Chapter 40: The Second Time
I look down to my fingers and find my wedding ring gone. But it will be found soon. A tight feeling overrides my stomach as the tension comes through.
Today is my wedding day, yet it's more like just our special day. My fingers go to travel over the nude pink lace as I wait for my veil to be place on.
It was mother's idea, for us to get 'married' in District Twelve. She knows that we are already officially married but she wants to live in the moment, along with our other parents.
"There you go." Poppy states as I feel the tiara holding my veil dig into my hair. I raise my head, smiling and walk towards the mirror.
Looking into the glass I see the 19 year old Katniss that I wished so much to be. Now I finally am. The v-neck lace dress I admired when I spotted it in District Ten. I saw it before we left and so badly wanted it to be the one I wore today. (Photo of dress is above)
My head turns to the curtains and I psuh them away slightly to see the district below me. People are flying to the outside of the chuch, desperate to get a glimpse of this event they never thought would happen.
"Is she ready?" My mother asks and I turn around to face her, with my Dad by her side. "Oh Katniss." My mother breathes and walks up towards me. Her personality has changed completely after she saw a photo of Rose when Peeta and I demanded the truth and end to the rivalry.
"Let's go get you to your husband. But first." She chirps and retrieves my bouquet from the bed beside me. She slips it into my grasp and I gaze at the pale pink and white colours. White roses and streams of cherry blossom branches. The odd leaves poking out and two strips of white ribbon. I smile before linking arms with my Dad.
We carefully exit the room, Poppy making sure my dress doesn't get ruined. I stay silent the whole way, managing to manoeuvre without tripping over the brim of my wide skirt. I never expected this. A happy bride getting 'married' to someone she chose and wasn't forced to.
Soon I'm at the door of the church and I start shaking. I've journeyed through a wedding ceremony before but this is bigger. Peeta is there and will be the whole time.
"I'm so sorry for the rivalry. I kept you away from this man. I have never seen you so happy. I'm very proud to see this change in you." I smile to my dad as he apologises and rise to kiss her cheek.
"I'll always be your daughter Dad, even if I'm married and live away from home." I state before looking back to the closed doors. "I love you." I add and hear my dad sniffle. He's losing his first born daughter through marriage.
Music begins to play and I know that it's my turn. The doors open up and I am faced with a whole room full of guests but I only focus on one person. My husband. I smile and keep my eyes trained on Peeta as my Dad leads me up the church.
In a matter of seconds, I am right beide Peeta and Dad places my hand in Peeta's. "Look after her." I manage to hear my Dad say to Peeta and he nods back in agreement to him. My Dad walks away and I pass my flower bouquet to Primrose and send her a wink. I can tell she's really happy. Now the ceremony begins.
I zone out and Peeta probably does as well as the pastor introduces us to our guests and rambles on about another topic which I don't pick up. Peeta looks just like the day when we officailly got married yet the blax tux makes his bright blue eyes stand out alongside the small cherry blossom and white rose buttonhole he wears.
"Peeta, would you like to say your vow to Katniss?" The pastor asks and
"Katniss. Standing in front of me is the most amazing and gorgeous woman in this world. Katniss, I love you to infinity and back and can't ask for any other person to have as a wife. If Rose was here, even though being only nearly 2 months old, I would be able to tell through her how happy she is for both of her parents. We've already promised to protect each other but I am reminiding you right this second. I am here for you, I always have and always will be. We have nothing to fear anymore, because we are free. We can express our love the way we couldn't before. I love you Katniss Lauren Mellark as there is nothing in this world that will stop me." I bring my free hand up to wipe my eyes before I am told to say mine.
"Peeta. Y - You don't know how thankful I am. For you. Your protection and love you have given me so far. We survived a high risk pregnancy together because you were by my side. You kept by me even in my darkest hours. Kept awake the long sleepness night I endured to make sure that I was not alone in this. Losing Rose was so, tough. But you were still there. You only turned away from me just because of your own pain but you came back to join into mine. I can't put into words how much you've done for me. I'm so glad I danced with you that night and cried to be with you. I wouldn't be standing here with the past, present and future I have now if I wasn't with you. Thank you and I will protect you. Always."
"The rings?" The pastor asks and Peeta's second oldest brother comes up to us. Peeta takes his from the pillow but I notcie one extra thing that I never knew was there.
"I give you this ring again as a token for my ongoing love. To show you I'm with you. Keep wearing this, knowing our relationship will go on for eternity." He takes my ring finger and slips the ring back ontop of my engagement ring. "Also I give you this - " Peeta starts and carefully picks up a necklace hagning beside his ring. I gasp, seeing that it is a locket. "-to remind you that Rose is still with us and that another child you may bear won't take her place in our hearts." I choke on my sobs and Peeta clips the necklace around my neck.
"Peeta." I breathe before retrieving his ring. "I give you this ring again as a reminder for my undying love towards you. Wear it, knowing I am there and always will be. Remeber that through this, I will never stop loving you." I slip the ring onto his fingers and look back up to his face, seeing tears building in his eyes.
"Peeta, do you place yourself in the position to continue being Katniss' husband. If so, answer with 'I do'."
"I do." Peeta answers and my smile grows.
"Katniss, do you place yourself in the postion to continue being Peeta's wife. If so, answer with 'I do' "
"I do." I state and sniff, trying to keep the tears away for a few more minutes.
"I am pleased to announce guests that you are face with Katniss and Peeta Mellark. Mr and Mrs Mellark. Mr Mellark, you may kiss your bride."
Peeta stands closer to me and place his hands on my cheeks. "Will you stay with me?" I choke and we both silently release our built up tears.
"Always." Peeta answers and I bring our lips together. My arms wrap around his neck and a whole mass of claps erupts in the room. I close my eyes and Peeta wraps his arms around my waist. We try to keep it short yet long.
When Peeta breaks away, I let out a sob of joy. "I love you." I exclaim.
"And I love you." Peeta exclaims back and he brings our lips into a openmouthed kiss once more.
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Happy Birthday to my amazing follower and reader CaitlinWickens / everlarkcupcake!
You have been reading and commenting on my work since I started The One and Only Real and I'm so glad you have. Your comments have helped kept me going on writing. Thank you so much for your suppot and I can't wait to see more of your opinions as I progress on with more chapters and stories.
Once again, happy birthday!! This chapter is dedicated to you!
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