22-Nanika's curse
Naomasa Tsukauchi sat across from a little raven haired girl lying in a stark white hospital bed. She still wasnt awake yet, but her vitals were finally stable. "I'm telling you Tsukauchi, it shouldn't have happened." Toshinori said, from his place beside him. "Nighteye would've seen it." it was still hard for him to wrap his brain around. How this..girl, was able to accomplish a feat such as this. A feat even the strongest healers in the country couldn't even come close to. "What's her quirk?" the detective asked, flipping to a new page in his notebook. Perhaps I can pinpoint the exact cause- "In her application form it states that she can 'do small mundane tasks' with her quirk." Toshinori said, a confused frown stretching across his face.
Tsukauchi nodded. "I suppose the importance of those tasks can become more significant if there's a cost, it seems like her quirk has quite a bit of backlash if overused." The poor thing's heart nearly stopped, and she'd coughed up quite a bit of blood. Not only that but her stamina was exhausted so Recovery Girl couldn't even do anything, they had to rely on modern medicine alone. "I don't think miraculous healing is exactly a 'mundane task'," Toshinori replied. Tsukauchi laughed softly in agreement. "Well-" before he could finish, the door slammed against the wall on the opposite side of the room, knocked right off it's hinges. Not only that, but there was a footprint in it. "Why did it take me. Three. Fucking. Hours. to hear about this?"
Tsukauchi whipped his head around to the doorway, then hesitated. There was a small girl with blonde pigtails and a pink dress who looked about eleven or twelve standing there. She had a look of fury on her face, but she was just a child. Toshonori coughed. "Well, young lady. I'm not sure who you are, however I'm not certain of how the information was relayed." The young blonde looked Toshinori right in the eye without a single bit of hesitation. "I'm that girl's legal guardian." Tsukauchi couldn't help but be skeptical. For about five seconds. Then he blinked. She's telling the truth. Wow, she must have an anti-aging quirk of some sort.
"I apologize, Mrs.Krueger. She's stable at the moment, but because of her low stamina we can't heal her further." The young looking woman scoffed. "I'll take care of that." She snapped her fingers. "Cookie~Chan!" Tsukauchi and Toshinori watched as Kruger's quirk worked, massaging energy into the girl's body. She cleared her throat, then roughly kicked the leg of the bed, causing it to snap and the contents of said bed to spill onto the floor.
"You can't just-" Alluka's feet hit the floor, and she blinked. She was very disorientated, and rubbed her eyes. "Huh?" Bisky let out a laugh. "You've finally started landing on your feet." Alluka rubbed her eyes, groaning. "Because you do it all the time! I swear whenever I wake up it's right after I hit the floor." she complained. And that was true, Bisky liked to 'train her to be more aware' which was surprising her with various things. Alluka suddenly realized the other two in the room and her eyes brightened. "Mr. Allmight! You're better now right? Bisky, I healed him." she said, looking at her for approval. She rarely gave it, but there was never a better feeling.
Bisky groaned. "You- what? That was why you were in the hospital weren't you." Alluka frowned, confused. "But...healing doesn't cost anything, right?" The man she didn't recognize looked deeply concerned. "Your heart stopped beating for a few moments, and because your stamina was depleted we had to rely on modern medicine alone to keep you stable until your guardian arrived." Alluka froze. W-what..? Bisky gave her a good bonk on the head, causing her to yelp a little. "Listen girl, you need to start paying more attention." Bisky said, in a low serious tone. She looked down, tearing up. "Y-Yeah...I...I didn't realize healing people had a cost..."
"Ma'am could you please refrain from hitting your child?" The man said, gently patting Alluka's head. Alluka blinked. "Oh it's fine she does that all the time-" Bisky sighed. "Now you make me sound abusive. I never give you more than you can handle, you know this." Alluka's teeth gritted, and Bisky looked startled. "No. You think I can handle it. You always think you're right, that you know best. You never listen to me!" She cried. "You act like I'm big brother! But I'm not. I'm nowhere close to how strong big brother is...I can't run tons of laps, or lift all sorts of heavy things and stuff. I just..can't do it" Bisky sighed. "You can do anything if you try Alluka-" , "now that you mention it, Aizawa has told me that young Alluka usually comes to class...virtually exhausted." Allmight said.
Alluka looked down, avoiding Bisky's stare. It was true, she'd been working harder at home than in hero training at this point. "You're supposed to take care of her, not train her. Training will be done at school, as it should be." Allmight said firmly, placing a hand on Alluka's shoulder. Alluka looked at him, then teared up and hugged him. Bisky was silent for a few moments. "You're...right. Alluka I'm sorry.." Alluka didn't even look at her. "I don't wanna talk with you..."
I want big brother back...
925 words
To be continued...
Upload schedule change! im running low on backup chapters and havent been as motivated to write, so this book will come out every other day from now on!
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