chapter eight pt. 2
(Y/n) appeared behind Alexander before the boy could say a word. (Y/n) knocked him unconscious and pulled him over his shoulder. "Now let's go somewhere a little more private." Said (Y/n) while walking back into the townhouse. (Y/n) ploped the young boy onto a bed and hovered his body over him. He pulled up his shirt and smiled " this might hurt a little" (y/n) said in a soft tone.
(Y/n) used his index finger to carve a symbol into Alexander's chest while chanting " destruet corpus illud novum id mihi sit feline" over and over again.
Alexander starts to convuls and foam starts to come out of his mouth. " Well, that's new" (y/n) said with a raised eyebrow. (Y/n) continues to chant until he notices that Alex has stopped breathing.
Your POV:
Oh come on! You better not die on me.
Alexander suddenly Springs up and stares at the wall for few moments then he passes out.
Your POV:
I guess it worked.
Narrator's POV:
(Y/n) stood up off the boy and left the room. When he got into the hallway Sebastian and Ciel was waiting for him.
"Who is in the room (y/n)?" Ciel asked in a uninterested tone.
" oh nothing, just a new member to your staff and my new pet" Said (y/n) with a cute smile that seemed alittle forced.
You have no power here, only I do the hiring. I don't even know this person.
"Whatever I'll leave this for the nice one to handle" (y/n) smiled before dropping to the floor. Both Sebastian and Ciel was caught off guard.
What just happened?
Sebastian's face is filled with anger, but he tries his to hide it. " The coward is running away." Said sebastian
He's not waking up, take him to his room, he did say the other (y/n) was sleeping.
Yes, my lord
Sebastian lifted (y/n) bridal style and carried him to his room.
Ciel opened the door and walked into to boys room. What he saw was a small white cat sleeping on the bed. When Ciel realized it was to late he was already close, but he didn't sneeze. " I must not be allergic anymore." He asumed. Sebastian returned quite quickly and when he saw the cat he couldn't help but hold it.
Sebastian held the cat for a few moments while Ciel watched. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Um, h-hello, is there somone in there"
A timid voice said from the other side of the door. Both Sebastian and Ciel looked wide eyed at the door.
Yes, it's ciel come in we need to have a talk.
(Y/n) opened the door and stepped in.
"Such a cute cat Sebastian, is it yours?"
No I believe this feline belongs to you.
Your POV:
I don't remember owning a cat. Are you sure?
(Y/n) sat down on the bed and watched as Sebastian petted the small feline.
"I'm quite sure, you said it yourself"
Sebastian said.
The cat suddenly opens its eyes. For a few moments the cat doesn't do anything but sit there. Once it reliezed it was being held it freaked out and started scratch Sebastian making a very aggressive hissing sound. It then jump on to (y/n)'s lap and clung to him tightly.
How strange. That's the first time that happened. This is not a normal cat. What did you do to it.
Your POV:
How should I know?
To be continued...
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