chapter 21: mistakes
Picture dedicated to arizonaotaku
Chica's P.O.V(going through all of them who's next?)
I'm right in front of (y/n), crying. I can't believe she doesn't know who we are. What would of done this to her,or who would've. I swear If it was that puppet I will rip him apart limb by limb. I swear. I was still kinda out of it so i didn't really pay attention when Foxy left to get Freddy or Bonnie. Hopefully he could get them, Goldie is really bad at dealing with emotions. He could be like a loose switch sometimes. And God only knows what would happen if he found out.(Chica has no idea.) After a little bit I hear yelling. Probably foxy trying to wake them up. I finally try to talk to (y/ n)." So if you don't remember us then what do you remember?" She seems hesitant at first but finally talks "I'm (y/ n) (l/n) I'm 16 years old and I work at Freddy fazbears pizzeria." She says with confidence laced through her voice. "Do you remember anything else?" "No" the words 'No' that answered my question broke my heart. I start to cry even more. "Are you okay?" I look up to see her with a concerned look and her face. Gotta be brave Chica we will get through this. I stop crying and wipe my tears. I force a smile and said in a calm soothing voice "im fine,thank you" she seemed to be doing fine considering she doesn't remember most of everything. The yelling from the kitchen getting louder. (Y/ n) twitches and leans on a walls. Great now she's scared of foxy. then out of nowhere I hear foot steps in the hallway. I look over in the direction the footsteps came from.. I see Goldie walk out as the darkness that was consuming him and walks up to me "hi chica" he says in a cheerful tone. I hide (y/ n) behind me. Once he sees what I'm doing his smile falters. "Whos that?" He says as he tries to pull me away from (y/ n). Foxy come back. Still, he is trying to pull me away. I finally whisper "just don't make him mad" to (y/ n). She looks confused but I hope she gets it. As he pulls me away his eyes widen and he says "(y/ n)!" He hugs her and she hesitates but hugs back.good she must've understood me. He let's go and seems over happy. "Oh my god, your back!" The next thing (y/ n) says makes me scared for dear life. "W-who are y-you" again Goldie smile turned into a frown. "Chica what did you do to her" " I didn't do anything!" "ANSWER ME WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" His voice was now cracking and it was a demonic voice. "I-i...Goldie I didn't do anything!!!" I was about to cry but I couldn't be weak right now,if anything,I couldn't cry right now. He held out his hand and the next thing I knew I was in front of him. He's using his power's crap. He grabed me by the collar of my shirt and pushed me up against the wall. "Gold stop." "NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO (Y/ N)!!" "I told you. I didn't do it." Tears were now threatening to fall. No you can't cry. I looked over to (y/ n) and she had a scared look on her face and was crying."No, (y/ n) don't cry. Everything thing is gonna be okay!" I look back to Goldie to he is right in front of me and has his fist pulled back. Oh great. He punches me with so much force that I hear a cracking noise and my nose starts bleeding. Hopefully that was just my nose. I look over and see foxy and Bonnie coming out of the kitchen,into the room. They have looks of shock of their faces. I again look back to Goldie. He has his fist raised in the air again,but this time there was this 'blue fire' surrounding it. He punches me again, and I fall to the floor as he lets go. My vision starts to go blurry. I hear someone rush over to me. I also hear yelling. black spots start to cover my vision. Then everything goes black. But I still can hear yelling,then all of it goes away. Before I pass out one all to familiar voice booms into my head
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