Chapter Twenty Six
suddenly a sickening grimmace apeared Upon (y/n)'s Face. Ciel than realizes that (y/n) was no longer present, It was nobunon who held controle now. "How.. interesting." Nobunon said dragging his words out as he spoke them. " Is that all you can say?" Ciel replied looking slightly annoyed. " Oh i have plenty to say, its just not relevant." Nobunon said sweetly.. Sebastian Then cuts in, " That thing Does not care about trivial things like blood relations. We should just move on with our plan." Nobunon's grmmace dropped and his gaze fell onto Sebastian. " would you like to play again?" Nobunon said blankly. Sebastian stayed silent. His expression showed no emotion but nobunon knew there was a glint of fear in his eyes, and this made nobunon blithesome. He revaled in the thought of Sebastian being emasculated infont of his lord and master. Ciel snaps back, gaining The attention of everyone in the room. There will be no playing today! I will not tolerate fighting between my servants! We have been givin a mission from the queen and her people and we are going to give everything we have to solve this! Do you understand me?" Nobunon nodded passively as if the sudden assertion of dominance tamed him. Nobunon then turned his back to ciel and started to walk. " do you know the plan nobunon?" Ciel said in a bored tone as he resting his left elbow on his desk while laying his head in his palm. "Yes, fetch the witch and meet out front, come on boy this conversation bores me." Both alex and nobunon left the room without another word. The door made a low click as it shut behind them. Ciel waited till he was sure the they had left before he spoke. " I thought (Y/n) had control over his transformations" said ciel rubbing his temples with his four finger and thumb. " Apparently he needs more practice." Replied Sebastian.
Dinning Area
Alex and nobunon entered the dining area expecting to see hestia fearfully sweeping and cleaning, but what they saw was a room that looked as if it had Polished. Every crack and crevice shined as if it was covered in wax. Hestia was no where in sight. " where is that danm witch?" Nobunon questioned to himself. " Im up here my prince of the primeval Abyss." Hestia said while dangling hazordly from the chandelier. Alex instinctively looked up, but nobunon just kept his bored gaze infront of himself. " I guess you havent learned your lesson, allow me to reeducate you" said nobunon with a tone that implied pleasure. He then looked up at hestia with brighly glowing eyes. Suddenly a Crimson aura enveloped hestia entire body. " Im sorry! I'll call you nobunon! Please! I need this body!" Hestia pleaded as her body froze in mid air. " I cant stop now, wait let me refrace that. I dont want to stop" nobunon said smiling like a fool. Withen seconds hestias body started to contort, Bones broke and blood poored from her mouth. Hestia screemed threw clenched jaws in anguish spiting blood onto the freshly clean floor. Alex covers his ears And turns. Nobunon releases his gaze and hestia falls to the floor with thud. Her body twitches slightly ever few seconds, but she doesnt say anything. Nobunon walks up to her twisted mangle body and kneels down. And places his Palm on her forehead. " I really dont like you, but my master has allowed you to be here so I must fix this". Her body Seemed to glow upon contact with nobunon's Hand. A few moments later hestia's body started snapping back into place, she still was unconscious but at this point nobunon could care less, he just didnt wanted to hear ciel's incessant yammering. Alex then chimes in. " Is she going to be ok? She doesnt seem to be breathing." Nobunon pauses for a moment before replying. " she wasnt really alive to begin with. The wreched form you see before you is nothing but a walking corpse. Do not have pitty on such a thing." Nobunon's says in a tone that implies boredom. "But she is still a person you should treat her better."
Nobunon shot a glare at alex, but was held back by a strange thought in his head. " touch him and il find a way to make you pay!" Said (y/n) makeing his voice echo in nobunons head. Nobunon's smile droppoed. "Fine. Have it your way, get up witch we need to go! " nobunon's sudden vocalization scared alex. Not a second later hestias head pops up. Her hair shieled the view to her face. "Well... This. Is. unexpected." Hestia said in a wisper as if she was talking to hereself.
To be continued...
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