16- A mysterious rescuer
Panic ensued. People were running, yelling, shoving each other. Alluka was easily disoriented in the chaos, glancing around frantically. Alluka what's happening? I-I don't know! Someone kneed her in the stomach, and she let out a pained gasp. "Ow-" , "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" , "stop shoving!" , "MOVE DAMMIT!" Alluka tripped and fell, then covered her head, starting to cry as people walked all over her. She was too confused and disorientated to activate Ko to protect herself, trembling. Alluka! Alluka get up! I-I can't! I'm scared! C'mon Alluka you can do this! Alluka wheezed as someone stomped down hard on her back, knocking the breath from her lungs.
"Hey! Hey, can you speak?" a fuzzy voice said from nearby. "Y-Yea-" suddenly...she couldn't move. "Stand up." she was in a sort of daze, nobody was hitting her anymore. She stood up like the voice said. Alluka? Alluka! Where are you? Why aren't you replying? Nanika's voice echoed in her head, but she couldn't find it in herself to even say a word back to her. Several other people around her were frozen, it was all a blur but a few moments later she was standing in an open portion of the cafeteria with some very tired looking purple haired guy in front of her. "Uh...hi?"
He sighed. "Are you alright? I saw you were getting trampled." Alluka winced a little at the sharp pricking pain in her sides and arm. "For the most part..." she looked down. I just laid there and cried...like a little baby...I'm a teenager now I can't do stuff like that. Alluka got easily overwhelmed, having not been exposed to much stress in her life or large crowds she easily felt helpless in situations where she couldn't escape either of those two things. "I'm sorry...you shouldn't have had to save me-" , "save it" the purple haired teenager said, turning and walking away. "Just be more careful next time." Alluka watched him leave, wishing she'd asked his name. I wonder who he was..
Alluka made her way through the empty desolate halls, finding her way back to the classroom. Aizawa was waiting there, rubbing his temples. "Ugh- Alluka? Where'd you get those injuries?" Alluka looked down. "I got trampled...but I'm still up for class-" Aizawa wrapped his scarf around her and pulled her close, cutting her off. He examined her injuries, frowning. "Alluka, go to Recovery Girl's office. Class still hasn't started yet and you definitely need to be looked at." Alluka was about to protest, but Aizawa's stern glare silenced her. "Ok...I'm sorry." A frown creased Aizawa's face. "For what?" She rubbed the back of her head. "Not being strong enough...I'm sorry I'm just not used to large crowds or-" Stop talking he doesn't need to know that! Ugh...
"There's more to one's strength than just brute force." Aizawa said, letting her go. "You might not be very strong physically, however you still have potential. Don't waste it by not taking care of your body and trying to train with injuries that could easily be fixed" Alluka felt a warm feeling in her chest, and she hugged him. "Ok!", "Uh..." Alluka smiled happily, with closed eyes. He's not super intimidating either! He kind of reminds me of a really tired Kurapika. When...he's around. "You can let go now," Aizawa said dryly. Alluka pulled back. "Sorry! I get really touchy when-" , "well at much is obvious, now shoo." She huffed, then stuck her tongue out at him and started on her way to Recovery Girl's office.
617 words
To be continued...
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