Chapter 45
Chapter 45
I was in my room, standing in front of my mirror. Ready to go. I looked myself over, making sure I didn't miss anything. I mean, after all guys, how often am I on a date? Never. So you can shut up about it tonight. I needed to look nice, which is not something often at the top of my priorities. But tonight I was very paranoid about it. Mainly because I didn't have a clue on where Luke was taking me. So I just assumed it would be some place nice. Therefore, as I looked at myself in the mirror, I think I did a good job. I wore a deep blue blouse, with ruffles lining along the collar nicely down to the buttons. It also shaped along down the sides too - and just where the shirt stopped and my black slacks started. I guess I looked nice... it's not like I have a skirt or would wear one. That's just too much for me. Skirts make people vulnerable. Enough said.
With his necklace resting against my skin, my long and cascading hair covered my shoulders and the chain of most of it. I knew he would like that - that I was wearing my curly looped hair down. I even went all out and pinned up one of the bows he got me for Christmas in my hair behind my head. With a little bit of make up, I knew I was ready. And apparently, as it turned out, Luke was ready at that moment too. Because after I slid on some dress shoes, I heard a knock come from my door. He was 'picking me up' after all.
Smiling, I went to the door and opened it... and was blown away by him. Luke stood there, supporting a purplish-grey button up shirt that lit his eyes up like fire in contrast. I felt my breath trip a little and hoped he didn't hear that pathetic noise. But my eyes betrayed me as I just stared at him. His button up shirt, tucked into his khaki pants with a black belt, showed more than I needed to see. It hugged his chest a little, showing his muscles just enough. And when I looked up to his face, smiling probably like an idiot, I noticed his hair was combed back slightly along the rest of his messy locks of hair or curls that gave him character. He looked very nice, with that being an understatement. I was taking him in the whole time.
"Wow," I breathed like a dummy, without even realizing it. I pursed my lips shut the second I said it.
My eyes weren't that ashamed to leave him though. I don't even know if he heard me. He just stood there, his eyes taking me in; his face, I noticed, went red when his eyes finally found mine. Smiling to him, he just took a deep breath and tried controlling his smile too. He didn't say anything yet as we just stared at each other and he looked almost flustered, which made me chuckle.
"Um..." he finally said. "Here," he said, reaching out with his hand and I noticed for the first time what he was holding. What he was now offering to me. It was a flower, a lily. I still didn't understand what the big deal was with flowers. But nonetheless, I loved it and it made my heart jump.
I chuckled at his loss of words and his curt gesture just to give me the flower. Smiling brightly, I took it from him. Seeing him finally smile when I looked up at him after I took it, he started to speak. "It's.... not something I wanted to get you. Well I did but I-I mean these were the last flowers at the store. And I... well." He took a deep breath, clearly struggling and I was a little taken back as to why. "Damn, you look beautiful," he finally got out what I think he was struggling with - which was hard to believe. I mean, I didn't think he really meant it but I suppose he did. It's not like I dress up like this, that I wear my hair down as often as he wishes, and I never put much make up on. His little lily he gave me as a back up in some case was just as cute as his stuttering words.
After he said that, he looked controlled again. I laughed, biting my lip and felt the flush heat in my cheeks. "Thank you," I smiled, moving closer to him with the flower in my hand, spinning it slightly between my fingers. Taking him in, it's not like he was the only one wacko over this. I felt the need to clear my throat. Drowning in his eyes after I thanked him and he smiled, I leaned up and kissed him softly on his cheek before moving back.
"So are you ready to go then?" he asked, smiling softly more so and his eyes were teasing in mine. "I didn't come all this way to pick you up to wait."
"You bet your ass I am!" I said, the excitement coming back to me over the awe of him. Because tonight was going to be fun and that joy and excitement was fueled by the fact that I didn't know what to expect. I had no doubt though that it would be fun.
With Clare out for the night with friends, we didn't need an excuse or to hide as we walked out of the house. Just me and him and whatever the hell we were doing tonight.
The air around us was filled with the smell of delicious greasy food, the sounds of balls crashing into pins, and chatter from across the large room. It was really a nice environment. The place was dim, all except for the lanes that were lit up brightly. But under what I could see, there weren't many people here tonight. And those that were, were nowhere near us. So nobody recognized me, thank the lord in heaven! I will admit that didn't cross my worries for a while though, or my mind at all. My goal was to have fun and I knew it would be just that the second I realized where he had taken me. After all, I've never been to a place like this before.
