Who Jumps?
Natalie's POV
Before we left the cabin, we were blind folded as Blackbeard didn't want us to know the location of his ship. But at least Duncan is with me tethered by a rope. So I didn't lose him while blindfolded. They are finally removed. "Was that really necessary?" Jack asks Blackbeard. As I check on Duncan.
"Best you and your friend not know the exact whereabouts of my ship. I be a cautious man" Blackbeard tells him.
"So be I" Jack tells him as he takes out his compass. "What I want first is Ponce De Leon's ship" he states. Then sets off with us all follow him.
(Time skip)
We'd been walking most of the day and are now wading through water. Duncan is swimming beside me tail wagging, he loves a good swim. "Why is it we've got to bring her along?" Scrum asks as he helps carry the mermaid in her glass coffin.
"Because tears don't keep. We need them fresh" Angelica states.
"What is the ritual again?" Jack asks Angelica and I.
"Seriously Jack, we've told you multiple times" I grumble.
"Water from the Fountain and a mermaid's tear?" he asks Angelica.
"And two silver chalices. One cup with a tear, one without" Angelica tells him.
"So, one with a tear and water in both? Quite complicated, is it not?" he asks us.
"You're the one who loves to complicate things" I remind him.
"Do not" he complains.
"Both get water. One gets a tear" Angelica states before I can snap back. "The person who drinks the water with the tear gets all the years of life from the other" she explains. Duncan growls and I see a snake in front of us. I place a calming hand on his back.
"How many years?" Jack asks Angelica. Who grabs the snake from the water turning to face Jack and I. Holding it as it hisses at us.
"All the years that they have lived, and they could have lived, if fate had been kinder" she states. Before tossing the snake away. We continue on our journey.
We all take a break once we get out of the water. I exam Duncan's paws and fur to ensure he didn't get any leaches or injuries from the swim. As Jack talks to the priest Philip asking for a way to get into heaven. I roll my eyes. "We have a word for that, Jack. You can convert" Philip tells him and I laugh.
"Jack convert, that I'd love to see" I chuckle.
"I was thinking more of an as-needed basis" Jack tells Philip. While giving me a pointed look. Just then I notice the mermaid gasping for air and Philip notices too. He breaks the lock open and allows her to get fresh air. He inserted his bible in the gap to ensure she continues to get fresh air and we continue on our journey.
(Time skip)
We reach a cliff with a broken bridge and I see a river below. "Just as I thought. Not this way!" Jack tells us.
"This is the way, isn't it?" Angelica asks him as I lean against a tree.
"'Course it is, but we should go around to the east" he tells her.
"That would take us out of the path of the chalices" she reminds him.
"Well, then we'll circle back" he states.
"There is no time" she tells him.
"You're the one who insisted on bringing the bloody mermaid" he retorts. They both start to bicker like five year olds. As Blackbeard approaches us.
"Someone must go" he states.
"You mean split up?" Angelica asks him surprised.
"You mean jump?" Jack asks. "This I can not wait to see" he states.
"Sparrow will go" Blackbeard states. "Find the ship, retrieve the chalices" he tells him.
"Sparrow? What makes you think he will come back?" Angelica asks Blackbeard.
"Yes, what makes you think he will come back?" Jack asks.
"We cannot trust him, Father. I'll go" Angelica states.
"She'll go" Jack agrees. Blackbeard stops Angelica from jumping. Then turns to face Jack.
"How much farther to the Fountain?" he asks him. Jack takes out his compass again and looks at it. He side glances at me and gives it a shake. He then points to the north.
"About a day's march north, following that river, you'll get to a series of pools. Then you're close" Jack explains. Blackbeard takes the compass from him.
"You will go" he states. Jack goes to the edge and looks over it at the river below.
"You know that feeling you get sometimes when you're standing in a high place? Sudden urge to jump? I don't have it" he declares. Blackbeard points his pistol as Jack's head.
"I need those chalices" he states.
"Shoot, save me the bother of the fall" Jack tells him.
"You will go. You will return or I will kill her" Blackbeard states pointing the pistol at me. Duncan growls at him.
"Easy boy" I tell him as I stand up.
"Why would I care if you shoot her?" Jack asks.
"Because she is your only friend here" Blackbeard states.
"You shot her, you have no leverage" Jack states.
"Quartermaster, get me six more pistols, remove the shot from all but two, but do not tell me which two" he orders handing the pistol to the quarter master. Who gets the pistols ready. "You get to choose, Mr. Sparrow" he tells Jack. Who picks a pistol handing it to him. Blackbeard points it at me and fires, but it was empty. Thank god. "Again" he says.
"Please, they're not even loaded" Jack states grabbing one. He points it into the air and pulls the trigger. It goes off, it was loaded. Blackbeard tells him to choose again. "If you're so keen on killing her, why don't you just let her jump?" Jack asks him.
"If you jump and die, then she will have her chance" Blackbeard tells him. I'd rather jump then be shot. Jack heads over to the quarter master.
"If I jump, will I survive?" he asks him.
"The doll" the quarter master says holding his hand out to Angelica. Who hands him the Jack voodoo doll. He mutters something under his breath heading for the cliff. Then tosses the doll over it and Jack screams. Soon he shuts up. "Yes, now you will survive" he states.
"This is nonsense! I'm going!" Angelica snaps heading for the cliff. Jack pushes past her and jumps off the edge. Did not see that coming. We then start to head north as Jack said.
Gif above of Jack jumping off of the cliff.
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