RULE 1: SPAM- Its completely fine of you spam me with comments on each chapter, I like to read the comments.
RULE 2: FOLLOW ME- Please follow me and add this book to your library to get any updates.
RULE 3: PM- Being able to receive and send messages through your Wattpad PMs is a big requirement if you want to apply for this fic because that is the main way I will communicate with you.
Please let me know if you are unable to send or recive mesaages through your Wattpad PMs.
RULE 4: BE PAITENT- When you send your form to me please wait, I will get it and I will read it.
I don't uaually reply right away.
When I accept you I'll tell you that youve been accepted and your slot will be closed.
RULE 5: SLOTS- There is only 2 of each species, one boy and one girl.
If the slot you wanted is taken then please do not complain, there are plenty of other slots.
If the slot you want has a specific age requirement (which aren't very many slots), then please fulfill that age requirement or I will just ask you to change it.
I dont post the character page until both male and female parts of the slot are taken up.
I can do reservations for face claims.
Ulzzangs are allowed if I can find gifs of them online.
RULE 6: TAGS- Please tag anyone you think would be interested in applying, you can tag on any chapter.
RULE 7: FORM- This won't be the first time I mention this but please PM me your form, DO NOT comment it, I will end up deleting that comment and your form won't be read
(I'm sorry if that sounded rude).
YOU CANNOT APPLY MORE THAN ONCE, you can only apply once per account!!
Password is the first line in my Wattpad bio. (The password is so I know youve read the rules, if you didnt get the passowrd right I will gove you a second chance)
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