The Dancer
(A/N, for sake of the story we are going to pretend Renée has a daughter that is 16 okay? Okay!)
Genevieve decided to go to the theatre with Lin, she had just finished her painting for A Winters Ball and was wondering around. She passed the studio where most workshops were held hearing faint sound of music playing. Curiously, she peaked in seeing a girl darker of skin beautiful and about her age dancing.
The dancing girls looked in the mirror and saw Genevieve looking in. "Come on in! I don't bite I swear" she says, Genevieve timidly walks in. "Unless you ask me too" she adds pausing the music. Genevieve laughs.
"Duly noted" Genevieve said, the dancer laughed. "I'm Genevieve but everyone seems to call me Nevi, Lin is fostering me" she says, the other girl smiles.
"Right! I saw your art on twitter you're really good!" She exclaimed. "I'm Winslow Goldsberry but call me anything" she says, Genevieve nods and they shake hands.
"How is Winnie?" Genevieve suggests.
"As in the bear?" Winslow asks with a giggle. "I like it, never heard it before" she adds.
"Great!" Genevieve says, for a few seconds she takes in all of Winslow's features.
Gosh she's pretty
"Earth to Nevi" Winslow saves waving a hand infront of the fair girls face. "You in there?" She asks.
"Uh...Oh! Hi!" Genevieve says.
"You're... you're a really good dancer!" Genevieve says, Winslow smiles.
"Thanks, I was just finishing for the day, maybe I could see your studio too?" She says, Genevieve nods.
"Yeah of course Winnie" she says, Winslow grabs her bag and the two head upstairs.
"Holy shit Nevi!" Winslow says, Genevieve watches her look at every piece of art in the room.
Stop looking at her like that...
Lin told me about the conversation they had a few weeks later, by then Nevi and Winslow were best friends
"Lin...can I talk to you about something" Genevieve says, Lin was reading a random book on the couch after his wife and son went to bed.
"Sure Nevi what's up?" He asks making room for her on the couch. She sits down.
"I think I'm in love with someone... and it's a problem" she says, he wraps an arm around her and pulls her into a lasting hug.
"Why is it a problem?" He asks, she sighs.
"Because I think I love a girl" she says, Lin kisses her head.
"That's completely okay" he says.
"It's Winnie, I love Winnie" she admits out loud. He squeezes her.
"Does she like girls too?" He asks, she shrugs. "We can figure it out, I can ask Renée if you want" he suggests.
"I want to try and figure it out ok my own first" she says, Lins agrees.
"You can invite her over to stay the night if you want" he says, Genevieve looks up and smiles at him.
"Thanks dad" she says quickly getting up but stops. "I'm so sorry" she says, meanwhile his smile is so big.
"Don't be, it's okay. You can call me that if you want too" he says, she hugs him tightly then runs off to her room.
Lin rushed into his a Vanessa's room. He jumped on the bed onto his knees waking Vanessa in the process. "Lin what's going on?" She asks sleepily.
"Nevi called me dad" he said happily, hugging Vanessa tightly.
There's only a few times I've ever seen him smile that bright
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