Aaron above (dear god)😩( he used to have a piercing but they're not allowed in school🙄) Enjoy the chapter!!
"Hey there boys! Want to play?" Asked one of the girls.
"Yeah I wanna play a game! Laughed Trey sloppily.
"What's the game?"
Luke paled as Trey took a seat next to a blond girl. He had no idea what he was getting himself into.
"Are you boys playing too?" Asked the same girl with a cheeky grin.
"No! We were actually leav-"
"Yes." Ash interrupted Luke. Leaving Trey here on his own was out of the question. And playing a stupid game seemed like the only solution to avoid dragging him trough the crowd all the way to their room.
Ash made sure to keep his distances with everyone and sat as far in the corner as possible.
Luke sighed and sat as well.
His heart skipped a beat when he raised his head. He was facing Aaron. The boy was smirking, probably intoxicated as hell.
"Well, here goes nothing!" Giggled the blond as she spun the bottle. Luke's heart hammered in his chest and it seemed to get louder as the bottle slowed down towards Aaron.
"This one's mine!" Suddenly shouted a girl sitting right next to Luke. She quickly made her way to Aaron and Luke decided to look away just when she slammed her lips on his.
Jealousy was seeping through his veins but he couldn't say anything. Aaron didn't protest too much against the girl's tongue entering his mouth even though he was a little reluctant at first. She didn't taste very good and her red lipstick was smearing all over his lips.
Luke noticed an abandoned bottle of tequila and decided to down it. He needed it to get through the night.
Trey was having the time of his life. He felt as light as a feather in the packed room. Other teens had joined them and music was now slipping in through the open bathroom door.
He had to make out with a random girl at some point and didn't really enjoy the feeling of wet lips against his.
He completely ignored Ash's disapproving scowl.
The other boy hadn't been chosen and was sulking in the corner. The only thing he wanted more than strangling everyone in the room was to go sleep.
But he couldn't leave Trey here. He was drunk so something bad was definitely bound to happen.
It was finally Luke's turn to spin the bottle. He was laughing hard at something Trey had told him. They were both out of it, the Tequila not helping in anyway.
The other teens were cheering loudly as the bottle slowed down once again.
Luke was still laughing when he noticed the bottle pointing straight at him. Well, time to kiss a random stranger he thought.
If this side of the bottle was pointing directly at him, that meant the other was pointing at the person in front of him.
And the person in front of him was none other than-
"Aaron my man! Sucks for you, seems like you're getting some bro on bro action tonight!" Shouted a boy in the crowd.
He snorted. "There's no way I'm kissing Deans that's weird." He emphasized the word and laughed wildly.
The crowd booed "Hey it's the rules dude!" Retorted a distant voice
"Kiss him!" It continued.
"Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!" Chanted the crowd. Aaron smirked, definitely liking the attention he was getting.
Plus, one quick peck couldn't hurt right?
Luke was red from ear to ear. He made a move to get up and leave but two strong arms kept him seated. He gulped as Aaron's perfect face loomed over his.
He was paralyzed. He had no idea what to do and the way Aaron licked his bottom lip made his poor mind go wild.
Aaron was finally looking at him.
Really looking at him.
His amber eyes roamed over Luke's face for a brief instant before settling on his mouth.
Aaron didn't really think, lips were lips and those just begged for attention.
Luke closed his eyes and felt Aaron's breath tickle his skin. He smelled like alcohol and peppermint and seemed very aware of the effect he had on him.
Aaron was just thinking about pecking Luke's lips and pulling away.
But things rarely go as planed when alcohol's involved.
The moment his lips met Luke's, he froze. They were so soft and tasted so sweet. Kissing Luke was totally different from kissing that random girl.
He couldn't explain it.
His pupils dilated so much his eyes were almost completely black. The only thing he could think about was if the rest of Luke was as sweet as his lips.
So without any warning, he placed a slender finger under Luke's chin, rose it slightly and deepened the kiss.
Luke's mind was blank. He felt like a drug addict on his very first high. Everything about Aaron was enticing: his eyes, his face, his scent and most of all, his lips.
Luke seemed to come back to his senses when he felt something wet poke at his lips. He let out a soft gasp of surprise and Aaron didn't waste any time slipping his velvet tongue inside Luke's mouth.
There was no doubt, it tasted even sweeter than his lips. Nothing like he had ever encountered and he couldn't get enough of it.
Luke was too dazed to protest and he let Aaron sensually move his tongue around, the boy's fingers now bunched into his blond curls. Someone whistled in a corner finally bringing Luke back to reality.
He pressed his hands against Aaron's chest, desperately trying to push him away. He slightly panicked when he realized that Aaron wasn't budging an inch and that his tongue was still in his mouth. He tried to push harder but Aaron was way stronger than him.
The copper haired boy only smirked, finally letting him go and brushing his thumb on his lower lip.
Definitely sweet.
Luke's face had turned crimson red by now. He was about to shout at Aaron demanding what on Earth he was thinking but a loud voice interrupted him.
"Hey! Everybody out! The guards are coming, keep your masks on and run!" Boomed the voice.
Everyone instantly panicked and tried to run away. Aaron laughed and took Luke's hand in his maneuvering both of them through the dense crowd.
Luke was feeling dizzy and was glad that Aaron still had some common sense left in him. He followed him without protesting.
As everyone panicked , the bottle was kicked around and spun once again.
It slowed and stopped in front of the only one still sitting in the bathroom: Ash.
