Chapter 16: The Horror
* 1 Week Later *
My senses slowly come back to me. As I open my eyes, I feel that lips are attached to mine. I smile and soon feel Peeta's lips leave mine.
"Good morning beautiful." Peeta greets with a smile.
"Morning." I mumble and reach to grab Peeta's hand.
"I have to go to work now." I frown at his words and Peeta chuckles.
"No." I simply retort and Peeta's free hand strokes the side of my head.
"I'll be back at four like normal Kat." Peeta states and kisses my head before standing up. "See you later. I love you." Peeta adds and heads out of the room.
"Bye! Love you too!" I farewell to him. A minute later, I hear the door close and I sigh. The confirmation that he's left.
I stretch and sit up. Now officially awake for the day.
Climbing out of bed, I make my way around the bed to the closed cream coloured curtains. I push them open and reveal the new day in District 10.
I bring the collar of Peeta's shirt I wore last night to my nose, smelling the still lingering cinnamon and dill scent. I'm already missing his presence.
I move myself away from the view and head towards the kitchen to get something to eat.
As I walk, all I can hear is the noise of my feet meeting the wooden floor. Light floods in from the living room and I turn to see that Peeta opened the curtains out here.
I smile and turn to the kitchen. I walk up to the table which already has food laid out. My hand reaches to a small card addressed to me.
'Nothing but the best for my wife :) Peeta' It reads inside and I chuckle. Peeta is so sweet yet it's only one of the simplest breakfast meals he has prepared for me.
Sitting down, I tuck in to what Peeta prepared. This is one of the reasons why I love Peeta. He does things for me that makes me feel lucky that our rivalry had disappeared.
I never realised I start daydreaming after I finish eating until I actually look again to the empty plate. I immediately clean up before heading back to the bedroom.
I walk over to my wardrobe and get out a pastel blue blouse and denim jeans, deciding to might go visit Peeta later on. I go into the bathroom to freshen up, getting into the shower.
I begin to relax as the warm water droplets make contact with my bare skin. I end up just standing there, longer than intending before getting out. Changing into what I had picked, I begin drying my hair.
Finding it dry enough, I grab a hair tie before walking out and turning my free flowing hair into a messy bun.
As I walk into the bedroom my vision is directed towards the window. I gasp and my hands drop to my sides.
Smoke. Dark and rising smoke.
But thats not what is making my heart beat faster. The direction.
Peeta's work.
I grab my bag, phone and slip my ballet flats on. I run to the kitchen, getting my pair of keys and exit the apartment.
I run down the marble stairs so quickly I could fall forward. But I want to make sure Peeta is okay over how I am.
Making it to ground floor after 4 flights of stairs, I push the entrance doors open and and just stand there. Taking in the sight of running citizens. They're running away from the smoke but I'm heading towards it.
I break off into a sprint, dodging people that come in my path. Freaking out so much right now. Peeta's life is possibly on the line. My husbands life is at a point I don't want to have to experience.
The smoke is my marker point and more people flee from the direction of it, screaming and shouting for people to run.
I don't know how long it takes but I'm at the area where the fire is that is producing the smoke.
I stop and see people. Injured and helping overs move away. But not my Peeta. The air becomes thicker as I start go cough on the smoke.
That's when I see a body. I see that no one is attending to his need and are just fleeing for their own safety.
"PEETA!" I scream and run up to his body.
"Peeta. Peeta." I kneel next to him and see him jerking in pain. Tears start rapidly running down my cheeks.
"Ka-" He starts but a wail escapes his lips. I look to his body and see his right leg is covered with very serious burns.
"It's okay Peeta. Just stay with me." I beg, placing his head on my knees and taking one of his hands in mine. I manage pull out my phone, calling emergency.
"Hello, what emergency?" The operator asks.
"Fire and Ambulance." I state and break down into sobs.
"Miss can you please tell me your name and situation for me." She calmingly asks.
"My name is Katniss Everdeen. Th-there's a fire at the barns in District 10 and my husband is is serious pain, suffering from burns and is near unconsciousness." I answer, scared for my life.
"Okay Katniss, I want you to stay on the line with me. You need to remain as calm as you can and watch your husband until the ambulance gets to you. They're on their way now."
"O-okay." I stutter into the phone and place my head against Peeta's.
"You're going to be okay. Peeta stay with me please." I say as I see his eyes start to close. I start sobbing again and continue trying to keep him conscious.
"Peeta, I love you. Don't leave me. I need you Peeta." He lets out another cry of pain and I look up to check for any signs of an ambulance.
I rest my head against his again. "Please Peeta." I plead. Then I feel his head lean to press into mine as I speak once again.
"I'm pregnant."
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