Chapter 12~The Apartment
Avila Di Angelo~Thursday 8:52 P.M
We were in another little meet-up after dark, and thank the gods for Kasy's duplication magic, cuz' it looks like we're all in our beds.
"Hey, has anyone seen Kodi?" I asked. Everyone shared glances of confusion. "Guess not. Geez you should have noticed." Dove rolled her eyes bringing in the Hot Chocolate she snagged from the cafeteria.
I took a mug with the most marshmallows. "I bet Avila doesn't act like this with anyone else but us." Kasy said in a smug voice. "Shut up." I grumbled.
"While we're all here, I should probably tell you I bought all of us friendship necklaces." Mimi said.
"I'm not a huge fan of neck-" "It's a bloody knife." "I'll take it!" I said, snatching the necklace from Mimi. I don't usually like necklaces, but a bloody knife's a hard opportunity to pass up. "I repeat, Avila probably never acts like this with anyone else." Kasy said.
I rolled my eyes at that remark. How rude.
Mimi started handing out everyone else's necklace. She claimed it matched their personality. She gave herself a mushroom necklace, and it complimented her. Kasy got a muffin. "EXCUSE ME?!" She said. "Fine. You got an opposite sign." I said. Izzy got a Toothless necklace from HTTYD. If you don't know what How To Train Your Dragon is that's crazy.
Cyrah got a phoenix necklace, Dove got a bird holding a green leaf, adorable. Trinity got a sun-moon necklace. And not the creepy kind either. Kira got a ghost one. And apparently Kodi got a palm tree. That would be so cute. "Yeah, I was gonna give it to her, but it looks like she's not here." Mimi said.
"Hah! Very good, Sherlock Holmes." Dove said. It was Mimi's turn to blush. I'm gonna enjoy watching this unfold. Her blush was soon faded when a very exhausted Kodi rushed through the room. "SHH! ARE YOU CRAZY! SOMEONE COULD HERE YOU!" Cyrah whisper-shouted.
"Sorry. But you have to check this out!" She whisper-shouted back.
"Huh. Remember you used to call me a weirdo?" Dove asked Mimi. "Yep." She said, looking away in embarrassment. "Mimi!" Izzy fake scolded her.
"Sorry!" She muttered.
We continued following Kodi when we entered the other dorm room, and Kodi punched a wall causing it to BREAK. We went through a secret tunnel, which lead to two doors. We entered one and inside was an elevator. "All we have to do is go on there!" She said, pointing to the elevator. "Hell no! The only thing between me and heaven is that duct tape!" Trinity yelled, scoffing at it. "You're exaggerating." Kodi said.
We all glared at her. "Okay, maybe she's NOT exaggerating, but still!" Kodi defended herself. "But still, what?" I asked. Kodi looked away, and I SWEAR I could see the sweat on her. "Oh, look! It's Mrs. Johnson! Everyone hurry!" She said. We all scrambled in the elevator.
"Okay, long-story short, I lied." Kodi said. "KODI!" We all shouted at her. "And what do you mean long-story short? You just dragged us over to the other dorm room and busted open a WALL." Cyrah said. "Oh great. Now I will die." Trinity pouted.
"We'll be fine." Kodi said, pulling the lever. Yes, the LEVER. THAT'S how old this stupid thing is.
We started going up and I could hear the thing creak every second. It looked like Trinity and Mimi were about to pee their pants.
Then, we heard a bump! Kodi tried pulling the lever but it wouldn't move. "Kodi. . ." Trinity growled. "What do you have to say?!" Cyrah practically yelled. "Um, they should've used Gorilla glue?" Kodi trembled. The elevator suddenly jerked up, making us all go in the air. As we were in mid-air, Trinity said, "Kodi? I hate you."
BOOM! The elevator started speeding down. We were all in a screaming fit. We eventually crashed. The impact was so hard we all fell to the floor.
