34- Jeanist's agency
Alluka held her costume in her arms as Aizawa dismissed them, everybody started scattering but Alluka immediately started walking after Bakugou, as they were going to the same place. Bakugou heard her footsteps and glared over his shoulder at her. "The hell are you following me for?" Alluka smiled. "You're going to Best Jeanist's agency, right?" Bakugou twitched, then he looked away. "So?" Alluka grabbed his arm, like she always did with her friends. Bakugou stiffened immediately, his hair puffing up. "I'm going there too!" Bakugou's eye twitched. "Get off..." Bakugou said, in a low threatening tone. Alluka blinked. "Huh?" , "I SAID GET OFF ME EXTRA!" Alluka let go, but only because she didn't want to cause a scene. "Sheesh, fine mr. sassypants'' She said, with her own sass. Bakugou took a swipe at her and Alluka dodged with a yelp, then stuck her tongue out at him. "rude."
It took the pair about twenty minutes to get to the location, and had dressed in their hero outfits. Alluka was thankful to realize that her gloves had been switched out for more breathable ones by the support course. These feel way less constricting! She was standing across from Best Jeanist, excited. However the first words that came out of his mouth startled her. "To be perfectly frank, I don't like you very much." The phrase was very obviously directed at Bakugou, as his piercing eyes were on him and not the raven haired girl.Why not? I don't know, but I like katsuki. Alluka laughed softly. You say that a lot. Well I do, he reminds me of Killua.
"I know full well you only chose my agency because I'm one of the top five most popular heroes." Bakugou scoffed. "Hey, you're the one who made an offer for me in the first place." Alluka blinked, turning her attention back to the situation. He's right, if he didn't like Bakugou why'd he offer for him? There was only one answer that made itself obvious in Alluka's mind, and it wasn't very hero-like. "Yes." the pro hero said, adjusting his hair. "Recently all my recruits have been perfect little angels, so you certainly stood out." Alluka flushed a little in embarrassment, then huffed. I think that was a compliment. I know but I don't like it for some reason.
Best Jeanest went on to explain why he chose Bakugou, complimenting his strength and then starting to call out his flaws. Bakugou growled, taking a step forward. "Don't tell me you came here just to lecture me-" Alluka's eyes shot wide as within a moment Bakugou was wrapped up in thin translucent threads- Alluka immediately leapt back, getting into a fighting stance. Big brother told me about someone who used Nen threads- Before she could finish that thought, she realized it was just Best Jeanist's quirk. He was using the threads, and they were coming from his clothing. Alluka felt her face heat up from embarrassment, she had a bad habit of reacting to danger before she even realized if it was indeed dangerous or not. Her older brother had assured her that it wasn't a bad habit to have while she couldn't calculate danger levels very quickly, but Alluka found that it was just embarrassing.
Alluka's flush deepened as she noticed one of Best Jeanist's sidekicks snicker at her reaction. She turned her eyes back to Best Jeanist as he was scolding and educating Bakugou. This sounds like it'll be kind of intense. She thought, a bit nervously. "First, you need to make yourself more presentable. Your appearance isn't very approachable." Bakugou yelled and struggled, however the threads kept him in place as Best Jeanist pulled out a comb. Alluka just watched awkwardly as he started combing down Bakugou's unruly hair. "To be a good pro your presence must calm those in danger and give them peace of mind." Best Jeanist rattled on, stroking the comb through Bakugou's hair over and over again.
"You must be capable of course, but there are other things to consider. Physical appearance, speech, and actions, must all be elegant." Bakugou looked like he wanted to struggle but he was forcing himself not to move. Alluka tried not to giggle, Bakugou's hair being combed made him look slightly more approachable but many times more hilarious. "You must give off the aura of a hero, do you understand?" The group of sidekicks standing beside her all piped up at once. "Another perfect style, best Jeanist!" Alluka couldn't help giggling out loud as Bakugou's hair immediately popped back up into it's original spiked form.
Best Jeanest let out a sigh, before continuing to slick down his hair again. This time however, he used more hair gel. Bakugou let out a soft growl, his eye twitching as Best Jeanist continued to flatten his hair. Alluka waited until he was finished, then he extended a hand to her. "Alluka, was it? Sit." Alluka blinked and sat down in front of him, as soon as she did so he began doing her hair. I thought my hair looked nice. She internally grumbled. "Now you, you have elegance. Although your demeanor could use a little work." Alluka blinked, then tilted her head a little "Huh?" The movement caused Best Jeanist to readjust her head firmly, yet also gently. "If you are going to be in the field doing hero work, you need to carry yourself as that of a hero and not of a child."
Alluka nodded, growing quiet. Right, I have to act like my age now. "Could you explain your quirk a little better for me, so I understand what you need to work on?" Alluka nodded once again, then explained the carefully put together half truth she'd concocted. "My ability allows me to create things and heal people, however there is a physical cost to each action. Healing costs less, and the larger the action the higher the cost." Best Jeanist hummed softly as he kept styling her long hair. "Impressive." Alluka blinked, a bit startled. "H-huh?" Alluka had never gotten that reaction before. "Your performance in the festival is a lot more impressive, considering that factor. As you rarely used your quirk at all and still managed to place third. Despite your petite form you are quite strong physically as well."
Alluka glowed a little at the approval in his voice, he proceeded to educate her on hero etiquette as he brushed through and styled her hair. By the time he was done she had a slightly complex yet cute hairstyle. Two braids draped down from either side of her face down to her waist, and the back of her hair was pulled into a tight bun that was wrapped with a third braid. "Remember, heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth. Make sure to keep a grasp on your ideals" Best Jeanist said, as he finished on her hair. Alluka stood up, then nodded. "Yes sir!"
1153 words
To be continued...
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