Castaways. We Are Castaways
Characters: Queen, Echo
Writers: Sakura, Queen and Polkka
Rated All Ages
Queen and her bestfriend were having a sleep over. It has been along time since they have hung out like this. Most of the time they only go out on public dates, only to be greeted with hateful stares. Furries weren't very loved in this world, nobody wanted them near humans. They were seen as sick and twisted monsters, that shouldn't have been born. But tonight they are staying over at Queens house. They plan on binging anime until the sun comes out, at around 10 pm Queen gets hungry and decides to order a pepperoni pizza. The call was painful to do, both of them were kind shy ordering over the phone and couldn't get the words properly out. They just hoped that the order got through correctly.
They waited around 30 minutes for the pizza to arrive. Queen decided to be the one to go get it when the door was knocked, so Echo didn't get any mistreatment.
She quickly paid the delivery person then returned back to where Echo was sitting, they were watching some of their favorite movies. Queen sat down the pizza and dug in, it was a pretty good day.
Over the course of the movie, it began to rain outside, and getting much louder, but they ignored their phones during the movie night, they didn't need any distractions.
The noises outside got louder and louder, so they had to cut the movie short to see what was going on. There came a knock at the door suddenly, and Queen swore there was a helicopter outside.
Queen answered the door, seeing there was someone in a uniform, and held up a badge. "Ministry of human protection, we are here to collect the furry hiding here."
Queen was shocked at this, she
thought Furries and Humans could
coexist, since they were made there
had been so many debates whether
Furries were welcome, and the
government said they were allowed.
"What? Why? You don't need to collect any!"
The person sighed and pulled off
their glasses to look Queen in the
eye. "Ma'am, haven't you checked the
news? They need to be taken in due to
the latest orders."
Picking up her phone, there was a
notification from her friends and the
news. Furries were now banned in the UD due to problems occuring inside the country.
"The United Dicks has officially
banned furries! We-"
The tv was cut short
A brownette can be seen sitting in a
chair. The room was messy, potato
chips everywhere, youtooz knocked
over, except for the sadist one, that
one was in a glass display. The
window showed that it was raining
outside, the water trickled in the
window. Each drop racing to get to
the bottom.
Queen couldnt remember the last time she saw echo alive. All she could
remember was the blood dripping down the roof. The building's wall tainted with blood and graffiti saying "death to all furries". The roof was covered with dead furries. The sight was gruesome and gorey. She didn't want to relive it again. She didn't want to remember it again.
As the moon falls back down, a howl
could be heard in the distance. It's
eyes glowing sharply. Screams can be
heard outside, mixed with the various
howls and laughing. Despite all that,
queen turned a blind eye to it.
Instead, preferring to staring at the
blank tv until she sleeps.
"Knock knock"
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