29-Panic attack
"Alluka...?" Sato was concerned. Alluka was just sitting there staring at the match. She wasn't moving an inch, and it deeply unsettled the larger teenager. Kaminari stopped flirting with Jiro and glanced over at them, a look of worry across his face. "What's up with her?" Sero muttered, confused. Sato tapped her shoulder, but she was completely unresponsive. Completely still, almost as if she was affected by Shinso's quirk as well. "She's probably just zoned out!" Uraraka suggested, peering at the pale girl's face. "She does that a lot." Sato nodded, but he couldn't help but feel like that wasn't the case. If she was just zoned out she would've responded when I tried to get her attention-
"Hey...Uraraka? I don't think she's just zoned out..." Kaminari said, voice thick with concern. He was standing in front of her, and waving a hand in front of her face. Sato frowned, then gently picked her up. Alluka twitched a little, and a soft noise escaped her lips but otherwise remained unresponsive. "I think we should take her to Recovery Girl." He quickly started walking to her office, unable to put off the feeling of lurking dread. Kaminari hurried after him, panting. "Wait for me!"
They brought Alluka to Recovery Girl's office and she examined her for a moment. "It looks like she's having a panic attack, set her down." Sato's eyes widened. "A panic attack? That doesn't look like a panic attack." he muttered in confusion, obeying the school nurse. Recovery girl shook her head. "Panic attacks can be silent as well, how long has she been unresponsive?" Kaminari sighed. "About five minutes I think..." Man I really hope she's going to be ok- His thoughts were abruptly cut off as he saw Alluka move out of the corner of his eye. His eyes snapped over to the bed and to his surprise she wasn't there anymore.
There was a muffled sobbing coming from underneath the bed, and his confusion turned to alarm. "Alluka!?" he knelt down, peering under the bed. She was laying under there with her hands over her mouth, eyes wide and panic stricken. She looked...terrified.
Alluka's breath came short and fast as her eyes darted around frantically. Alluka calm down! It's ok! I-I'm scared...Was she going to die? Those eyes, they were so familiar. They were the same ones that she always saw when Illumi didn't want to get his hands dirty so he sent in those creepy needle people to clean her room if Nanika ever went 'haywire'. Does Midoriya have a needle in his head now? Does that mean Illumi found me!? Nanika didn't answer her panicked question, which only made it worse. the panicked thoughts kept swirling around in her head, she needed to hide.
"What do you think triggered the panic attack?" a fuzzy voice said, from above her somewhere. "I'm not sure, but it happened while Midoriya and Shinso were fighting." another replied, this one more familiar but just as fuzzy. I don't wanna die... She whimpered, unable to stop her body from shaking. Killua wasn't there to protect her, and she knew if Illumi ever showed his face nobody at her school would be able to stop him from what he had planned. You won't die! Alluka let me out please... "Do you think it was Shinso's quirk? It is kind of intimidating when you think about it"
Alluka paused. Shinso's quirk? As her momentary panic subsided, she was starting to think more rationally. She'd gotten a clear view of the back of Midorya's head, there was no needle in there. She was just overreacting. I was scared for nothing... "The crying stopped." one of the muffled voices above her stated, a voice she now recognized as Kaminari. "Do you think she'll be ok...?" Alluka slowly peeked her head out from under the bed. "I-I'm ok!" The two concerned faces of her friends looked down at her. Sato held a hand out and she took it, letting him help her up. "I'm sorry..." Kaminari nudged her. "Don't apologize. You made us worried sick though."
Alluka smiled and nodded. "Mhm!" internally she was still recovering, but she could pretend for now. The thought of Illumi looking at her...the eyes...So many eyes staring at her.... "C-Can you give Ashido my spot in the festival?" Sato looked shocked. "Really? But this is your chance to show the world what you're made of!" Alluka hesitated as Kamiari gave her words of encouragement as well. "I..." I can do it! You don't have to.
802 words
To be continued...
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