He wasn't just a pretty boy that went after the panties.
There was more to Justin Scoville than a handsome face and a killer body. He had brains. He had charm.
But even better, he had money.
The richest guy on campus, hands down and it was not even close. Old money, his father's father had money. He turned twenty-one and was handed a pot of gold.
His inheritance that is. A little over twenty million dollars into his already nice bank account. What was a newly twenty-one-year-old, millionaire, college student, and frat boy to do with all his money?
Of course, party hard and fuck all night.
At Midtown University in Midtown, Missouri, there was not much to do in the small city. It was smaller than St. Louis and about two hours away from it in the middle of Missouri, near Columbia which was comparable in size. Midtown is where you lived when you wanted big city living in a small town.
It was a city where money meant everything. You either were a part of the Haves or the Have-nots. The Haves owned seventy percent of the city. In real estate, businesses, government, and even control of the schools.
Justin Scoville's family was one of the ten richest families in Midtown. Number four and growing. Their money made money. His father ran Scoville Enterprises which mostly owned real estate but also owned a couple of hotels. He wasn't involved in his father's business much to his dismay.
It sounded like work to him and he only had time for fun.
"Who wants to suck my dick tonight!" Justin yelled out at the crowded party in his fraternity house.
Beta Rho Fraternity always did it up big the first party of the year. They were not the biggest fraternity, not even the best, but what they had and others did not was a strong brotherhood of very influential young men. Since money ruled the world, that's all you needed to get into Beta. Large pockets.
So many girls at Midtown University wanted a Beta man. If they snagged a rich guy maybe college would be worthwhile and a degree wouldn't matter. And everyone knew Justin Scoville was the big man on campus.
"Justin, I think I'm the girl for you!" a pretty blonde with nice, plump lips said, grabbing had of his arm and pulling him.
Another girl, with long red hair down her back, wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered in his ear. "I'll suck your dick and let you fuck me from behind."
He grinned. Very tempting. Both of them were tens in his book, but that was basic for him. He deserved a step above tens.
"Frat, save some for us!" Kent stated, his line brother and best friend. Well, all his frat brothers were his best friends in his eyes, but Kent he grew up with.
Justin pulled a hand through his long, thick blond hair and tossed a crooked grin at his friend. Blue eyes and blond hair, a killer combo, he knew he was top tier in the looks department. Catching a female's attention was never hard to do for him. He checked for other ladies at the party, all races, shapes, and ages. He didn't discriminate. He liked them all.
He looked around the fraternity house, built thanks to the help of his father Hunter Scoville, one of the Founders of Beta Rho some twenty-something years ago. Easily two hundred young hot bodies were dancing to loud music, gyrating against each other, throughout the massive house that used to be a hotel.
Each of the thirty rooms was suites with a living room and a bedroom area. There was a massive living area that looked like a ballroom where the bulk of the party-goers were. There also were two kitchens that were blocked off, only open to the brothers and their helpful Little sisters, the Beta Belles, or the BeBes as they were called.
The basement was the game room filled with two pool tables, three arcade machines, a foosball table, and a mini theater that housed seating for twenty. The laundry area downstairs included five washers and dryers, but most guys didn't do their own laundry, not when they had an around-the-clock House Mother, Ms. Liz.
The house was half full this year and they had to change that. They needed new blood. They could not have a pledge class until the next semester so in the meantime, they made due.
As small as their fraternity was they still threw the biggest parties. Girls for days.
"I think I will pick you." Justin grabbed a petite blonde with a pixie haircut. Reminded him of Tinkerbell and he never fucked a fairy.
"Justin, really? Me?"
"I mean, if you're down, no pressure."
Of course she was down. He was the man!
KENT GREEN- Dr. Smooth
He was no Justin Scoville, but Kent Green was not half-stepping when it came to the attention of the ladies. He was not part of the top ten families of Midtown but he was no slouch. His father was the go-to plastic surgeon in town, and his mother was the architect of every new mansion in town.
His father, like Justin's, was a Founder of Beta Rho. The two were close friends, hence why they grew up as best friends. Most of the time he felt like he was still in Justin's shadow. He never complained about playing the background to the great Justin.
He knew he was about to make his place in the world. This was senior year and after he graduated he planned on going on to med school and becoming a bigger doctor than his father.
Until then, live wild and free. He only was young once.
"What would happen if I settled down this year? One girl."
His frat brothers broke out in laughter. During the last three years of college, he ran through girls like a track and field star.
"This I have to see," Kasim said, his other best friend since the day they both met on line.
"Seriously! These random girls, not all it's cracked up to be." He guzzled down the beer in his hand. "Like you and Naomi, frat."
"You'll never have what Naomi and I have."
Maybe, maybe not. For tonight, he had to find Ms. Maybe Right.
He danced with a couple of the ladies, but no one tickled his fancy.
Then he spotted a cute girl dancing by herself in the corner. Perfect tan brown skin, long, dark curly black hair, killer curves, and dancing as if no one was looking. So he went to make his move.
"Hi. I'm Kent."
"I know who you are."
She was more breathtaking up close. Dark brown eyes, small button nose, thick, full lips, perfect white teeth with a slight gap in the front. Her make-up was a little overkill, but he would not hold that against her. Exotic looking, he could not tell what she was, not white, not Black, maybe Indian mixed with something else. And tall. He was five-eleven, and she was only a few inches shorter.
"Wanta get out of here?"
He liked when he didn't have to make the first move.
