— Hello fellow readers! I have an announcement to make:
*rolls imaginary drums in her head*
I changed the title and the cover of the book. I think you all noticed (and maybe don't know what's going on) but I decided to change everything. I started writing this book two years ago and my ideas have changed since. I found that the title and cover didn't suit the story anymore so I decided to change them... 😅😅
Welcome to chapter 12 of Freckles!
Enjoy! ❤️ —
"We need to talk!" Hissed Luke, as he fell unceremoniously in the chair next to Trey's.
The librarian raised her eyes and glared at him.
He blatantly ignored her and pressed his forehead to the table letting out a deep sigh.
"But first I need my breath back." He muttered.
Trey looked up from his textbook and patiently waited, a slight frown adorning his delicate face.
"You know, when someone says "We need to talk", it usually means that breaking up is next." He innocently stated.
"Are you breaking up with me Luke?" He added in a slightly offended tone.
The other boy stared at him, eyes now wide open.
"It's just a joke calm down. What's the matter?" He continued with a soft chuckle, noticing his stunned expression.
Luke huffed "You shouldn't say things like that you know, people could get strange ideas."
"Sorry, I just wanted to make you laugh." Replied Trey as he averted his gaze.
"Hey we talked about that! You don't have to apologize all the time. And I have to admit it was kinda funny." Said Luke with a small smile.
He was really trying to break the ice between him and the other boy but things were still pretty difficult.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Asked Trey.
"Oh... Yeah, right. Um actually I have a question." Sputtered Luke scratching the back of his neck.
"Go on." Replied Trey.
"Uh yeah, so the deal is that I have a friend who thinks he is in love with his best friend, and that's like a big no no because his best friend obviously doesn't like him back.
But recently the best friend is acting weird and started making weird advances.
So now he's really confused and probably freaking out a little a bit.
Oh and I forgot to mention they recently fought so he thinks they're never going to speak again and he told me he's sad.
What do you think he should do?" Luke blurted.
Trey slightly scrunched his eyebrows. He bit his lower lip, an old habit he had when thinking and faced Luke.
"Well, from what I've just heard, your friend really likes his best friend and if she is making advances that may mean that she is interested but I'm not exactly sure.
Maybe she has trouble expressing her feelings and doesn't know how to put words on the emotions regarding your friend. I think they should at least talk to try and sort things out. Don't you think?" He replied.
Luke cringed at the use of the female pronoun. Of course Trey being his innocent self thought the best friend was a girl.
"I guess you're right but should they talk so early? I mean they did have a fight very recently."
"Yes, I think it's never a good thing to leave problems unresolved. And it could be a good opportunity for her to explain her feelings and for him to ask the right questions." Replied Trey softly.
Luke refrained from rolling his eyes and laughing. Confess to Aaron? Never. He could already picture many ways of how that would go.
And they were all bad.
He wasn't risking his friendship over a stupid crush.
But Trey was still right, he and Aaron had to talk. They had to talk seriously like adults, not like horny teenagers in an empty classroom.
He was getting side tracked again.
Luke shoved his unholy fantasies in a corner of his head and sighed.
"I guess you're right, I'll tell him that they at least need to talk it out."
"I'm always right." Replied Trey cheekily.
"Sure you are." Luke ruffled the smaller boy's hair with a sincere smile.
"Well I need to go take a shower, see you at dinner." The blond boy got up and headed to his dorm. The only thing he wanted was to avoid Aaron and go to sleep.
But he couldn't just run away forever.
And he didn't fancy the idea of spending the night in an empty hallway just to avoid him.
After Luke left, Trey decided to pack his homework and also head to his dorm. He too was anxious about seeing his roommate.
Since Ash had kissed him, it had been a strange week. They had barely talked, he would just greet him in the morning and sleep his way through class like usual.
He didn't attend meals in the cafeteria.
And despite being so obvious, Trey had finally noticed the tension between Luke and Aaron. He realized what was really going on and simply smiled. They would have to figure it out on their own.
During that same week, another bloody and unconscious student was found. The cafeteria's metal gates were now closed for the whole meals which seemed to put everyone on edge. Fights were more frequent and crazy rumors started surfacing.
Trey interrupted his train of thoughts when he noticed he was standing in front of his dorm. He took a deep breath and let himself in.
Only to be met by a flurry of curses and degrading words.
He was slightly taken aback and wondered what the hell was going on. He had recognized Ash's voice and approached the closed bathroom door before knocking with caution.
"Ash? Is everything alright?"
The other boy didn't respond.
Trey was getting slightly worried. He was about to knock again when the door slammed open almost taking his nose off.
He fortunately took a step back as his roommate stormed out of the bathroom and paced in the dorm like a lion in a cage.
"Um, is there something wrong ?" He asked softly, still taken aback by Ash's outburst.
The tall boy turned around at the sound of Trey's voice. His eyes were narrowed and he was fuming.
"Yes something's wrong." Trey gulped. He sounded really annoyed.
"I can't cut my fucking hair right!"
He continued before pacing again.