All the other teens were heading out hurriedly, trying not to get recognized. The bottle was pointing towards the open door to no one in particular.
Ash slowly stood up making sure most of the people had left to avoid contact as much as possible. He heard the door creak further open and a rather intoxicated Trey pressed his head through the gap.
"Youcomingorwhat?" He asked. Ash sighed and headed towards the door. Trey stepped aside to let him through, remembering the absolute no-touching policy.
He looked at the floor tiredly only to spot the lonely bottle pointing in his direction.
"I'm horny as fuck Deans! Entertain me or something!"
Aaron had been whining like a child for the past ten minutes.
Luke laughed right in his face.
"You're drunk as hell Aaron stop blabbering your nonsense and go to sleep. I need a shower."
Aaron clutched his head in his arms groaning.
"Forget what I said it was stupid and I'm drunk." Luke stifled a laugh when Aaron shot him a death glare. The boy's expression softened and he laughed as well. Both of them ended up laughing until their stomachs hurt.
Luke's eyes were still watering as both of their chuckles died down.
His eyes widened when he noticed that Aaron had gotten gradually closer to him and was studying his face absentmindedly.
"Aaron? Are you okay? If you're going to be sick please don't barf on me."
Aaron didn't answer. Instead he pushed him lightly so Luke was forced to take a step back.
"Hey! What are you doing? I need to shower." Whined Luke softly, alcohol still flowing in his system. Aaron continued pushing him slowly until the back of his knees hit his bed. He helplessly fell backwards, latching his hands onto Aaron's white shirt and dragging him down as well.
"God Aaron! Are you an idiot? Why would you do that?" He asked. Aaron just laughed, the soft melody contaminating Luke's ears. The blond sighed.
What happened in that boy's head was a mystery.
And both of them were intoxicatedly laughing again.
Luke suddenly realized the position they were in and his eyes widened.
He stopped laughing and Aaron stared at him. He leaned in closer and closer.
Their breaths mingled together, hearts beating in synch,
blood madly pulsing through their veins.
Aaron was studying Luke's face again. As if deciding on which part to taste first.
"Aaron?" Murmured Luke "What are we doing? He asked softly.
"I don't know Luke. I don't fucking know. My head's a mess. The only thing I know is that I want to touch you. And I don't know why either so please don't ask." He pleaded, amber eyes locked on Luke's azure ones.
Luke nodded slowly and gulped. He closed his eyes and waited.
Slowly, he felt it.
Aaron's touch was as light as a feather's, as if he was afraid to break him or even afraid of something else.
Something more.
His fingers left a trail of goosebumps on Luke's neck.
Aaron moved closer, reducing any space between their bodies.
He stopped just when his lips brushed Luke's.
The blond boy was petrified. He didn't dare move as Aaron's soft lips finally latched themselves onto his. He was kissing him.
And even though he was drunk, even though he knew that this was bad and that Aaron would regret it, he slowly kissed him back.
Aaron's mind was foggy because of the alcohol and because of the desire building in him at the feeling of Luke's lithe body trapped under his.
Just like before, during training, he stared right into Luke's hooded eyes getting lost in them.
But suddenly, it was as if someone had poured a glass of freezing water down his back.
Realization hit him.
What was he doing? What was he even thinking? He was kissing a boy! Even worse, he was kissing his roommate!
Aaron got up so fast his world tilted for a moment.
"I'm going to bed Deans, good night." He mumbled hastily.
Luke was taken aback but didn't utter a single word.
He undressed in the dark and slipped under the covers, his heart still beating way too fast for his liking.
Meanwhile, Trey and Ash had made it back to their dorm and were also going to sleep. Trey's mind was still a little hazy but he remembered something important.
"I think you owe me a kiss Ashton." He whispered.
The tall boy sighed wondering why his full name rang like a perfect melody in Trey's voice.
"It's just a stupid game, go to sleep Trey." He replied before turning the lights off.
"It's not stupid!" Retorted Trey turning them back on. He sat on the wooden floor, arms crossed still facing Ash. "I won't move unless you give me one! That's the rule." He shrugged childishly.
"This again Johnes? Come on I'm tired get up!"
"No! I can stay there all night if I have too."
Ash raked a hand through his black hair. Kissing Trey right now seemed very wrong for many reasons.
But he was telling the truth, he would not move until morning if he had too.
Ash gathered all his courage and took a step towards him.
The boy's eyes widened and he hastily got up.
"Hey I was just joking, I know you hate touching people."
"Rules are rules Johnes you said it yourself. Now shut up or I'll make you, you're annoying."
Trey gulped and stayed silent.
Ash leaned over him. He had to bend due to his towering height. His eyes roamed over Trey's freckles for a moment before settling on his eyes.
"Close your eyes." He whispered.
Trey did as he was told and held his breath.
Ash slowly leaned in.
And placed a soft kiss on Trey's forehead before pulling away and heading directly towards his bed.
That went better than he had expected. He laid down and looked over at Trey who still hadn't moved.
"Why are you looking so down Johnes? Were you expecting something else? Something more?" He asked with a smirk.
"Nope, no, definitely not! Goodnight!" Trey blurted quickly before racing to his own bed cheeks flaming red.
Why on Earth was he feeling slightly disappointed ?
{AN: Well I guess there's chapter 10... A lot happened 😏😏 What do you think about Aaron and Luke's situation? Pop a comment and don't forget to vote 😊
Xoxo Moonlightshow 🌙}
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