Luke slowly opened his eyes and groaned softly.
Things were... Weird.
Since the party, Aaron hadn't really spoken to him and seemed to avoid him like the plague.
For the past three days, each time Luke had tried to talk to him he would make up a random excuse and flee.
The blond rose from his bed with a yawn. He stretched his muscles and headed to the shower.
Aaron was missing again.
He sleepily removed his clothes and turned the water on.
He closed his eyes, trying to forget the fact that it was only six am and that he had to prepare for training.
He definitely wasn't a morning person.
Luke stood for a long time under the scalding water, just waiting for his body to gradually wake up and reached out for his shampoo.
He scrunched his eyebrows.
The bottle was empty.
He shrugged and took Aaron's hoping he wouldn't mind. He always used Luke's stuff after all.
Luke massaged his damp hair, the shower filling up with Aaron's unique sandalwood sent.
Gosh now was really not the time to think about that.
Luke groaned pressing his forehead against the cool wall.
Aaron seemed to always torment him even when he wasn't there.
"Hey Deans! Did you use my shampoo without asking me? Again?" Shouted Aaron from the shower.
He had come back from his morning jog only to find his bottle of shampoo empty.
"Uh I might have? Depends on your mood." Replied Luke loud enough so Aaron could hear.
He hadn't meant to use all the product. But Aaron's scent was intoxicating so he had ended up slathering his whole body with it and discretely sniffed his shirt now and then.
It smelled like him.
Luke had to admit he felt a little guilty and creepy.
He jumped in surprise when the bathroom door slammed against the wall. Aaron stood there, pants unbuttoned and uniform shirt slipped inside out.
Luke smiled at that.
But Aaron looked angry.
Luke's smile disappeared.
"Why the hell do you keep using my shit Luke? Go buy your own shampoo. I don't like sharing and you know it!" He shouted nostrils dilated. Luke gulped, Aaron only called him by his first name when he was really upset.
But he was not backing down. When Aaron was angry, the only thing he could do was shout louder than him.
Well, at least try to.
"And why the hell are you shouting Aaron? It's seven in the fucking morning!" He shot back.
"Plus, it's just a bottle of shampoo! Get over it! My gosh you are such a child. Someone piss the olympic athlete off this morning or what?" He asked raising his voice even more.
If Aaron was taken aback he didn't show it. Instead, his face got even redder.
"Shut up, you don't have the right to say that. And do you ever come to think that you're the own who pisses me off?" His voice boomed.
"Oh so I'm the one responsible for your shitty temper now? That's new." Replied Luke sourly.
"If you have anger issues, deal with them yourself! I'm done!"
He slammed the door and stormed in the empty hallway. Aaron was such an idiot.
It was just shampoo! Why would he get mad like that over such a trivial thing?
Luke raked his hand through his blonde curls and headed towards the cafeteria for breakfast. He was used to Aaron's mood swings and sometimes the boy was just too much for him to handle.
But damn did he smell good...
When Luke slammed the door in his face, Aaron's fury exploded and he punched the nearest thing which happened to be the wall. He felt his fist throb in pain and cursed loudly.
His knuckles were bruised and bloody. He sat on the floor as his rage seemed to slowly evaporate. He sighed. Luke was the only person who knew how to deal with him. All his previous roommates had fled because of his temper.
Because when he was angry, Aaron was violent, dangerous and unpredictable.
Many had already suffered the consequences of his temper before.
He chuckled dryly. Bunch of assholes. They got what they deserved in the end. Except fucking Simon. The slimy bastard was still around and definitely up to no good.
Aaron groaned. The only person who mattered would surely hate him now. Oddly, the idea that Luke could come to hate him one day stirred something in him.
He ignored it most of the time.
And in a sense it wasn't all his fault. The drunken kiss at the party had left him puzzled, scared. And the one in the room had scared him even more.
His thoughts spiraled continuously and it drove him crazy.
The shampoo had just been a trigger. And now that he had calmed down, he realized how ridiculous he must have seemed. Luke and him needed to talk real bad.
But first, breakfast. He was starving.
Throughout the day, Luke felt as if holes were bored in the back of his head. Aaron wouldn't stop glaring at him and it was unnerving.
When he finally finished his last class, Luke was relieved that Aaron had decided to skip and he headed to the library.
He had promised Trey he would help him with maths and he needed someone to talk to.
He walked through the empty hallway alone, finally relaxing. He actually enjoyed the silence, it allowed him to gather his thoughts and tune everything else out.
Luke passed an empty classroom, deep in thought, when suddenly,
he was jerked backwards by the collar of his shirt and slammed into the door.
His eyes widened in shock.
"What the hell? Let me go!"
He tried freeing himself but Aaron had a death grip.
"Not before we talk Deans." He replied moving his hands onto Luke's arms and definitely pinning him against the closed door.
"Oh so it does know how talk. I'm impressed. I thought all you knew was shouting."