The bowling alley was wide with how many lanes there were. And where the paralleling lanes lined side by side each other, on the lit up floor where the action too place, another platform existed behind it up where we were standing. Tables were scattered too behind all the chairs that lined behind the lane. I realized as I took the place in more for what too. It was a cozy place that also served food in little concessions next to the front desk where you get your shoes and pay to play. Looking around, I also took note that all the colorful and bright balls sat on low shelves for us to pick and play with.
It took a while to get the hang of everything once we paid and set up for a game though. I mean, it's not like I ever bowled before. To be honest, it wasn't a place I expected him to take me on a date. But I wasn't complaining - it was better than what I had imagined really. It was worth going through his lecture of how to throw, how to arch your hand, and how the scoring worked. But really, I would have found a night of just looking at him to be satisfying. So by the time we got the ball rolling - no pun intended - it wasn't a surprise how much of a great time we were having. Starting with the game itself and our playful banter.
"What the hell was that?" He shouted to me from where he was sitting in a chair behind the belt that brought back all the balls that were bowled down the lane. His voice was all that reached me though as I watched my heavy green ball go straight in the gutter for the second time. It produced a straight scowl on my face as I watched in agony my shameful ball roll down in the gutter. But I couldn't let this beat me.
When I turned around, I met his eyes and narrowed them at his words. He was smirking at me, arms crossed and playful as he sat back in that chair. Such a smug bastard... I had a big bag of shitty excuses to use though.
"It's called aliens. They made it go in the gutter not me. Either that or karma for something else," I muttered, cracking up hard when I saw his face change. Into a 'disgusted' expression at my excuse and my pitiful turn that ended in the gutter. But to be fair, neither of us were doing good with this whole bowling thing. We were nearing the end of our first game and he was winning. I had 42 and he had 78. Bullshit if you ask me. But I will admit, watching his ass and his muscles work when he would throw the bowling ball down the lane was worth me losing.
Seeing as my turn was now over since that was my second gutter ball of that turn, he stood up and sauntered over to the belt as I watched him from where I was still standing. Crossing my arms, I watched him pick up his ball while the pins were being reset. Staring at him though, not moving from where I was standing at the lane, he came up to me with his fingers in the ball holes (I know, I've already said 'that's what she said' enough to last me a good two weeks).
"Are you going to sit down?" he asked, standing before me now where we usually throw the ball down the lane. He raised an eyebrow, and all I could do was smirk like he did a second ago. After all, my turn was over.
"No. I want to watch you fail up close."
He shrugged, smiling flirtatiously as he grinned, lowering his head slightly towards mine. In a lower and competitive voice, he spoke. "Fine. You're that much closer to watching me succeed. And I'm that much closer to needing to comfort you in your time of pain. Which I wont lie, I'm looking forward to," he chuckled lightly, making me smile up at his words. I wouldn't mind that myself either. Of course, that would lead me to want to lose on purpose. Which isn't acceptable in a time of war like this.
I stood a few feet off to the side, watching him carefully as he lined up the ball with the pins. He stood straight as he concentrated on the pins. Lining his eyes, the lane, and the pins up... overachiever. However, it paid off. He stepped forward and let the ball go as it rolled quickly down the lane. A second later, it hit the pins to the side, knocking down all but three pins.
At seeing that, my eyes glanced back to him. Glaring at him, he came to turn towards me and showed me a smug and proud smile. "Feel free to bow anytime you feel necessary," he joked.
"Oh shut up," I laughed as he went back to the belt that brought his ball back. Of course, to me it wasn't fast enough. He needed to start losing... As I stared him down, I crossed my arms and waited for the belt to lift up his ball any moment and roll it down the little grates.
A moment of waiting later though, when it came up and he took it, he returned to where I stood off to the side beside the lane. Smiling to me, he glanced down the lane, lining up the pins remaining.
Just as he started to swing back the ball, I bit my lip and decided it was time to mess with him. Like we have with each other all night. We screwed each other's shots up enough where the score was a little invalid at this point. Just as he swung it forward and was ready to let it go, I timed my aim perfectly. I smacked his ass through his khakis, making him drop the ball on the far side of the lane, with a loud thud of the weight put into that ball. And through my laughter that instantly erupted after I did it, I watched it go into the gutter and seemed to crack up even more at the oh so unfortunate sight.
