Chapter 8: meeting mike
Your pov:
You woke up and you almost about to go back to sleep but the you remembered "crap I have to go to work." You got up and raced out the door not even bothering to use your bike. while you were running you put on a blue jacket you had to put this on for to reasons. One, even though you haven't cut in years you still had some scars. And two because you had to cover up your face from the cuts your father gave you. While running you also put the hoodie up over your head.
~Time skip brought to you by cybermen~
You finally got to the pizzeria and you ran bursting the doors open. After that emerald and a guy were just staring at you. "Sorry?" You said a bit embarrassed. "Its fine (y/n)" emerald said with that creepy smile that made it look like it was wider than her face. "So here's your uniform, oh and this is your co-worker Mike Schmidt" "well see you guys tomorrow" she said but before she opened the door she mumbled under her breath "hopefully." "Hi I'm (y/ n)" "nice to meet you (y/n). That's a beautiful name" you blushed little bit. "T-Thanks" you said. "Come on let's get started on our job" "ok" you and Mike walked in the office,there was two tablets so you picked one up switching through the cameras. You stopped on a certain one a wave of guilt over came you. The camera showed a purple curtain with stars on it, with a sign that said out of order. Foxy was out of order and it was all because of you, you felt tears starting to form. "Mike ill be right back I'm going to the bathroom" ok (y/ n) be careful." You run into the bathroom and start to cry, you get a blade out of your pocket and you cut yourself a few times, beads of blood dripping down your arm. You take some toilet paper and clean up the blood. You just sit there for five minutes then you decide to go back you walk back to the office and sit back down. It's was still only 12am.
~Time skip brought to you by Rose Tyler~
It was 3am and still nothing was really going on your cuts healed up so there was no more bleeding. Suddenly Mike did something you didn't expect "shit" he yelled "what?" you said "Bonnies moving" he replied. Your eyes widened, but you guys had it all under the control until... it's was 4am and Bonnie was right out side your door "m-mike?" "What (y/ n)?" " umm well Bonnies right outside the do-" you were cut of by Bonnie grabbing a hold of you. He put his hand over your mouth so you couldn't talk and he pulled you out of the room. You were getting dragged down the hallway, then Mike started to call your name. You were about to scream but Bonnie said "if you make one noise ill kill him to" you didn't want him to die so you just nodded and when Bonnie uncovered your mouth you didn't dare to even make one peep. While you were getting dragged down the hallway you thought 'i already almost got killed by this place as a kid, but now it's really gonna happen' a wave of sadness washed over you and you started to cry quietly to yourself 'look on the bright side when I die I'm gonna never feel sad or depressed again' Bonnie saw you crying but you didn't notice him staring at you,but for some reason he got worried when he saw to smiling while crying. You also kept hearing Mike call for you. You felt bad for leaving him but what else could you do? If you responded Bonnie would not only kill you but Mike to. You wanted him to live. You guys finally reached backstage (that took a while.LOL.) You stood there in shock while Bonnie was getting a suit ready to stuff you in. After he was done he gave you a devilish smile, and said "don't worry this won't hurt for long" you were scared but you still responded "ya, I should be thanking you for this after all my life is just one useless story." His gaze softened but it was still strong. He grabbed you, but out of no where you got this sudden burst of strength and started to fight back. You lost. But in the middle of fighting your jacket got ripped of and he saw your cuts on your face and wrists. But he didn't really pay attention to them. You soon ran out of strength and you became limp. Then he picked you up and stuck one of your arms in the suit you let out a blood curdling scream you heard faint sounds of running foot steps coming. You also heard Mike call your name again but in a more panicked tone. Then Bonnie stuffed your other leg in the suit you screamed again but louder. The pain was overwhelming and all you could do is scream and cry. You finally gathered up the strength and yelled while crying " I'm sorry foxy I didn't mean to make you go out of order. I'm sorry." You were sure enough those would be your last words. All you hoped was that he heard you, and that he would forgive you. "I told you not to talk you little brat" he yelled. He than grabbed your arm quickly and shoved it in the suit and then your other arm, all you could do was scream. He then a head of a suit on you. You couldn't scream. You couldnt talk. You couldnt cry. All you could feel was pain, but then everything went numb, then after that all you could feel was cold. Then you heard someone walk in yelling at Bonnie you didn't know who but after they were done yelling at Bonnie they came up to you and said "I'm so sorry lass." Then you blacked out
A/N. Welp there you go happy now wow 1023 words 0_0 well this should keep you guys quiet for a while... HAHAHA I left you at a cliff hanger I know I'm so evil.
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