"Stop being so cunning Deans, it doesn't suit you." Said Aaron with a frown.
"Fine. Talk. But first let me go you're crushing me." Huffed Luke as he tried evaluating the situation in his mess of a brain.
He was alone in an empty classroom with a moody twat who could go insane at any time. Should he make a run for it?
No that was stupid, Aaron ran for fun, he would definitely catch up.
Then knock him out? What a joke. Aaron was definitely not in his weight class and he would surely be the one ending up with a black eye.
So Luke sighed as Aaron let him go, a smirk plastered on his lips
"You know you're fucked Deans. Just accept it so we can talk like civilized people. Please?"
"Make it quick, I haven't got all day." Muttered Luke.
Aaron let a sigh and let go of his arms.
"I'm an ass." He simply mumbled.
"I already knew that." Replied Luke rolling his eyes.
"Hey I'm trying to apologize here."
"My bad. Please carry on."
"As I was saying, I acted like a dick and I feel stupid for fussing over some shampoo.
All I'm asking you is to accept the damn apology so I can feel less ridiculous."
He finished off, crossing his arms.
Luke chuckled and sat on a table swaying his legs. "Yeah you are a dick Aaron nothing new." He snorted.
"But I'm not forgiving you." He closed his eyes and smiled when he heard Aaron's groan.
"Oh yeah?" He asked.
Luke cracked his blue eyes open and noticed that he had gotten closer.
"Yeah." He replied on the same tone.
Aaron got even closer.
He was now standing between Luke's parted thighs, way to close for comfort. He leaned his face dangerously closer to Luke's.
"And why's that Princess?"
He continued, his voice dropping an octave.
Luke gulped, finding it insanely hard to look him right in the eye.
"Cause you didn't say sorry."
He replied feeling stupid.
Aaron got even closer so the bridge of his nose was brushing against Luke's cheek.
"Aaron s-stop. What are you
doing?" Stuttered Luke, his heart rate picking up. He knew Aaron was only teasing him to get what he wanted but he had no control over his body.
"Mmh I don't know what I'm doing actually."
Continued Aaron now whispering in Luke's ear, his breath fanning the smooth neck.
"There's just...
There's just something about you that drives me crazy."
Luke inhaled deeply. This was a dream, it had to be a dream.
The Aaron he knew would never say that.
To a girl maybe but not to him. The annoying roommate.
"Aaron l-let me go, I am not playing your games."
"Who said it was a game?" He chuckled softly.
Aaron was clearly enjoying torturing him and didn't seem to comprehend the effect he had on him.
"I know you Aaron. You won't leave me alone until you get what you want."
"That's not entirely true Deans, I gave you the choice to willingly accept my very sincere apology. But you didn't.
So now I'm using my charm I admit it. But it's your fault."
"Just say the damn word Aaron! And let me go." Luke panicked slightly. His pants were starting to tighten.
Even if his mind didn't really appreciate the idea of being trapped by Aaron against a desk, his body seemed to disagree.
"Come on Deans, you know I never use that word with anybody. Everything happens for a reason and you're the only one who can stand my mood swings apparently. So do us both a favor and accept my apology."
"No. I won't, I'm done with you and your mind games. Let me go I'm out of here." Replied Luke trying to push the much stronger boy off him even though it was practically impossible.
"If you don't I'm going to kiss you." Suddenly said Aaron.
Luke froze.
He sounded dead serious.
The blond gulped.
"You wouldn't.
We were drunk, I don't even remember it." He lied.
"What a pity. I do" Smirked Aaron his face now right in front of Luke's. "And here's a crazy thing, I'm going to do it again." He continued.
Aaron angled his face, pressing his forehead against Luke's. He was a master at getting what he wanted and a pissed off roommate was definitely not something he wanted.
He purposely dropped his gaze to Luke's lips. A small part of him was a little confused by his actions but he pushed it aside.
He cupped Luke's cheek wondering up to where he would have to go for him to give up.
He didn't have to worry much because the second Luke felt his breath on his lips he pushed him back with all his strength.
Aaron was taken by surprise so he took a step back.
He rose an eyebrow.
"Okay, okay, you win.
I forgive you you dick." Said Luke in a strangled breath.
Aaron was just toying with his sanity at this point.
"There. It wasn't that hard wasn't it?" He smiled coyly.
"Do you still want your kiss? I did say I'd kiss you and I always keep my promises." He added with a shrug.
Luke's eyes narrowed.
Aaron was toying with him again.
He got up from the desk and walked out the classroom flipping him the bird.
He was not falling for that one twice.
Aaron's sensual laughter echoed in the hallway behind him.
Luke sighed.
Would he ever get tired of toying with him? Luke's nerves were reaching their limit.
{Well there you have it! Some sexy tension 😏. These two are really fun to write. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Vote and comment!
Xoxo Moonlightshow 😊🌙}
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