I bit my lip, holding in my laughter as he turned around and faced me. With a furious look on his face. Trying to hide his smile, he stared at me, eyes were wide in 'anger'. Laughing even more at the look on his face, he began to slowly move towards where I was standing. Slow step by slow step... until I was forced to back up at his advance.
"You want to fight?" he asked, challenging me, raising a brow again and smirking.
After he said that, I smiled and stopped backing away from him, instead moving towards him and putting my hands up and gesturing for him to come for me. "Come at me, bitch!" I warned, making him laugh as he continued for me. And when he grabbed my arm, with both of us erupting in laughter, he tried to drag me towards the lane. He spoke as my feet struggled.
"I'm going to throw you down this lane," he said, chuckling as he dragged my limp but fighting body. Shaking body at that with how hard I was laughing.
"Try it, man! I'll drag you with me!" I said, just managing to get that out with my struggle and laughter. With his arm grasping mine, I reached up and took his with my other, dragging him down and closer to where I was near the ground. He bent to grab me and chuckled when I gripped him. Just starting to drag him down with me....
"Okay, I give up!" he said, letting me go and allowing me to my feet. "Do it again though and suffer the consequences," he said, eyes lighting in mine. Getting up, he patted my arm when I was steady and we began to move back towards where our balls were waiting. Smiling, I looked up at him as he walked next to me. And just as we reached the little belt, we both looked up to see our scores now - and groaned simultaneously.
Craning my neck, looking up at the screen, I scoffed as I glanced over to Luke beside me. His nose scrunched up in disgust at the score, I smiled as his lips pursed. But hey, he was still beating me. I don't know why he isn't happy with it. At that point though, we both agreed it wouldn't matter because we were playing another game after this one wrapped up. I mean, we were having so much fun, we weren't ready to leave yet. So when we finished our game up (and I lost unfortunately) we were about to play again, he broke in and offered up something for us to do before we start.
"First, do you want to get something to eat? I mean, after we finish up this game?" he smiled softly, standing before me, his eye shining down in mine sweetly.
I nodded. Now that he brought it up... I was getting hungry. "Sure. What's better than food?"
"You," he said moved slightly closer, his eyes dancing in mine and making me chuckle. Scoffing as I moved a little closer too, straining my neck up to him with my arms crossing, I felt my heart jump slightly. But I shook my head at him as I smiled.
"That was a good line," I said, nodding in approval.
"Thank god," he whispered before admitting it. "I was trying to come up with a good one all day!" he laughed.
Rolling my eyes, I laughed with him before it died into a still bright grin. With the last game behind us, Luke and I headed up to the little stands and windows for some food. They offered fries, pretzels, burgers, pizza, popcorn.... It was great. Luke and I ordered some fries and a few pretzels since we weren't that hungry to begin with at the moment. When we sat down at one of the round tables near our lane, listening to the crashing of pins in the background, we started eating. Each with a pretzel and fries. Just greasy and delicious shit. That was what was so great about this place. No fancy restaurant with stuck up people all around. Just a fun time with junk food.
"This is so much fun," I said after I swallowed. Staring into his eyes across from me, I saw him smiling up into my eyes, a certain twinkle in them that made my heart beat slightly faster each time.
He nodded as he chewed on his pretzel. Smirking after he swallowed his food, he responded. "I know. I haven't been bowling in... so long. Not to mention... I've never been on a date like this, with a woman as beautiful and special as you," he put so casually, as if it was something I could just brush off
I bit my pathetic smiling lips and still was taken back by just how much he effects me. In every way and all the time. I swallowed hard and put my fries down (something I wouldn't usually do). But his eyes demanded mine as I stared into his eyes. And though I have become so comfortable around him emotionally... it tugged at my heart and I didn't know what to say in response. So I just cleared my throat after a moment and scoff.
"Why are you always trying to flatter me?"
"I'm not," he grinned, those bright green diamonds appealed in mine. "Because I like to see you smile. And blush, and watch your eyes shine. Because I want to tell you what I am thinking."
I shake my head, laughing and looking down at my food before glancing back up at him, still not having a good response to him. I mean, even still, it's not like I'm use to being told stuff like that, even with him. Meaning, I don't know how to respond. I just know I start to feel like jelly, my chest jumps, and I feel so warm and loved.
