Chapter 13: love?
Your Pov:
I was making pizza with chica. She was excited. a little too excited (lol). Then I remembered. Mark. "Uhh chica ill be right back" "ok". I went back down the hall,and of course Tiny Box Tim was still in the hall way. "Why am I not surprised" "(y/ n)?" "Yes?" He then jumped into the hallway and grabbed Tiny Box Tim,hugging the box he said "look you found her! Good job" then the 6am bell went off "bye mark" "bye (y/ n) see you tomorrow." Then he left by running out The door. "Bye guys see you tomorrow" then all I heard back was "bye lass" I then walked out of the building. I bumped into Emerald while walking home. "Oh, hi (y/ n) bow was work" "good" I said while putting on a smile. "Well see you tomorrow Emerald" "bye (y/ n)." Then I walked back to my house
~Time skip brought to you by...well me!!!~
I finally arrived home and scaled up my tree, Then I realized. I didn't go to school yesterday. "Oh well". Then I got dressed in a (f/c) shirt and pants, with (s/f/c) jacket and sneakers. I put my ear up against the ear, I heard snoring. Good to go! I opened the door making little noise as possible, I quickly ran out the door then I got on my bike then I rode to school. It was actually pretty cold outside. After about ten minutes I got to school. Same routine. Go to classes, eat at a lunch table by myself, but this time I didn't actually eat anything. Then I went to classes. Everything was fine until Emma came up to me. She had blue dyed hair and pale skin with green as grass eyes, with an outfit to die for. Next to her was olivia. She had brown hair with tan skin, and reddish pinkish eyes, also with a casual, and pretty outfit. On the other side was Sophia. She was blond with brown skin she had freckles with brown eyes, he had on a black jacket with jeans. And last but not least behind them was Noah he had black hair, with blue eyes, and ghostly pale skin. "Hi loser are you gonna cry to me about how you don't have any friends." Said Olivia. "Its not my fault I don't have any friends, you guys just told everyone not to hang out with me." I said. Then Emma replied with "oh, like it's not your fault that the animatronic bit you, you just did that to get attention." "I didn't mean to get bit!". Then a teacher came out. "Whats going on here?" She said then Sophia replied with "(y/ n) is being mean to us, and calling us names!" " okay Sophia that's enough, I will take care of this. They left but while leaving Noah gave me a death stare, with a smirk. When they were out of sight the teacher said "(y/n) I believe you did nothing wrong, am I wrong?" " I did nothing wrong" I said. "Good, now see you tomorrow." She said with a smile and left. I walked out then got on my bike. While riding home I decided that I have enough money to go to the pizzeria, so I did. It took me about 15 minutes to get there by bike. When I finally got there I thought 'this better be worth it.' I said while walking into the pizzeria. When I got in I sat down looking at the animatronics sometimes they would look at me for a long period of time. I kinda zoned out until one of the waitresses came up to me "welcome to Freddy fazbears pizza my name is Isabella and I will serve you today, what would you like?" "Umm one slice of cheese pizza with a doctor pepper please." "Okay that will be 10 dollars." She said while I handed her the money." I will be back in about five minutes with your order" then she left.
~Time skip... because I can!~
In about seven minutes she came back with your order. She placed it down on the table and handed you a red button and said "if you need me press this" "okay thanks" I ate my pizza and drank the rest of my drink. Then I sneaked in front of pirates cove, and I opened the curtains a little bit and said "foxy?" "Yes lass?" "Can I come in?" "Sure." I looked around and nobody was looking at me. So I went in it was kinda dark, but enough so you could see. "Foxy?" Then I tripped and landed on something. I opened my eyes and saw I landed on foxy, I quickly got off of him and said "omg, I'm so sorry!" "Its ok lass, no harm done" i was blushing really hard, luckily it was dark so he couldn't see. Then he hugged me, I hugged back. It felt good i haven't had someone care for me like this in years. Then i remembered.
~flash back~
It was my birthday I was so excited. Then it was time for me to go see foxy with my friend blue. She looked like she was having the time of her life. When we got there, the show had already started. I saw a girl that was a little taller than blue. The girl was pulling on foxy and yelling at him calling him names. blue and I went up to her and started to tell her not to call him names but then blue got called away by her mother. So it was me and that girl fighting "stop calling him names" "no he's just a stupid fox" she kept on damaging him and calling him names, until he looked like he couldn't handle it anymore. His eyes turned black with white pupils in the middle and moved his mouth into a motion that looked like he was gonna bite her. I saw this and reacted swiftly, i pushed the girl out of the way where she fell on the floor. As foxy was moving towards you his eyes were filled with guilt. Then i felt pressure on my head. Then everything went in slow motion there was blood everywhere and I fell on the floor the last thing I saw, was blue running up to me calling my name. Then I blacked out.
A/N: sorry if the name of the bullies are the same as your names just change it in your head. Sorry if I made some typos I am writing this on my tablet. Well I don't really have anything else to say sooooooooo, bye!!! And see you next time.
If you cared, and read this cookie for you
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