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Sam wasn't quite sure when his eyes started tracking Felix whenever he was near, reacting to his voice whenever he spoke, knowing just exactly when he walked into a room and when he started invading every train of thought, especially on those nights he had to himself and a computer ready full of porn, all he knew was that the boy would crash in like an unwelcome guest in every train of thought and refused to leave.
It wasn't so much freaking out that he was now into guys- he had already went down that road a few months back in the middle of going out with his best friend, Mia, who had slapped him right into the new year when he finally told her before she declared him her GBF for all entirety, which was fair enough... if not a little degrading.
But for his first gay crush to be on Felix Baldwin of all people.
The guy was a nutcase.
Felix Baldwin: rumoured that he was the one that had set fire to the guy's toilets a year back, which yeah, was pretty awesome at the time; the basically got to go home early when the fire bell went off, but the school was still trying to pay for the damages and the boys toilets had been blocked off for a whole month. And when anyone asked him, he would smirk, then threaten them with the promise of blood sacrifices to the devil and eating their brains if they asked him again. Total nutjob.
Plus, he was one of those people; the hair, black eyeliner and clothes in only the shade black with chains hanging all over them and skulls printed wherever possible, practically allergic to the sun, the chunky boots and more than one piercing on his face and ears. A goth.
Still, the guy was attractive - for a nutcase, that is.
"You're doing it again." Mia sighed to him, prodding at his arm.
"Doing what?" he said, not turning away from Felix who was currently smoking out in the open and then passing it to his fellow-goth girlfriend making Sam's stomach tie up in a painful knot whenever his attention was turned to her. Still, he didn't look away, enjoying the way Felix leaned back, hair sliding off his face, exposing the length and pale of his neck.
"Staring at him." Mia rolled her eyes."If you are trying to hide your homosexuality you aren't doing a very good job of it."
"When has he ever done a good job of hiding it?" His best friend, Jake joked, slotting in beside him, a mountain of food piled on his tray and a pair of glasses cupped in his hand that probably belonged to some nerd that he took them from. He saw Mia frown at them before shaking her head and going back to picking at her food.
"I don't know, maybe when his tongue was half-way down my throat not just a month ago?" Mia glared at Jake and Jake snorted while Sam groaned, looking away from the table and finding bleached hair again and that ripped hoodie.
"Guys, I'm not trying to hide anything," Sam laughed, taking a couple of crisped from Mia's open packet.
"Well maybe you should hide your obvious boner for Dracula over there," Jake warned him while slapping Sam's hand away as it reached for something on the tray." Seriously though, mate. You should stop before the Freak sees you and curses your balls or something so your future children come out with pig snouts," he paused, face grim before adding," or two heads."
Sam snorted." He won't curse me."At least, Sam didn't think Felix would curse him. Not with a face like that.
Just at that moment, Felix found his eyes again, a gray flash that hit Sam just as hard as it had the first time, and then he leaned over to his girlfriend to whisper something in her ear. She also looked round at Sam but Sam turned, staring at his hands before she could see him looking.
Okay, so maybe Felix was capable of cursing him.
He gulped loudly and didn't dare to look up again the whole of lunch, but he couldn't help the grin from spreading across his face, a blush at his cheeks, to which both his friends scoffed at and called him ridiculous and chucked uneaten peas at him.
"You need help, mate," Jake shook his head, smiling as he dug right back into his food.
Sam couldn't agree more.
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