Chapter Forty
I follow Zane through the front door of the Bishop's mansion. Fortunately for us, neither Taisley nor Bradley are home.
He leads me upstairs to his bedroom. Unlike Taisley's black and red, mausoleum-like sleeping quarters, his room is very plain. The walls are white, the carpet is beige, and his unmade bed is adorned with a gray comforter. There's a simple wooden desk in one corner and a walnut gentlemen's chest in the other. An ivory door leads to what I can only assume is his closet.
I also can't help but notice that his bedroom is half the size of his step-sister's. I'm willing to bet that wasn't an accident.
"So... this is where you sleep," I whisper, taking in my surroundings. He catches me staring at the bed, and my cheeks turn crimson.
"Yes, this is where I sleep." Chuckling, he takes a lighter off his desk and creates an orange flame. "Okay, so I need you not to freak out."
"Zane, this is probably a peculiar question, but do you have a superpower?"
"That is a peculiar question. Why do you ask?"
"Taisley wanted your blood."
"And her Renfield's syndrome is connected to me having a superpower?"
I flashed a triumphant smile. "Are you admitting that you have one?"
His dark eyes glistened with diablerie. "If you can keep an open mind, follow me."
"It takes a lot to freak me out," I finally declare.
Grinning, he moves his fingertips over the fiery blaze, causing the flame to dance beneath his hand. With each motion, the fire grows, eventually morphing into a perfect orb that he balances on his palm. He discards the lighter and juggles the ball from one hand to another like a circus performer. I check his hands for burns, but his skin is still smooth and unscathed.
"You can manipulate fire," I murmur in amazement.
"I can," he agrees, "but only when it's there to manipulate. I can't create it from nothing."
"That's... awesome."
He raises his eyebrows. "You don't think it's scary?"
"No," I say, shaking my head. "Honestly, I've seen much scarier."
"You're something else, Layla Dodds." He extinguishes the fireball and takes a step toward me. "So you think this was why Witch Bitch wanted my blood?"
"Yes, I do." I feel his hot breath on my cheek. Without thinking, I lean into him. "I have a friend in a... similar situation. She's asking for a vial of their blood, too."
"God, Taisley, what are you planning?" he mutters under his breath, a look of exasperation on his angular face.
"Whatever it is, she won't get away with it," I say with confidence.
Am I a self-assured person? No. But when it comes to the people I care about, I'm unstoppable.
The following Monday at school, I find Damian and drag him into the nearest janitor's closet. I tell him about my encounter with Taisley, as well as my revelation about Zane. His expression transforms from one of confusion to anger to relief as I disclose everything that's happened since Thanksgiving.
"Me, Ada, and now Zane," he murmurs, his aquamarine eye twinkling with wonder. "Maybe I'm not such a freak, after all."
"Damian, stop," I scold him.
"Sorry." He shakes his head. "So should I give Taisley my blood? We have no idea what she's gonna do with it."
"If we don't give her something, she's going to blab about your secret," I remind him. "Don't worry, though." Smiling, I pull a hypodermic needle out of my backpack. "I have an idea."
"Layla. Damian." Taisley arms are crossed as she saunters toward us, her glossy lips set in a straight line instead of her usual wide-lipped smile.
"Here." I hand her the tube of crimson liquid. "We're square now, right?"
"You'll never have to speak to me again." She rolls her sapphire eyes as she struts down the hall, bumping my shoulder as she does so.
"Bitch," I mutter.
"That went pretty well," Damian voices. "Think she bought it?"
"Let's hope so." I pull up my sleeve and scratch the now itchy needle mark on my arm. "We at least bought ourselves some time. I'm meeting up with Zane on Thursday to snoop through the Bishop's house. It should be an adventure."
"Just be careful, Layla," he warns me.
"Bradley will be working, and Taisley has her yoga class after school. No one will catch us."
"I was referring to Zane."
I let out a sigh. "He didn't drug me, remember?"
"No, but I saw the way he looked at you. He... wants you," Damian says, shaking his head. "Don't let your guard down around him, alright?"
"I'll be fine, Dad," I joke before grabbing my textbook and making my way to class.
I appreciate Damian's concern, but I'm more worried about Taisley and her demonic blood plan than I am Zane and his "want" for me.
And, honestly, would it be so terrible if I got to know my fiery friend a little better?
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