The Tshirt
Lin and Vanessa walked down the hospital halls. "She said yes!" Lin said excitedly, Vanessa smiles.
"I know, my baby is really going to be my baby" Vanessa says, from the day Genevieve started working with the cast and Lin she's felt like a daughter, for some reason they clicked.
"She's not your baby" Lin says putting emphasis on 'your'.
"Lin don't be like this" Vanessa sighs, she really thought he would take her in like she did.
"She's not your baby because she's our baby" he says, Lin wants to be her dad or padre or whatever. Or atleast someone who loves her.
The two continued walking until they reached back to Genevieve's room. They walked in where the rest of the cast was talking to the teenager.
"Genevieve, we've signed you out. If you're ready, we can go..." Lin stopped before saying home. It may not be the right time.
"Okay,does anyone know where my clothes are?" Genevieve asks, Vanessa reaches into her purse and hands her a pile of clothes.
"V...these aren't mine" she says, Vanessa sits beside her.
"Yours are covered in dry blood Hun" Vanessa says, Genevieve shudders.
"I'll be right back" she adds, going to change into Vanessa's clothing. The cast sits quietly,
"V, are these yours? This tshirt is really comfortable" Genevieve says, she's walked out in a pair of plaid pj pants and a pale purple tshirt.
"Yes and you can keep it" Vanessa says as she hugs the younger girl.
"No no, it's yours" she says, Vanessa laughs. Lin comes over a guided Genevieve out the room.
Bringing her back to our apartment was kind of like bringing a new born baby home.
"Wow...." she breathes, Lin and Vanessa smile at each other.
"I want to wake up now" Genevieve says, her breathing picking up pace. She closes her eyes tightly. "Why can't I wake up?" She asks, she sits down.
Lin sits beside her, taking her into his lap. "You're not dreaming" Lin says, he lets her hair.
"Then why are you being so kind to me?" She whispers. Lin looks to Vanessa, she joins them.
"Because we love you, just by being you you've won our hearts completely." Vanessa says. Genevieve shakes her head.
"No. No one loves me. My brother told me so stop lying" she says, the married couple looks at each other. The just rock the girl until she falls asleep.
Lin picks her up gently and takes to the guest room which is now her room. Vanessa is answering the door which is her parents dropping off Sebastian. Lin places her down gently, pulling a blanket over her.
He sits on the side of her bed, turned towards her. "Mi hija..." he says.
"Mi ninita" he says. "If anyone were to know that I'm already seeing you as my daughter they'd probably say it's too fast but I don't care. I'll keep you safe from the world, I promise"
(My daughter. My little girl)
"Did you get her settled?" Vanessa asks, Sebastian sleeping in her arms, drooling on her shoulder.
"Yes," he says then kisses his sons head. "She's fast asleep" he says. Vanessa sighs in relief.
"This isn't going to be easy"
For what it could've been it was pretty easy.
"Here V" Genevieve says handing back a folded up tshirt. Vanessa doesn't take it.
"Keep it" she responds, Genevieve sighs.
"You will take it tomorrow"
She still has the tshirt...
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