Fireball, Taking An L
Characters: Sakura, Reader
Writers: Polkka, Dankle, Sakura
Rated All Ages
It was a normal evening. Gay people were being gay, straight people aren't existing and overall the human population was overtaken by penguins. You and your MATE (Motherfucking Awesome/Asshole teammate Elgay), Sakura was preparing for the next game of dodgeball.
You look towards your opponents, clad in blue, most look. towards your team smugly but there's one whose emotion you couldn't decipher. Nagito JD Komaeda. Turning to Sakura, you tease them "hey, look at that cum hair boy over them." You say pointing towards him.
They roll their eyes at your teasing manner. "Shut up. It's dodgeball time bitch" They replied jokingly.
"Alright alright" You snicker at the end. You turn towards your team, confidence in your eyes "Alright team let's go!"
You shout, making the team cheer in excitement.
You turn to the opposing side, those smug looking boys, and your feisty team captain.
"Hmph. You all ready bitches?" He mocks.
"Hell yeah we're ready asshole" Sakura cheerily said.
Your opponents end up throwing the ball right at you. You get hit by the ball and fall down to the ground. "Aww shit" You exclaim as you throw a temper tantrum.
"Sakura, your turn" Nagito said as he throws the ball at Sakura.
At first, Sakura dodges the ball and is just about to throw it back, but they trip on a random object on the floor.
"Fuck me" Sakura moans as they fall on the ground.
"Get up you fucking bitch" Your captain shouted.
"Fuck you asshole" Sakura cries.
"Shit, kick their ass Nagito" He called out.
Nagito starts running towards Sakura, with his arms stretched out, ready to tackle them.
"Go Nagito, GO" You shout.
Nagito tackles them to the ground and the crowd of spectators cheer.
"Alright team, let's get our asses up" You shout, making the team cheer once again.
You and Sakura drag yourselves up, as your team gets up as well.
"Fucking shit" You mutter as they throw the ball at you.
You dodge the ball and throw it back at them.
"Sakura, go!" You shout.
Sakura runs towards the ball and dodges it, then they throw it at the opponents, but one of them grabs them by the neck, causing her to choke them.
"You fucking assholes!" Sakura screams.
"Sakura, I got it" You call out, as Sakura starts struggling. You run towards them, tackling the person that grabbed them.
"Shit, Sakura!" You shout.
Suddenly a shot rings out and sakura is shot by one of the members of the enemy team.
"No!" You shout, as sakura falls to the ground, with the bullet wound stained in blood.
Screaming followed by people footstep as they all run frantically. WHERE DID THE SHOT EVEN COME FROM!?!?!? WAS IT ON SOMEONE ON THE ENEMY TEAM? WAS IT SOMEONE IN THE CROWD? Fuck this was all to much. You briskly ran over to Sakura, where they were laying on the ground, limp. Tears started forming on your eyelid, and slowly started falling down your cheek. The remaining noise, all faded. You could only focus on what was happening. You held their head in your lap and waited for an ambulance, police or something to come.
When the ambulance came, Sakura was announced dead at the scene. They never found out who shot them. The funeral was held a couple weeks later and for some reason. The white
haired boy on the other team showed up. He didn't say a word while he was there and left silently as well.
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