"Another line, copper?" I say, hoping to break his sweet words into a joking situation.
He wouldn't bait. "Not this time," he breathed. I watched him search my eyes and lick his lips from across the table. He put his food down himself and the next thing I felt was his hand reach mine from where it rested on the table. My own breath caught as he grasped my hand in comfort and he saw through me. "You don't need to feel pressured when I tell you things like that. Just... let me be sweet to you, even if you are still a little afraid to open up to raw emotion like that. I mean, I understand. That's why we are here, because I love having fun with you and I know you do too - better than a stiff date. That's what's so great. We can have fun, laugh, and play. And we can be sweet too with each other. I know it's still taking you a while to get use to. But for me, it's instinct to want to shower you in everything I'm feeling with you." He smiled brightly up to me. "You don't need to force yourself to return the favor when I can see how much it means to you," he nodded. "Because I do. I know I make you warm, flattered, and feel good about yourself. I can see it in your eyes."
He pulled out everything in me I didn't even bother facing in myself yet. I just let myself react without dwelling over it. Yet he has. He figured me out and that I'm still new to this whole thing. He just means well and wants to show me, tell me, everything he takes in with me. I think I knew why too. I felt so cared for by him....
"Thank you," I smiled up to him, sighing and relieved. "I mean, I'm not afraid anymore to say that I love being with you. It's weird to hear," I chuckle as I gaze to him. "But it's true. I love being around you and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. I've never known a man before like you, who shares so much with me. I'm just happy you understand that it's still a little hard for me." I laugh. "But by all means man, I love when you speak to me and make me shiver because what you say is just so sweet and beautiful. And I know you say those things not only because you mean it. But also because you can now," I said, grasping his hand back in mine. "I'm happy you know me so well that you took me here. That we are alike in that way. But don't be afraid to show me your depth like that, even if I respond like a moron. Just know I try because you mean so much to me, Luke."
I felt his hand tighten in response to me and looking into his eyes... they only continued to watch me. As if in awe or at least as if he was just letting my words sink in. He searched my eyes, and his eyebrows lowered. I could see the amount of emotion that began to fill in him, and like I said, it effected my body with chills at seeing such a look from him. I gazed into his eyes back and finally, after a long moment, he spoke. "You are amazing," he said, chuckling just the slightest under his breath. It was so clear though just how much he meant it though when he shook his head, as if lost. "Don't expect me to always be ready and on my feet either. You too can manage to leave me speechless," he said, sitting up more as I watched a slightly blush move over his face.
At that moment though, we went back to joking around. But with things clearly more clarified, which made me feel even more relaxed and happy if that was possible on what was already such an awesome time. However, as we continued eating, we were interrupted a few minutes later. A man coming into our sight from the side drew both of our eyes to him. And looking up to that person when he reached our table, I was confused for a moment. I mean, I have a right to be - and more so paranoid. I could see from the corner of my eye Luke tense and get ready to stand up, anticipating trouble that second. Only to see that wasn't the case and it wasn't some asshole like we figured.
I noticed it was just as one of the workers who brought over a pitcher of beer Luke ordered along with a couple Styrofoam cups. The man setting down the beer on the table between us, Luke offered him a polite smile when he looked up at him too. "Thank you," he said to the man before he left and his eyes fell back and onto mine.
"Officer...?" I asked in a high note on purpose, seeing that the seriousness was fading and our playful banter was back. "Am I permitted to have a drink?" I asked, teasing, glancing between him and the pitcher several times to get my point to him.
Luke sat back in his seat after he took in my words, pretending as if he really needed to ponder this over. That same glint in his eyes, he pursed his lips and lowered his brows low over his eyes. "Hmm..." he said, tapping his chin in thought with his index finger, looking up and wondering. "Well...."
"You're off duty," I pointed out, smirking.
"Then what the hell!" he said, gesturing with his hands he didn't care. "Go ahead," he said with an exaggerate sigh as he sat back forward. "Just not too much. Who would I be to take you home drunk?"
"You would be awesome," I joked, making him scoff. More seriously though, I said, "I just want one anyway." I poured myself a cup and poured him one too. And as we continued to eat and sip slowly at our beer, we continued just talking, whether sweetly or arrogantly. It was all us, all fun, the whole time, just me and him.
