When Lavendar opened her eyes, she was in a forest. Orange and yellow leaves hung thick from lilting branches. Soft grass sat comfortably underfoot, and the cool air brushed past her cheek. Her ears swivelling, she looked about. Had she really gone back in time?
As if in answer to her question, a voice cried out, "An Eevee!"
Her breath caught in her chest for a moment, then she was away. Running like the wind, she bolted through the woods, chasing after the voice. Bursting through the trees she came upon a tussle.
A Gabite was leaping through the bush, its claw raised high. Before it stood an Eevee, eyes wide. At the sight of her Father, Lavendar froze. Mid-stride, she simply stopped, falling, and sliding across the grass. The Gabite leapt away at her unexpected entry.
Tertle wasted no time. "Run," he yelled, jumping in front of the Gabite and its trainer, covering his friend's retreat.
Glair and Ace leapt into the trees and glided away. Pixie hesitated, glancing at Jacob, but he was distracted, pulling Lavendar to her feet, and urging her to run.
Pixie took off, Jacob hot on her heels. Her breath coming too fast, Lavendar glanced at Tertle, squaring off against the Gabite. Gabite leapt at Tertle, but the old Carracosta stepped in and slapped Gabite across the face, sending it flying.
Turning, Tertle scooped Lavendar up with one arm and took off after his friends, spewing a jet of water of his shoulder as he ran.
Tertle lumbered through the forest, his heavy footfalls alerting everyone to their presence, but hardly anyone cared. After a few minutes Tertle realised they weren't being followed and slowed to a halt.
Out of breath, he gently lowered Lavendar to the ground before sitting, taking in deep draughts of air.
Still shaken, Lavendar simply sat there, tails curled around her side and tears brimming in her eyes.
After Tertle regained his breath, he smiled gently. "It's alright, little one. You're safe now."
Her breath steadying, Lavendar lifted her eyes to look at Tertle's rugged frame. "Thank you," she whispered.
"Are you okay?"
Biting her lip, Lavendar shook her head and tears began to trickle down her cheeks.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his deep voice turned tender.
"I, I never thought I'd see them again... Dad and Mum."
His brow creasing, Tertle rubbed at his chin. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"Jacob and, and Pixie," she explained. "I never thought I'd..."
Tertle was quiet for some time and when he spoke, he simply said, "You have your father's eyes."
Her jaw hanging open, Lavendar looked at Tertle's honest face. "You?"
His chest rumbling with a deep chuckle, Tertle shook his head. "I've seen a lot of things, Kid. Just add it to the list."
Her head dropping, Lavendar let her tears fall to the dirt. "Celebi, Celebi sent me back in time to save you all. What happens, it isn't fair."
"Life isn't fair," chuckled Tertle. "Sometimes, things just happen."
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Lavendar shook her head. "Not this time. This time, you'll get the happy ending you deserve. All of you."
"Well then, what are we waiting for?"
As the pair stood and began searching for the rest of their group, Tertle didn't say much. He didn't ask about what happened or about Lavendar's life. His quiet demeanour was relaxing, but also unnerving. How could he be so calm? Surely his head was raging with a thousand unasked questions?
Lavendar glanced at the old Pokémon a couple times but couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He wore a small, calm smile and his arms dangled casually as he walked, seemingly without a care in the world.
Eventually they reunited with their friends. Glair had come diving from a tree, leaping onto Tertle's back. She had asked countless questions of the new Vulpix, but Tertle had silenced Glair until they caught up with the others. Sighing dramatically, Glair led them through the forest, dragging her tail through the grass.
Stepping into a small clearing, Lavendar saw Ace sitting on a low tree branch. Pixie lay by the tree's trunk, taking long, slow breaths. Jacob came strolling into the clearing through the bushes on the other side.
Jacob smiled at Tertle before looking to Lavendar. "Thanks for the help back there. If you hadn't come tearing in, who knows what would've happened?"
"Um, you're welcome."
Grinning, Tertle nudged Lavendar forwards. "Everyone, this is Lavendar. She'll be travelling with us for a bit."
Jacob and Pixie exchanged quizzical looks before turning their gazes onto Tertle.
Stretching his neck, Tertle groaned. "Just trust me on this."
Lavendar stepped forwards and went to speak, but looking at her parents, the words wouldn't come. After a moment, she swallowed and tried again, changing what she wanted to say. "I'm Lavendar. It's uh, it's nice to meet you all."
In a flash, Glair appeared directly before Lavendar. Her expression deadly serious, Glair carefully held Lavendar's cheeks with her pincers. "Hiiiiiiiii."
Tertle shooed Glair away, shaking his head. "Everyone catch your breath and we'll set out soon."
Lavendar nodded and glanced at Pixie and Jacob. Noticing her gaze, Pixie smiled awkwardly before turning her attention to Jacob. Lavendar just sat and looked around. Well, what now?
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