"Oww," I mumbled. I heard a slap. Dove had slapped Kodi, the second time today. "Ow!" Kodi yelled. "What did I do?" We all gave her a look. "Oh, I don't know, maybe you just made yourself a s*!¢!∂e note! And tried to drag us down with you!" I yelled.
"Maybe I should have mentioned there were stairs we could have climbed." Kodi whispered. "WHAT?!" Kasy shouted. "Oopsies." Kodi giggled. "You might know Martial Arts but I know death, and my name is written all over your body!" I screamed before lunging at her, trying to attack. Mimi and Cyrah held me back. Still, I gave Kodi the evil eye for trying to kill me. That's MY thing.
"What's next?" Dove asked. "Well, a short train ride then a small walk through a grassy field that's located underground." Kodi said. "And, how well does this train hold?" Cyrah asked, giving her the stink eye. This was definitely not Kodi's proud moment. No matter WHAT she had in store for us.
"Okay, the trains not the best, but it definitely holds better than the elevator." Kodi said. "It better." Izzy grumbled.
"First, we have to get back up there." I said, pointing to were we'd fallen. But before I could say another thing, Dove actually PRYED the elevator doors open. "Oh, look at that! I did us a favor! Because the right floor was actually down here!" Kodi said, exiting the elevator. I rolled my eyes, but exited as well.
The train wasn't in too bad shape, but it definitely wasn't much better than that elevator. Still we got on it and Kodi pulled the lever. "This is how you know getting on something that should have a BUTTON instead of a lever isn't a good idea." Cyrah said.
The train started moving, and it was definitely more rusty than the elevator, but also fine. After a bit of slow moving due to the rust, we were able to catch speed. Maybe TOO much speed. The air pulled Kodi back and she crashed into a wall. Still, we were going blinding fast. "AHH!" We all screamed. Something told me we weren't gonna survive this.
Everything after that was just a blur. we were going super fast and by this point we were all using our hands to not crash into the wall like Kodi did.
Then we heard a CRASH! Our bodies stopped flying and instead we flew in the other direction and we ALL hit the wall.
"Ow." I mumbled.
After a bit of swerving, we managed to get out of the train only to discover it had crashed so badly, any more use of it would never work. "Well, that happened." Kodi mumbled. "Let's just go." I said.
Lia Dove~9:34 P.M
It took so long just to climb over that train and we had to walk through the tracks praying another train wouldn't run us over. And guess what happened? Exactly that. A train at the full speed of light came rushing and we had to jerk over to the side before becoming road kill.
"I hope that train doesn't hit the one *cough* KODI *cough* crashed." I said. Kodi hid her face Kira patted her back. They both became red to the core. "Aw! How cute!" I said.
"You're right. I hope that train doesn't hit ours." Avila said. Then we heard a crash, bang! And then we saw a bunch of smoke spewing through the tunnel, as well as some sparks. "I guess that answers our question." Kira shrugged.
"We have to hurry! That smoke is toxic!" Kodi screamed, and we all started running. "Kodi, in the matter of less than an hour, we've almost handed our lives over to you three times." I said.
After a bit of running, we made it out of the tracks and into the field Kodi was talking about. A few walks through there and a ladder climb we were in an apartment. Not a very big one but it definitely wasn't all that small either.
Then, I saw the elevator on the other side of the room. "WHAT THE HECK?!" I screamed. "Oops. I guess going up was the right way." Kodi mumbled.
"Nows not the time." I said. We went through the main entrance, and there was a kitchen, with a lot of supplies. "Now we know why all the materials in the cafeteria have gone missing." I said.
"Correct." Kodi verified. "And there are lots of floors." She said. "It's the whole DAMN BUILDING!" Cyrah scoffed. "More room!" Kodi said.
Floor one is the main entrance, floor two is the meditation area." Kodi said. "Ooh! Meditation?! WHERE?!" Trinity and I yelled. "It's got a bunch of cool plants!" Kodi said excitedly.