"I'm so convinced that you will lose, you might as well not even try," I said, my elbows resting on the table as I sat far forward, raising an eyebrow as I stared him down. The funny thing was he was doing the same, sat forward with our food pushed off to the side since we were both basically done (and by done, I mean full to the gut). He smirked at me, and we were close across the table. Locked in verbal competition as another bowling game was in sight for us.
"I'm convinced you will lose," he said. "But either way, it wont matter. I'll still support you and cheer you on. Even if it's a little sarcastic," he smirked.
"Wow. Thanks," I said, rolling my eyes and looking down before back up, hitting his gaze in mine again.
By the time we decided it was time to start another game, we were full of energy again and ready to beat each other's ass in bowling. Of course, we also came to the agreement to put up bumpers this time. He obviously needed them. His luck was about to run out.
When we got back down to our lane and balls, the bumpers were ready. As it turned out, when we started the game, we both needed them. When a ball would head for a gutter, the little railing lining the edges would make it bounce back towards the middle of the lane. So each time, we would each get some pins down no matter what. And though it was unfortunate because it eliminated some of the competive spirit in me, it brought out something I liked even more.
I laughed in happiness when I watched my ball bounce off the bumpers and back towards the center, moving fast with how hard I threw it. Watching it in anticipation, when I saw it get down all but two pins, I couldn't hold back my excitement. I spun around, laughing and smiling, and threw my hands up obnoxiously almost. "Oh hell yeah!" I let out loudly, finding his smiling face behind me as he watched too.
I moved back towards him swiftly and when he raised his hands up in the air, I high fived both hands. Chuckling, he said, "That was the best you did so far on the first try," he said, moving back with me towards the belt that would spit out my ball soon enough.
Staring up at him, I grinned, feeling the excitement pulse in me. I stood next to him, looking up and I felt my eyes widen. "I know! I didn't expect that. These bumper things are awesome," I said, nodding and my eyes found my ball when the noise reached my ears of it being lifted up from the belt.
By the time I was ready to try to knock down the remaining two pins, I let it rest on luck. I heard the crashing of the pins from down a ways to other people that were bowling at the other end of the room. Then, teasing Luke, I turned around just before I rolled it. Meeting his eyes, I said in an obvious manner, "Where is my cheerleader...?" I asked, smirking to Luke.
He sat back in the chair, waiting for me to go, and with my words he deliberately put on a blank face. And when his only other reaction was to raise his hand dully, I rolled my eyes and chuckled, turning back to the lane. Lining it up, I started to think it should be easy. After all, I have bumpers, two pins left next to each other.... How hard could it be?
Of course, when I started to throw it, just before I let it go, I heard an excited voice chirp in my ear from behind me. "Woo! Go Albany!" Luke shouted, close to me this time and a few feet back. Along with his applause too I didn't expect. And because of that, the ball slipped slightly and I ended up dropping half way through. It landed on the lane... going about as slow as a snail.
Bitting my tongue and pursing my lips to hide my smile, I turned around swiftly, groaning and going to face him. He was smiling brightly at his effort he put into 'cheering' for me. Even more so to seeing how well I did. Ha! Though he looked cute doing it, chuckling under his breath, I hid my smile and walked towards where he stood.
"Good try, good try! I thought my cheering would have helped but I guess not," he said in a light voice and by the time I was ready to smack him in the arm for that one, he raised his arms up and started to come towards me. "Awe, you want a hug for the effort? Sure thing!" he said and gave me a hug, making me break and chuckle.
"I didn't want no hug from you!" I said, laughing. Taking a deep breath, and inhaling his wonderful smell, I smiled and felt myself hug him back. On instinct too. Of course, I couldn't give into the enemy. Even if he was my date. "You made me screw up," I grumbled.
"Come on now," he said in an almost playful scolding voice. "Don't blame your problems on others," he said in a voice like he was talking to a two year old. I laughed and moved away from him a moment later, finally getting that slap in.
"That was not cool," I chuckled, moving with him as the pins reset for his turn - since my ball didn't hit any when it finally got to the end of the lane. However, I planned to support him too though. And I did. By the end of the night, he actually managed to get three strikes, thanks to the pins. I clapped and cheered for him, giving him high fives and, though he politely denied my chest bump, I was all in with pumping our game up. I was having so much fun, filled with so much happiness... half the time during that game, we just couldn't stop laughing. At one point, he even managed to convince me that he needed to show me the correct way to bowl. Therefore, holding me to him as he showed me the movements, helping me. The little shit only used it as an excuse to get close to me because his 'lessons' didn't work. But I most definitely can't complain. It's still hard to believe... that he wanted to be with me, was attracted to me.... Justified in the core of his eyes too.
