Chapter 7
It's been a moon since Jay joined Firepack. He's settling in nicely, however, he can get shifty. Like the one time, he was caught straying beyond Firepack's borders. Or when he sticks his nose into Moon's herbs. I sigh to myself, he's not going to learn quickly. I pondered, Jay never seemed to be the type to latch on to lessons easily. I ambled my way to the preypile. Picking a plump rabbit out of the heap. It smelled faintly of Jay. Maybe this is one of his catches. I quickly wolfed it down.
I smacked my lips in satisfaction. Stretching as I hoisted myself on my legs, shuffling my way towards a hunting pack, about ready to leave. I looked up at the patrol leader, which was Dawn.
"Do you mind if I join your patrol Dawn?" I asked with hope flaring in my chest. Ever since the run in with Frostpacks' nutty leader Fang, I had to stay in camp and heal. Joy managed to heal surprisingly fast, within no time she was able to hunt once more. But not me, I had to sit in camp all day like a pampered pregger waiting for her kits to arrive. And now, I'm dying to get a chance to escape the stuffy camp and run out in the forest again.
"Of corse." Dawn grinned at me, I beamed at her.
"Thank you!" I yapped, scampering to the end of the patrol. Oh god. I schruched up my muzzle as I ran into Twig. She narrowed her eyes to slits,
"My god, you just can't get anymore annoying can you?" She scoffed. I rolled my eyes at her.
"Oh my," I overemphasized. "I am sorry princess that I simply can't see past your sad excuse for a face." I bowed to her smirking. I knew I won the fight, even Twig knew it! Serves her right! I thought with triumph.
"Nice one." Says a voice, I being my head up from its dip to meet with Soot. I grin at him, bouncing myself back up to my paws. I chuckle at him.
"How's life." I cock my head at Soot, who drew himself into a sitting postition, scratching his ears.
"Alright I guess, my She won't let me hunt alone and my He is never home. However, I am well fed and have a den over my head, so I'd say I'm decent at the time."he hummed in response. We chatted for a few more minutes until the entire hunting patrol was assembled together to move out. My paws tingled with excitement, my first time out of camp for a moon! My stupid wounds ended up getting infected. But that's in the past now, it's time to go out!
A shudder goes down my spine as the autumn breeze hit me. I inhaled deeply, the forest air was addicting. The patrol is stopped as Dawn flicks her tail in sign to stop. I sniff the air, hoping to detect smells. Deer! I realize with a happy pang. We never got many deer around these parts. My tail waved behind me excitedly. Dawn was almost as excited as I was, she told us the plan. We were going to surround the deer in it's surroudings, hiding and the deer not noticing. Then we spring out and startle the deer. One by one we leap out to slash at it, in a circle preventing escape. We then continue until the deer is slain.
"Dude! This is like once in a lifetime!" Soot chirped quietly as we took our places, surrounding the deer. I nodded vigorously a grin spreading across my face. I snap my attention back to our prey. Silence.
"Yaaaaowwww!" Dawn's yowl alerted the patrol as they darted out from the bushes to comfront the deer, the prey confused and burning with terror and fear. Dawn lept out from behind the animal, slashing at its hind quarters. Then Soot, me, Rain took our turns. Twig was ready for hers as she hunched her back ready to spring. The prey took notes on our style, prediciting the next move, it shot out its hind legs. Punting Twig crucially in her stomach. Rain was in her side in seconds. The deer planning it's escape as it whipped its head around, looking for an opening.
"Go after the deer! I'll stay with Twig!" Rain called over her shoulder. Without needing to be told twice. The remains of the patrol traipsed after the deer. It kicking up dirt and grit, showering it in our eyes. Suddenly, a gray blur bursts from the shrubs. Tacking the deer and smashing it from the ground. I already knew who it was, this fox was powerful and cruel. My blood ran cold as my thoughts were comfirmed. Strike.
Strike was the ruthless deputy of Frostpack, no respect and no kindness. The opposing fox was a dark shade of gray, a darker shade of gray lining his ear tips and tail, a crisscrossed scar on his chest and a piercing blind left eye. This has been one heck of a hunt. I cringed to myself. I wince as a call screeches from the bushes. Yet another gray blur taking down Strike, a black one following him. I smirk as I recognize the two intervening foxes. Night and Jay.
The three foxes tumbled around on the ground, Night fighting Strike head on while Jay swiped at his hindquarters, knocking the Frostpack Deputy off balance. The metal tang of blood lingering in my nose, Strike was on his side, panting heavily while Jay and a Night held their ground, their hazel and icy eyes burning into Strike's own cold blue eyes. Their muzzles peeled to nasty snarls, the dead deer lay on the ground behind Strike.
"Strike Frost, Deputy of Frostpack. I demand to know why you are here on Firepack territory." Night bellowed, his menacing glare getting more intense as he stated his first name, which was always your name and the prefix of your pack name. Strike smirked.
"Well you see." He started with a sly smirk. "This is Frostpacks' territory." Jay mustered as growl, it ringing dangerously in his throat.
"You badgerheart!" Jay spat, springing towards Strike.
"No Jay!" Night commaded. Not before Jay and Strike sparred at each other, Strike pinning Jay down, his paw holding down Jay on his fragile neck. The little gray Firepack fox yelpled in agony, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. Having no luck. Jay's eyes were starting to slip from consciousness, I have to act now! Without thinking I rammed myself into Strike's exposed belly. The larger fox letting out a howl of surprise.
I reared up, dodging his flailing limbs, I weaved through them, lashing out my paws to cross his dark scar faded on his chest. I yipped in celebration as I watch a Strike bound off, leaving Jay to lay in the dirt. I shuffled towards him. Eyeing him with concern.
"T-thanks." He managed to croak out. I hear paws stop behind me, Night's scent rushing up my nose.
"Kit, I can't tell if you are the most determined or most stupid fox I've even seen." Night scolded but with a tint of humor hanging in his voice. Jay chucked, it quickly turning into a coughing fit.
"So, you going to get that deer?" Jay shifted his head to look at the kill.
"Oh! U-uh yes!" I stammered.
"Nice." He smiled as he curled up in a ball, unconscious.
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