Chapter 23
Our mob of foxes ran, darting out an open door and back to the wild, what was Jay thinking? Serving a bald pelt like that and giving him thread?! Ugh, disgusting. I pondered bitterly. Jay led us through the forest, some leaves brushing angrily against our faces. The muzzle clinging onto Jay's snout and he planted heavily through it. He screeched to a halt to let us take a break, me not tired ready to confront him. I stomp over to Jay.
"What was that?" I snarl, Jay's eyes clouded with confusion.
"W-what?" Jay was confused, I ignored it. He'll soon realize.
"You gave that bald pelt the thread! You served him like you were his....p-pet!" I snapped, Jay reared back. His hurt and confused eyes being layered with more irritated eyes.
"That bald pelt was trying to help me! I wouldn't be here if that bald pelt didn't bring me in, I would of died from infection or blood loss!" Jay retorted, I reared back surprised, ready to say more. Jay wasn't done.
"I thought you would of cared more, I thought you were my best friend! " He cried, his tears running down his furry face. I look at the deputy astonished.
"J-Jay I." I started, pressing my nose into his fur. He winced, flattening his ears to his head as he snapped away from my touch.
"Save it Whisper Fire." He whimpered with a slight edge. He turned tail and darted through the trees. My limbs yelled at me to run and follow Jay, I couldn't, my legs wouldn't move. Oh guardian foxes, what have I pulled myself into? I shook myself, returning to the other foxes. Hope they won't notice Jay's absence.
"Hey Whisper!" Joy called over, I cracked a smile as I trotted over to my friend. I sit down next to the white She. Nuzzling her fuzzy fur.
"Hi Joy." I greet. She smiles at me before her eyes wander from my gaze.
"Where's Jay?" She asked, my body tensed. Oh guardian foxes help me! Maybe I should tell the truth? My ears flattened against my head as I ripped my eyes from the Firepack hunter.
"Well, you saw how Jay acted towards that bald pelt. I sorta got mad and lashed out at him. He got really offended and ran off." I explained as shame bathed in my pelt. Joy's gaze hardened.
"Why didn't you run after him." I whipped around so my back was facing Joy.
"My legs wouldn't move, I tried but they just wouldn't." I confessed, Joy pressed her paw on my back.
"Whisper, I understand, but we have to go find him. It's almost night time and he still has that muzzle on, he has no way to defend himself besides from his claws." She stated, I bristled. How could I have forgotten?! I grunted, pulling myself onto my feet.
"I'll be right back." I growled, the She opened her mouth, before she could say anything I darted away. I let the breeze brush through my fur as I opened my mouth to pick up a faint scent of Jay. The track was layered with slight fear.
"Jay!" I howled, no answer. I tried again, still no answer. A flurry of gray dashed towards me, pinning me on the ground.
"You've got to go." He whispered with a harsh, desperate tone. I gulped.
"J-Jay." I stuttered astonished, his eyes held no anger what so ever. Only burning with horror and fear. Jay lowered his covered snout.
"I said, go." He spoke in a demanding, menacing tone. I frowned as I nodded my head warily, Jay letting me up. I darted back into the maze of trees, hiding behind one to spy on Jay. The deputy hurried through the forest. I followed the gray fox, struggling to keep my heavy breathing heavy as I attempted to keep up with the swift Firepack hunter. Jay groaned to a stop,
"Did you do it?" A hollow voice barked, Jay nodded firmly.
"Yes." He grumbled, his tail swishing behind him.
"Good. Now Ripple, set up some traps. There are some vines a bit north from here." A black fox with amber eyes commanded. A gray dappled She nodded as she traipsed into the woods. I bit my lip as the leader turned his gaze to Jay,
"As for you," the black fox stood firm. The fox's eyes glittering with mischief.
"You are coming with us." His lips peeled to a vile grin as he nodded to his two remaining group, a white He with black highlights and icy eyes and a ginger She with amber eyes.
Jay reared up, his tail stiffening.
"T-that wasn't part of the deal." He snarled through his muzzle. My pupils dilated. Deal? What was Jay doing?
"The deal was I told you information and that you'd let me go." Jay growled, looking indignant.
"Too bad." The black fox stalked up to the Firepack deputy with a devilish smirk. The He pinning young Firepack member. Jay grunted under his grip as he squirmed in his grasp. My snout curled to reveal my teeth, I sprang from my hiding spot. Tackling the black fox on the ground.
"Lightning!" The ginger fox yowled. Lightning's eyes flashed with rage as he hauled me off him, his frame stringer and bulkier than mine.
"Whisper! Get out of here!" Jay's muffled cries rang in my ears. I shook my head.
"I don't care Jay." I spat half-heartily.
"We can discuss this later, let me take care of this low life." My voice dripping with bitterness.
"Ice, Reef. Jay, now." Lightning barked, Ice and Reef face Jay head on. Pinning his head on a tree and holding him roughly on the ground as he grunted in protest, the others avoiding his flailing limbs.
"Don't h-." Jay's protests were snapped off as Reef firmly placed a harsh paw on his neck, the deputy gasping for air.
A crack sounded from the air, a bolt of light injecting into a trunk as the wood sizzled and cracked. Down came the tree as it collided with the ground, Reef, Lightning and Ice gleaming with terror.
"You scared of a bit of lightning, Lightning?" I taunted. He grimaced at my joke, bowing down to leap at me. A yowl boomed through the air, foxes darting to Jay and I, surrounding the other foxes as well. Joy collapsed on me, nuzzling my cheek.
"What part of, 'we' Do you not understand?" She playfully mocked, I smile at her. The yelps of my opponents dwindling away as they ran off with their bushy tails tucked between their legs.
"Ice!" Jay's suppressed voice called out, the white fox whipped his head around to be met with a falling tree. Fire licking at its bark, Jay darted with speed, bringing the two to the ground away from the tree as it broke with a deafening crack.
"Jay, I'm sorry for what I did." Ice apologized, Jay's ears lifted,
"No problem."
Sunpack foxes surrounded the two, brushing debris off Ice and nibbling at the strap of Jay's muzzle.
"Thanks." Jay breathed as the Sunpack foxes ripped his muzzle off, allowing him to breathe easier. I narrowed my eyes slightly.
"Sorry about our conversation, but who were they." I inquire as I covered my paws with my tail. Jay sighs, he tells us how the foxes were assassins and threatened to kill us. How Jay was found by them and how he gave them false information on the pack's location.
"And you know the rest." Jay completed, I nodded. Ice darted towards Jay.
"I-I know I don't deserve it, but may I tag along with you? I won't be much trouble." He begged. Jay smiled at the former assassin.
"Of course."
Jay dragged his gaze over the foxes,
"We should go, we only have a moon left."
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