Up in his room, she grabbed him, kissed him, and slid a hand down his pants. He was instantly aroused. He throbbed in her soft, warm hand.
"Wait, wait, wait. I don't even know your name."
She undid his pants as she got down on her knees.
Then she proceeded to give him the best damn head he ever had.
KASIM JOHNSON-Mr. Sensitivity
He was not like his frat brothers. Nothing at all. He did not go from girl to girl, he was only interested in one girl, the love of his life Naomi.
He met her freshman year. She was the reason he pledged Beta Rho and was now the current President. One look at her three years ago and he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
He didn't have a lot of experience with girls before. Naomi was the first girl he ever was with, and as a tall, gangly, Black eighteen-year-old with long locs and a three-point eight GPA, the girls were not chasing him. He wore glasses and still had his braces, so not the looker.
But Naomi was different, she saw through all that and was attracted to him as well. One date led to many and they were inseparable ever since. She joined Beta Rho's Little Sisters club, Beta Belles, freshman year, first semester. He pledged the following semester.
Now they were the "It" couple on campus.
"Yo frat, this is our time this year," Tey'Ron shouted out to him.
"Our time for what?"
Tey'Ron and Tremayne laughed at him. They were sophomores, neos, but he was still pretty close with them.
"Bro! For whatever!" Tey'Ron said then dapped up Tremayne. "Lil Tre here about to make us the best damn step team, and I'm about to kill it on the football field. We may be neos, but we hungry! And well you frat, maybe with some science-y thing you're going to do."
"I'm a chemical engineer major."
"That's what I said. Science-y!"
He may not have all the looks, but he had all the brains. Smart and focused, so while he wasn't rich and loaded like his line brothers Justin and Kent, he had a full academic scholarship. When he said he had an interest in pledging Beta Sigma, Justin and Kent came up with his pledge fees. They were brothers for life and he owed them.
"You guys are partying too hard for me. I may go upstairs and study or something."
"Study?" Tremayne laughed. "Class hasn't started yet. Get a life!"
"I have one. With Naomi." He looked around the crowded place to see if he could see her beautiful face. The BeBes always helped host their parties as if they threw it themselves.
They were not an official organization, just girls who wanted to help out with the fraternity. Some called them groupies, but that was those who did not know them well. Naomi was smart, cool, and laid back. Her studies in theater and dance made her very popular as the go-to entertainer on campus.
She was going to be a superstar, and he was going to propose to her soon. Before they graduated. They could get married in the summer. He would move to wherever she wanted to start her career, Los Angeles, New York, wherever. That's what you did when you were in love.
"Guys, don't tear down the house or burn it down either." Kasim dapped some brothers as he headed out.
The second level of the frat house was the bedrooms and many on campus were not privy to them. Most of the other guys were players and brought strings of girls up. Nothing he could say to them would cool down their wild ways.
He wasn't going to get any sleep with the loud noise going on, so he would try and get ahead on some reading for class. If his parents knew that he was studying in the middle of a big party they would yank him out of the frat house. They didn't exactly know how wild it could get.
Down the hall of the second floor, he paid homage to the Founders' pictures framed and mounted down the wall. Justin's father Hunter Scoville, and Kent's father Kent Green, Sr. included in the five Founders. Kasim knew he was not on his line brothers' level but they accepted him anyway.
Also down the hall was each pledge class picture. Twenty-something years worth. He wondered who would make line this year.
Finally, he made it to the second to last door on the right. The last room was the biggest, and typically went to the person voted President, but he passed on the room so Justin could have it. It was the least he could do since his frat paid his dues every year.
When he opened the door to his room, it was dark, but not too dark and he could see what was going on in his bed. Undercovers, in his bed, his girlfriend of three years had her legs wrapped around her neck as some guy was on top of her doing the things he liked doing to her.
Having sex!
Naomi was in bed with another guy, moaning and enjoying what he was doing to her. They didn't even hear him come in so he watched in horror as the bed creaked and her moans rang out in his ears.
"Naomi!" he screamed out and she finally turned, saw him, and tried to push the guy away.
"Hold on partner, let me bust this nut."
He could not believe his eyes. This wasn't real. This was a dream...no a nightmare. He couldn't even move his feet to walk away.
Once the guy was done, he got out of his bed, naked, condom still on, and turned to him with a grin.
"Babe, I'm sorry!" Naomi covered herself and started to cry.
"How could you!"
The guy pulled off the condom and tossed it on his floor.
"Hey man, chill, it's all good, I know that's your girl and all, but she was mine for tonight." The guy stood in all his nakedness, as he picked up his shirt and pants. "Payback is a bitch! I tried pledging Beta Rho last year and you mother fuckers rejected me. Now I fucked yo bitch!"
He wasn't a violent person but he swung at the guy and missed. The guy was not taller, but stockier and he swung and hit Kasim in the eye and he fell to the ground.
Naomi screamed out, "Devon! What did you do?" She tried touching Kasim but he jerked away from her. He didn't care about the pain in his face, the pain in his heart was worse.
"My job is done here." The guy put on his pants, and then shirt as he stepped into his shoes. "I'm done with her. Good pussy, she's all yours now...unless she calls me up for some more of this good dick."
Then he walked out of the room.
Kasim looked at Naomi, naked and crying in bed. He would never forgive her for this.
Hey readers!
And this is just the start! Frat House is a soap opera-style story about a make-believe fraternity in a make-believe city. There will be lots of characters and storylines that I will introduce slowly. There will be female and male lead characters but it will all surround the fraternity.
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