"That's it? I thought it was something important, you scared me." Replied Trey cringing at Ash's word choice.
"You think it isn't important?" Retorted Ash.
"You have no idea how important it is to cut your hair. I like it perfect and right now it's way too long. It bothers me and I can't concentrate on anything until I haven't cut it right!" He continued, his despair now very obvious.
He slouched on the chair in front of the desk, looked at himself in the mirror and threw a pair of blunt end scissors away. They slid on the wooden floor before stopping at Trey's feet.
"Well, you won't go very far with those. They don't look very sharp."
"They're all I have smart-ass. We're not allowed electronic devices or sharp tools here. So no trimmer.
This is the best I've got and I'm not even supposed to have these. Grant will fry my ass if he ever finds them. And gosh this is driving me insane!" He spat, forcefully raking his hands through his overgrown hair.
"I could- I could cut it for you if you want?" Offered Trey as he picked up the discarded scissors.
He mentally face palmed, what a stupid idea. There was no way Ash was going to accept knowing there was a major risk for Trey to touch him, even by accident.
"So you know how to cut hair now?" Retorted Ash as he leaned over the back of the chair, a brow rising in evident doubt.
"Y-yes, my dad was a hairdresser." Mumbled Trey, eyes lowering to the ground, suddenly feeling shy for no apparent reason.
Something about Ash staring at him so boldly made him uncomfortable.
Ash instantly picked on the past tense of the sentence but he didn't dare ask Trey why his father wasn't a hairdresser anymore. Seeing the sad look in his face was enough for him to guess. So he decided to ignore his curiosity. Now was not the time. Later maybe.
"Huh. Who would've thought. Well come over here then, my hair's not going to get cut by itself is it?" He continued with a shrug.
"You actually want me to cut your hair? What if I mess up?" Asked Trey unsure as he looked back up at Ash.
"Well I'll give you the same stupid haircut then." He replied as if it was obvious.
"And- what if I touch you?" Whispered Trey as he fiddled with the small scissors.
Ash sighed and closed his eyes feeling his body shudder at the thought of a hand breezing his neck.
"Just don't okay?" He simply replied.
"Okay" whispered Trey with a weak smile.
"Well get on with it then, it's almost time for dinner and you wouldn't want to miss it. You're so frail I could snap you in two."
Trey blushed and crossed the room over to where Ash was sitting.
"Umm could you take your shirt off please?" He asked.
"What you already want to see me naked? Didn't have enough last time?"
Trey blushed even harder and quickly rushed out an explanation.
"N-no not at all, it's just so the hair can fall easily on the ground, and so y-you won't have any on your shirt. B-but you can keep it on it's not really a problem actually." He stuttered.
Ash squinted his eyes and let out a measured snort. "I'm just messing with you Johnes. You should see your face."
He shook his head.
"Don't worry, I'll strip, since you asked so nicely" He added with a faked innocence.
Trey closed his eyes feeling his cheeks burning in embarrassment and Ash pulled his shirt off, revealing his toned upper body.
He sat in the chair his broad back now facing Trey.
"You better not mess it up." He simply stated, as if being half naked in front of someone else was completely normal.
Ash relaxed his shoulders and Trey got to work.
He hummed as he snipped away doing the best he could while dark locks of hair fell softly on Ash's shoulders. The boy was almost dozing off, slightly surprised at how confortable his body was feeling, even with Trey's next to it.
Trey sighed in delight. Something about the way the small scissors cut through Ash's hair was very soothing. He had missed the peculiar feeling of the twin blades against strands of hair.
Trey was so engrossed by the haircut that he didn't notice his body getting closer to Ash's.
However, the other boy did notice it and tensed immediately, his hands gripping the sides of the chair to prevent himself from moving.
But that was just because he didn't want a messed up haircut.
Not because he wouldn't forgive himself if he harmed Trey.
Of course not.
Trey didn't seem to notice Ash's reaction and continued sniping away. The tall boy watched his every movement in the mirror and bunched his muscles each time he felt the dainty fingers slightly brush his neck.
Having enough, he shut his eyes close begging for the torture to end. Trey's faint but distinct scent wasn't helping at all with his self control. He was still battling against years of instincts when suddenly,
he felt a light blow on his nape.
The hairs on his arms stood up at once and time seemed to freeze for an instant.
He dared to open his eyes and his breath got stuck in his throat.
Trey was slightly bent over his bare shoulders, blowing the fallen strands of hair off his nape. He was breathing so softly and so close that Ash felt like his parted lips were delicately brushing his skin.
The tip of his ears reddened and the nausea started to build. But curiosity was stronger and the fact that he could somehow stay still in this chair while someone else was so close baffled him.
Sure, he felt uneasy, but he wasn't furious and the proximity with this other human being didn't seem to disgust him as much as it should.
Ash was confused.
What was the matter with him?
An: Well, well ... What do you think is the matter with the big boy?🤔
Ps: I would like to have your guys' advice on my writing style because I feel like it's become a little bad...
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Vote and comment!
Xoxo Moonlightshow 🌙
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