White Cap Bay
Natalia's POV
"Can I help you Jack?" I ask when he enters the cabin.
"I've been working on a plan" he states. "Still don't have it all figured out yet" he adds.
"When have you ever?" I ask him. "We nearly at White Cap Bay?" I ask.
"Yes, we should be arriving within the hour" he states. "Now if you want me to take you and that dog with me. You'll have to stay close to me" he tells me. I roll my eyes.
"Fine, anything else?" I ask.
"I'm going to chat to Angelica" he tells me.
"You mean flirt with her" I state with a scowl.
"Jealous?" he asks.
"I'll never be jealous of you with another woman Jack" I tell him. "We share a common goal of wanting to get out of here and are friends" I state.
"Keep telling yourself that luv" he tells me with a smirk. "How do I look?" he asks.
"Dashing" I drawl and he smirks. Before leaving to go see Angelia. I brush Duncan and then prepare to leave. I sharpen my sword and strap it to my belt. I put my coat and boots on.
(Time skip)
We arrived at White Cap Bay on schedule. Blackbeard had the crew set the trap and we just waited. For hours. Jack decided he had to be on the dock with Angelica. So I had to with Duncan. Which I am not happy about, as I wanted Duncan as far from the water as possible. But Jack told me to stay close. So, that's what I'm doing.
Suddenly I hear a woman singing and look out at the long boat. To see a lone figure approaching it. The mermaids have arrived. I've never seen one before, though I have heard of the stories. More join the first one as they surround the long boat. I grip my sword handle tightly ready to fight if needed.
It happened so quickly. On moment everything was calm as the mermaids sang. Then I hear Scrum scream and all hell broke loose. The Mermaids started to try snatch the men from the boat screeching. As the men fought back. More mermaids appear. "Out upon it! It has begun!" Blackbeard states.
Pirates throw many lighted barrels into the water. The barrels explode in frenzy, scaring the mermaids towards the shore. Along with fire from Blackbeard's ship. "Nets into the water! Quickly!" Angelica orders.
"Duncan, to land" I tell him and he takes off down the dock. Jack gives me a look, but I just watch the water. Which begins to still as the mermaids had disappeared under the surface.
"A gold doubloon to the man who spots the first! Do not be greedy. We need but a single one!" Blackbeard declares. It gets nastily quiet as the pirates hold the net. Just then something whips by in the darkness, a pirate gets dragged away. Soon more and more get tangled up in seaweed whips thrown by the mermaids.
"Retreat, all! To land! For your lives!" Jack yells as more pirates are taken. They start to run for the shore.
"Cowards! Back in the water! There be no refuge on land" Blackbeard states as he points his pistol at his own men. "On my word" he states shooting at a pirate and narrowly misses him. Others join him.
Suddenly a seaweed whip latches onto one of the stakes on the dock Jack, Angelica and I are on. Angelica runs t shore. Before Jack and I could though, the dock collapses. My feet go into the water as I fell with Jack. I try to stand and a wipe grabs my boat and pulls me back. I cling to the dock. "Jack, help!" I scream and he does so. He cuts the seaweed offering me his hand.
I take it and he pulls me to my feet. "You ok?" he asks and I nod my head. He looks up the light house.
"We gotta do something" I tell him and he nods his head. We run along the dock dodging grabbing hands. Making our way to the lighthouse. We managed to get their safely, but Jack had lost his sword to a mermaid along the way.
Jack grabs a stick and starts to hit the tank of oil. Soon it begins to leak onto the fire. He grabs my hand and dragged me over to the window. "You're crazy" I tell him.
"Trust me" he says. "Jump!" he shouts and we jump as the oil tank explodes. Destroying the lighthouse. We land in the water safely. We see the mermaids swimming away and surface.
"That was close" I state. Just then a brunette mermaid appears right in front of us. I gulp in fear. As Jack spreads his arms in greeting.
"Marina, please don't" he pleads. She slaps him and left. I laugh lightly.
"You sure have a way with women Jack" I state. He shrugs and we swim to shore. I'm greeted by an excited Duncan. I hug him, glad he is ok.
"Did everyone see that? Because we will NOT be doin' it again" Jack tells the crew. Who ignore him. I see the had caught a young mermaid. She was hissing in anger in a net. But looks terrified and I feel bad for her.
"Back to the ship. We head for a protected cove. Now" Blackbeard orders. We all go back to the Queen Anne's Revenge. I try not to look at the dead bodies as we passed them. We got back to the ship and I was blindfolded along with Jack. Clearly Blackbeard wanted to ensure we don't learn the location of his ship.
Picture above of the mermaids and picture on the external link of White Cap Bay.
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