Chapter 30: We're Destroyed
I was only in hospital for two days but since then, we have neglected each other slightly due to the pain of losing our daughter.
I wince from the couch each time Peeta grabs something and it makes contact with the floor. He's been torn apart by what has happened but so have I. I was the one that carried her. I blame my stress for taking Rose's life.
"I should have been more careful. I should have relaxed since I didn't need to be stressed." I mumble, blaming myself. Tears run down my cheeks, I could have saved her.
I jump when I hear glass shattering and a cry of pain erupt from Peeta's mouth. "Peeta?" I exclaim and bound towards the kitchen.
When I get to the door way, I see it all. Shattered glass and books littered. I turn my head to Peeta and see him shaking, clutching his wrist and blood escaping cuts from his palm.
I gasp and avoiding glass shards next to my bare feet, I make my way to Peeta. I place his hand in mine and examine the two cuts, caused by the glass. I just about make out the nearly inaudible sobs the escape Peeta's mouth.
"Ssshh. It's okay." I comfort and lead him slowly to the dining table. Once he sits down, I rush to the cupboard above the bench. I reach onto my tiptoes as I search for our first aid kit. I end up going through three cupboards but I eventually find it. I pull it out from its corner and close the door. I fall to my feet again and grab a small cloth.
I walk over to Peeta, placing these items beside him before going and filling up a small bowl with water. Pulling up a chair and placing the filled bowl beside me, I gently grab Peeta's hand.
"You're going to stop the blood flow." I pester as I detach Peeta's hand from his wrist. After more pestering, he finally detaches it and I kiss his hand before resting it on his lap.
I grab the cloth and soak the end with water before dabbing it onto the cuts. He winces when they make contact but I do my best to comfort him. It takes 10 minutes to clean the cuts as I cautiously dab and try to not hurt Peeta. I stroke Peeta's fingers as I pop open the first aid kit lid and retrieve bandage wrap. Peeta doesn't look up to me but stares at his hand as I continue. I sit the roll of bandage in between my thighs as I begin wrapping it around his wrist. A wrap it around a couple of times and knot it before working up his hand.
Making sure that every section of his palm and cuts are covered, I quickly glance up to Peeta.
"Peeta." He snaps out of his trance and looks at me. "Are you okay?" I ask him and he simply nods. I lean forward and peck his lips before finishing with the bandage.
Finishing at the bottom of his fingers, I tighten it and knot it again.
"There you go." I say as I finish the knot.
"Thank you." He mumbles.
"Got sit on the couch Peeta, I'll clean this up." I state and Peeta sits up, heading toward the lounge. Putting everything away, I grab a dust pan and brush and sweep up the shattered glass. I walk to the rubbish bin and empty out the glass on the dust pan.
Just before I close it, I notice something. I gasp and fly my hand to rest over my parted mouth. Tears stream down my face and I begin shaking violently.
Peeta had bought it for her. The small yellow and white striped shirt that had 'Daddy's Angel' embroided into it.
I drop the dust pan and back into a chair, nearly falling backwards out of it. I burst into sobs and rest my head on my thighs.
I've destroyed him.
Hey Guys! I have done a few more one-shots that I hope you guys can check out. They're in my works!!
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