chapter 23: The dark consumes
Sorry if this I short. And sorry this is late
Goldies P.O.V (this pov is gonna be short, and sorry for spelling errors)
I woke up where was i? It was a dark room and I was tied to a chair. What, why am I tied to a chair? I sigh as I look around. It was nothing but dark. But then I heard footsteps above me. As soon as I heard that I knew exactly where I was. I'm under the stage! How can I get out? Ugh. I hear voices above me,I quite down. "Are you sure Gold will be okay?" I hear a voice say. I can't make out who the voices belong to, so I just shut up and listen. "Well it's not like this is the first time. First time? You mean this has happened more than once?!? I tune out their voices and focus on the matter on hand. I noticed I'm tied together with rope. Easy! Maybe I can you that 'blue fire' magic or something to burn the rope! (Good job gold your so smart *note the sarcasm*) okay let's try this. I close my eyes and try. Suddenly the room lights up a bit. Okay. All you have to do is cut the rope. I aim my hands in the right direction and I can smell something burning. Hopefully that's the rope,not my clothes. And before I know it(he catches on fire!) My hands are free. Now just my feet.(no shit Sherlock) I guide my hands down to my feet. When those ropes are free I feel relief flood over me, but that's instantly cut of when I hear the 6am bell ring. Oh no. What if they don't get to the stage on time.where is (y/ n) gonna go.WHERE IS SHE GONNA GO. I start to play with my hands in the chair, out of nervousness. Okay everything will be okay, they got it under control. I take a deep breath,trying to feel better. I try to stand up, I almost lose balance but I instantly took control of it. "Hew" I breath out. I can use the fire as a light! I hold out my hand as the blue flames set alight. I look around. There isn't much. Gears on the walls used for the stage, a mirror, extra supplies, and a first aid kit. I try to walk but instantly fail and fall on the ground. "Ugh" this is gonna take a while.
~Time skip~
I finally get my balance and I'm walking again, I stumble a lot,but hey at least I can walk. I put my hand out again as the fire appears. I start to walk around to try to find something to do. I know I can teleport. I actually facepalm myself with my other hand for not thinking of teleporting before. Oh well I guess I have nothing to do. I walk around noticing the mirror. I walk up to it, and what I see surprises me... My hair looks ruffled up, I have tears all over my clothes. And my eyes are black with tiny white pupils in the middle, I also have oil leaking out of my eyes. What have I become? I shouldn't never got up in the first place... as I get more depressed, more oil leaks out of my eyes. I'm the strongest out of us, so if I got hurt this badly how are the others holding up.(way to assume.) I also notice as my sleeve goes up a little bit a notice a big gash in my wrist and I goes all the way around,same with the other,also with my ankles. This couldn't have been the rope though. It couldn't of gone that deep in the time I was tied up. They were still bleeding to. I'll think about what did that later. I get the first aid kit and bandage up my wrist and ankles. I hurt them really bad didn't I?
Yes you did
What are you talking about I didn't do this you did!
But does that count for Freddy almost dying?
What?!? I almost killed him?
I sit down, put out the fire,and stare in the dark with astonishment.
Maybe everyone would be better of without me.
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