"ReAlLy? You can't take care of a plant for more than a day." Mimi said. Kodi looked down. "That's why I had to keep having Kasy pinching me in the middle of the night. So I would remember to feed the plants." Kodi said.
"Dang this girl be thinking of everything." Izzy pointed out.
"And we each get our own floor for a room!" Kodi said. "Cool!" I agreed.
Isabella Soderholm~9:46 P.M
Okay, we all got to choose a floor. "I was thinking that Mimi, Kasy, and Izzy take the top floors because they have the wings." Kodi said. "Hell nah! I'm terrified of heights!" I screamed.
So floor one was the main entrance with that god awful elevator that almost stole my life and gave it to god. Thanks for nothing!
And floor two was the kitchen. I don't know why we even have that. If we're supposed to steal food from the cafeteria, then I won't be eating from that at all. And last time I checked, there were no good stores in the area around here.
"I'm taking floor four!" I said. "Got it Kodi?" "Yep." Kodi said. Geez, with a girl who knows a bunch of different forms of Martial Arts sure gets startled easily.
"I want floor five!" Avila demanded. "Why?" I asked. "Because if anyone finds out, let's just say I might be caught red handed. And NONE of you will snitch." She said. "Nope. If anything, I'm down for more murder." Dove said. She's fancy, but feisty.
"I'm taking the sixth floor!" Kasy said. "And. . . .?" Trinity asked. "I want to be close to Avila. She's my bestie!" Kasy said. "And I'm a real bad ℬ!+¢#." Avila said.
"I want the floor of seven!" Mimi announced. "There are little mushrooms in there!" She said in awe. "Sounds good!" Dove agreed. Then we moved on up the stairs and to the next floor.
"Floor eight belongs to me!" Cyrah said. "It has the perfect view of the Cherry Blossom which I'm surprised isn't dead yet." She said. "Yep. Just perfect." I agreed.
"I guess I'll take floor nine." Kira said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I don't wanna be too high up or too high down. That's not on the agenda." She said.
"I'll take floor ten!" Said a very over-excited Kodi. "Why?" I asked. "Because I wanna be next to Kira! And it has some paints with paintings. Even though the paints are expired." She said. Dang, this girl has made it obvious she likes Kira.
"I'll have floor eleven." Trinity said. "How come?" Dove asked. "Because it has a perfect view of the sunset!" She said.
"I want floor twelve!" Dove said. "Why?" Mimi asked. "Because the air is fresh! Unlike the ones in the Boarding School. Also it has nice textures, along with a punching bag. I can put some sand or something in it and I can train all day!" She pointed out.
"Floor thirteen is the training room!" Kodi said. We went up the stairs and the training room was amazing. It had every weapon you could imagine. "Oh yay! I specialize in nun-chucks!" Dove said.
It seemed like pretty much everyone in here had a signature weapon. Dove, nun-chucks, Mimi, katana blade, Avila, bow and arrows, Trinity, gun, Kira, (for some odd reason) exorcist weapon, (don't ask me HOW Kodi got her hands on that) Kasy, knife, me, fire sword, Cyrah, small but powerful bombs, and Kodi, a staff. Pretty good.
Well, anyone coming into THIS apartment, has a death wish. Like those bullies and Kasy.
"I think I did pretty good with the apartment." Kodi said. "You did!" I agreed. "Hey guys! Come check this out!" Kodi motioned.
We followed her outside, and bam! There was a whole abandoned CITY! I guess this all covers exactly how much Mrs. Johnson wants to hide from us.
Unfortunately for her, she's messing with hybrids. Mimi, Kasy and I, being the show-offs that we are, began flying up in the air. Our friends glared at us, but jumped out the window and on a couple of nearby buildings.
"We'll shoplift later for better things for the apartment." Avila suggested. "Good idea." We all agreed. Finally we could show our hybrids without that witch Mrs. Johnson watching over us 24/7.
I made it to 2156 words! Quite an achievement! Loner is out! Se ya later Loners!
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