingdom. As far as I'm concerned, Madfet is my ancestor. So there. Any other secrets?" Kira asked. Everyone exchanged looks of disbelief and amazement, including me.
"I'll go next. I'm an elven hybrid, from the kingdom of Azalina. A dark force came to the land, as known to be the devil inside of me. I tried saving my friends but the dark force took them, and by now, they're most certainly dead. I was taken by my aunt, who lived in this modern world. But the dark side of me kept returning, until I decided to put myself in this boarding school to forget about the tragicness that came to my land." Trinity said. "I'm so sorry." Kodi said, clearly guilty about what she had said earlier.
"My turn. Both my parents were born with PDI, which is a disease that causes grown-ups to act like children. And I grew up in a household where I was neglected, because my parents had no clue how to take care of me. That is until, my grandmother came and she taught me how to do things that women know. At the age of 13, I could cook a 5 course meal and it was always perfect. But one morning, I woke up to discover that I had fairy wings growing from my back." I said as I emerged my fairy wings from under my shirt. Everyone stared at my wings in beauty. "As it turns out, every generation from my family one person is chosen to be a fairy/hybrid. But my magi was hard to control. One day I came home from school to discover my parents burnt my house down, and they used their condition as an excuse. My grandmother took me with her and pretty much blocked out my parents." I said. Dove walked up to me and hugged me. "Sorry that happened." She whispered. "Thanks." I whispered back.
"I was kidnapped at the age of 9 and was taken to a science lab. The people who kidnapped me were planning on doing experiments on me, and killed my family. I managed to get away, but I turned back when I saw Izzaic, who is my brother figure. I goofed and they grabbed me and experimented on me. Before I knew it, owl wings were growing from my back, elven ears had grown, along with vampire teeth. Don't judge. I sorta went crazy because I killed someone. BUT DO NOT JUDGE. I managed to save Izzaic along with me but not before we were completely de-humanized." Kasy said. "OMG." Izzy said. "Wow." Trinity said. "It's nothing really." Kasy assured.
"My turn. I-" "WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING??!!!"
A little sprinkle of Mimi x Dove. Bye Loners!
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