Before we finished up with that game, it was announced the place would be closing within a half hour. Therefore, this was our last game. And we made it last as I said before. So by the time we were walking out and into the parking lot, I expected this night to be finished. Walking beside him out to his truck, I had my arm wrapped around his as he offered. My eyes rested on the shinny black cement where the moon reflected on the wintery sheet of snow and some ice. It was actually a nice night out considering the time of the year. Which went to show what else Luke had planned.
"Tonight was awesome," I smiled up at him, figuring we were going home now.
Taking him in as I craned my neck, I noticed an amused smile reach his lips before he tilted his head down and looked to me as we walked. "We aren't finished, pretty lady," he grinned. "Unless you want to go home," he said, open to whatever I wanted to do tonight. Obviously though, I had assumed our date was over. Dummy me.... I was more than happy to let it go on; better than going straight home.
I chuckled, gazing up at him before looking ahead to where we were walking. "Well pardon me," I said. "Please, continue then. Wow me some more if you insist."
"I do," he sighed in a soft smile by the time we reached his truck. And when we got in, I had no idea what was up his sleeve. I didn't know what to think.... A feeling came over me I felt before, like when opening presents on Christmas. The excitement of not knowing as he started the truck and we pulled out of the parking lot.
I grinned, nearly bouncing with excitement. It got to the point where I was trying to go over what we could possibly be doing next. Eyeing him carefully in the car, I tried guessing numerous times where it was we might be going. But none seemed to be right. When he pulled down a country road though, that looked slightly familiar, it was like it was there, straining in my brain for me to remember but I couldn't.
It wasn't until he pulled the truck on the side of the road and I still didn't know that I had to ask. Feeling the fresh air hit me, I took a deep breath before my eyes found his when he came to my side. I smiled up at him, shaking my head. "What are we doing on the side of the road?" I asked as he came to stand before me, excitement like I was feeling lighting his eyes up. With our coats wrapped around us from the cold, I stared up at him as those green emeralds were begging to answer me.
"It's a surprise," he whispered, his smile turning into his teeth shinning brightly under the moon. The darkness around us, especially with woods off into the darkness beside the road, made his eyes that much brighter.
"Oh god," I grin more, taking his hand in mine as he moves closer to me. "I can only imagine...."
"Follow me," he said, gesturing for me to come with him as he faced the trees. Instantly, I was confused. I only chuckled, moving my free arm around me as I held my coat to me more as we faced what looked like an even colder winter in those woods. I didn't understand... but I didn't let our hands strain as he guided me slowly towards the woods.
"Wait, why in the woods?"
"It's a surprise, woman," he laughed, turning back to me as we neared the edge of the woods. Only as we were close enough, I could see that there was an opening.... Very small but it was shoveled, leading back into the depth of the woods. Dear lord... this man had something up his sleeve of tricks, that's for sure.
At his words, I bit my lip in excitement as he began to lead me down the path in the woods. Only, as I was pushed into his side as we walked through the bare branches along the trail, coated in freshly laid snow, I could feel the warmth around me. In him as I pressed closer, moaning at his glorious scent that could put me under.
It wasn't long until I noticed a few blurry lights ahead that I was straining to see as we walked. And as we got closer... I noticed that they were coming from the trees. The ones we would soon be passing on our sides along the path. When we got close enough, and I saw what it was... I was put into awe. The pathway was now being lit up... by icicle lights and pretty bulbs, strung from tree to tree along the way. Lighting up the path as we walked.
The moment I realized they were something like gold Christmas lights, I could feel my eyes grow and I nearly gasped at the sight. "What..." I said, smiling as I looked around me as we walked, seeing the lights, just stung along the path and nothing else. I instantly glanced up to Luke as we began to walk through the lit path, shocked and not knowing what the hell this could be. Staring up at him as I saw he was already glancing down at me, his green eyes lit up even more with the reflection of the lights in his eyes.
However, it didn't last too long. Because after a moment, I saw something through the trees ahead of our path. I could only imagine what this man would be willing to do for me on a date. However, when we reached the end of our lighted path, I didn't for one second predict what it actually could have been.
It took a while to update and I apologize for that. I hope you enjoyed it!
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