33- A close bond
Midnight hummed. "Pardon me for asking, but why did you choose that name? It doesn't seem to fit your personality, seeing that Ai means 'love' in Japanese." Alluka hesitated. It doesn't stand for love at all, it's supposed to represent me and Nanika's bond. "Not to mention...I don't see anything doll-like about you. Except maybe your body shape" Alluka hummed, then decided to take a gamble. She really wanted to keep her hero name as that, it just felt right. Alluka summoned Nanika's physical form, then held it in her arms. Stay limp, and don't speak out loud. Ai. "Oh?" Midnight said, seeming slightly intrigued. Alluka smiled. "This is uh, Ai. I designed my hero costume based on her too." She said, trying her best to sprinkle in some truth with the lies she was saying. Big brother always said that the best lies had an inkling of truth to them.
"She was the first thing I learned how to make with my quirk, and I'd like to use it as my hero name." Midnight's eyes shined. "Awe, how sentimental. It passes!" Alluka smiled, then as her classmates said encouraging words her eyes fell on Bakugou. He was staring at her, with a scowl on his face. He knows I'm lying. But...he wont tell anyone, right? Alluka took her seat, deciding to keep Nanika's physical form out for practice. She'd been doing that occasionally lately, just leaving Nanika's physical form out. "How exactly does your quirk work?" Alluka was a bit startled at the sudden question from Tokoyami, who was seated beside her.
"Oh- uh- well it's really complicated. Lots of conditions and rules.." she tried to explain, being as vague as possible. "Basically I can do things but it always comes with a physical cost, since i've been summoning Na-" she broke off with a cough. "Since I've been summoning Ai for a long time, all that happens is it drains my stamina, which is why I'm keeping her out. I didn't want to at first because I was afraid people would make fun of me for having a doll." I mean ... It's only half lies? She could tell Nanika was trying her hardest not to move. I want to look at Katsuki. Alluka blinked, that was an odd request. She couldn't exactly have a conversation with Nanika right now, so she decided to heed her request and angle her so she was looking at Bakugou.
"That's...very interesting. I remember you creating a slingshot during the USJ attack. What cost did that have?" Her classmate asked. Alluka rubbed the back of her head nervously. "Oh, just gave me a real bad headache." Tokoyami nodded. "I see." Everyone had chosen a hero name. Now the topic was back to internships. Alluka looked down at the list of names she'd gotten, and felt overwhelmed. She had no idea who any of these people were, except for Endeavor's agency. Katsuki picked Best Jeanist's agency. Nanika mentioned. Alluka blinked, peering at the paper to see if hers had the same name. Her eyes shined when she saw it, then wrote down the name. Perfect!
Since she'd recently made friends with Bakugou, she thought it'd be nice to go to the same agency as him. She picked a few other random ones to fill in the empty blanks, they didn't really matter. But she made to really drive in how bad she wanted her top pick by circling it several times after she'd written it in. Alluka hummed, dropping it off at Aizawa's desk before leaving the classroom with her Nanika doll in her arms. Hey Nanika? There were a few moments of silence before her sister replied. Ai? Alluka bit her lip, pausing and sitting on a park bench as she stared into Nanika's blank doll face. You've been really quiet lately.
Did you like it?
Alluka frowned. Huh? Of course not. I got worried and I missed you. Oh. Alluka's worry increased, this wasn't how Nanika usually acted. It was very out of character for her. What's wrong Nanika? Again, an empty silence. Alluka held her breath, awaiting the response. Am I scary? Alluka blinked, she'd never found Nanika scary. No, why? Katsuki seemed scared of me, everybody always is. Should I just go away? Her eyes shot wide. What!? No! I don't want you to go away. Plus you're only scary to people because everybody judges appearances first. You're the best sister I could ask for. Alluka's hands tightened slightly on the porcelain doll as she saw a tiny tear roll down the face of it.
There was a soft whimper inside her head, and Alluka hugged her Nanika doll tightly. Don't cry Nanika! She teared up a little herself as Nanika started crying. She could hear her, the quiet sobs echoed around in her skull painfully. However the noise itself wasn't painful, but how sad she was. "N-Nanika..." Alluka murmured. Bisky said not to talk to me out loud in public- "I don't care! I love you, you're like a little sister to me. You are my little sister. The-" she bit her lip and switched to internal communication. The only reason you're not allowed to be out and with everyone else is for our safety. I know. I'm really happy you let me play at the sports festival though.
Alluka smiled softly. "Yeah...me too." she gently combed her fingers through the silky hair of her Nanika doll, humming softly. Nanika's pale porcelain hands reached up and wrapped around her arm in a hug. I love Alluka too! Alluka held her Nanika doll close, smiling happily. "Tch." Alluka's eyes widened and she snapped her head around. Bakugou was just standing there, scowling at her. "H-hey Bakugou-" She was cut off as he sighed. "Don't be a dumbass." He growled, before walking away. Alluka blinked, then giggled softly. I think that was his attempt at being nice. I like Katsuki. Me too. I can't wait for internships!
997 words
To be continued...
im running out of creative chapter names :'D
and backup chapters
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