And we met again.
After a long time.
I couldn't wait honestly.When Taehyung told me,I literally asked him over text if you were really going out.
I'm such a hopeless romantic.
I was the one you hugged first though!I really had missed you.My heart rate increased.
It was me,you,Taehyung and Yeri.The three of you were talking and laughing, but for some reason I felt down in the dumps and I couldn't really understand why.
We sat down at the usual café,ordering milkshakes as then you sang a song you had written.It was good,although the whole lyrics was just a verse.No chorus.
"Six hours later..and you're still on the verse."Yeri joked as we all giggled.
I looked over at your phone screen,noticing how it was cracked.I furrowed my brows in confusion.When did that happen?
"From which cliff did your phone fall off?"I asked as I smiled slightly.
"The screen has been cracked ever since the last time we met.How come you haven't noticed?"you asked dramatically.
I playfully rolled my eyes."Because I don't look at your phone screen,I look at you."
"Okay she just came back at me with love."you giggled as you looked at Yeri and Taehyung.
Taehyung was wearing an oversized white sweater and black jeans.He looked so cuddly and boyfriend material.
You and I sat next to each-other,which made me pretty happy.
"Chae I'm going to tell you a secret and I need you to swear you won't tell anyone."you told me as you looked over at me.
I nodded and set the milkshake down on the table,holding both of my hands out.
"I swear."
"You can't swear like that."you said as you placed your hand on my thigh and pulled it a bit,kinda spreading my legs.
"Lisa what are you-"Yeri didn't finish because she started laughing.
"Are you expecting a hand to come out from in between her legs?"Taehyung asked as he laughed with Yeri.
I couldn't help,but giggle as I felt my cheeks heat up from how awkward the whole situation was.
"I didn't mean it like that."you said as you looked over at Taehyung.
"CHAE HAS A SECRET HAND IN BETWEEN HER LEGS!"Yeri exclaimed suddenly as we all burst out laughing.I was laughing so much I almost fell off my chair,my cheeks turning redder than ever.
"So do you really like Lisa?"Yeri asked me as I nodded slightly.
"Well if lissexuality exists,then yeah."I giggled as Yeri smiled brightly and slightly clapped.
"Oh my God!"
I slightly smiled as I looked over at you as you were chatting with Yoongi,asking him about his sexuality.You really seemed to ship him and Tae.
I seriously bet Yoongi's bi,but doesn't want to accept it.
"What's your sexuality?"
"I'm straight."Yoongi answered."I mean,I look at guys,but I don't like them like that."
"That's what Chae thought until she saw me."you exclaimed and then hair flipped.
I couldn't help,but giggle.I also felt a bit embarrassed that now Yoongi knew I liked you,because you can't trust that guy.
Time passed by soon and it was already time to go.
Taehyung opened his arms and I hugged him,lingering in the hug as I rested my head on his chest.His hugs are seriously the best hugs ever.However he kept moving around for some reason,which kinda annoyed me,but I didn't say anything.
I gave Yeri a quick hug and flashed her a smile.I wish I was like her sometimes.She's so nice and strong,while I'm kinda weak.
After that we pulled away and then I told you I was going home.We hugged each-other tightly and I seriously didn't want to let go.I rested my chin on your shoulder and didn't let go of you.You did the same.
After a while when I tried to pull away,you wouldn't let me.I hugged you again and then we pulled away.
My mood dropped immediately after I went inside my building and got in the elevator. I placed my hand over my chest,listening to my heartbeat.
Was I still upset over you not liking me back?
The heart wants what it wants.Gather yourself together,Chae.
I frowned.The hoodie I was wearing smelled like my ex-crush's cologne,which made me remember him.
I shook my head,getting the thoughts out of my head as I got inside my house and immediately went to my room,flopping down my bed for a moment as I stared up at the ceiling.
Hell starts tomorrow,too.
I'll have to deal with Minjun and the others..
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