Chapter 48
Jacob and Champion (Let's call him Champ for short) fought savagely, both now angered and pouring more into their duel. Jacob was rapidly changing between Eeveelutions. Neither side budged, Jacob evolved in Umbreon and used Foul Play, it hit Zeraora hard, but the Villain struck back with Brick Break.
Jacob faked a Moonlight, Champ rushed in and fell prey to a Sucker Punch.
The two continued exchanging harsh blows, Zeraora started their contest with Slash, Jacob countered with Trump Card and on it went.
Thunder Punch.
Close Combat.
Quick Attack.
Quick Guard.
Zeraora charged at the Leafeon, Jacob charged back with Leaf Blade, Champ knocked Jacob from his feet with Low Sweep and delivered his signature attack Plasma Fists. It hit hard, and Jacob was returned to a bruised and beaten Eevee.
Zeraora was breathing hard, he glared at his fallen foe and let out a mighty roar.
"It's over, you lose Jacob. Now, yield."
"Hahaha, funny, you're funny."
Jacob stumbled to his feet but fell onto his face. Zeraora cocked his head curiously at the struggling Eevee.
"Why do you fight?"
"Why? Isn't it obvious, the world your trying to make, is wrong. You can make the world better, but this is the wrong way to do it and I'm not the only who thinks so."
He frowned. "This is the only way and anyone else who thinks I'm wrong, they can't stop me, not anymore, look."
Jacob turned his tired head to look over the battlefield. Pokémon lay strewn across the ground. Enemies were sprawled on top of each other. Most of the good guys had been defeated, very few still stood, and they could not withstand their opponents might. All the trainers had collected their unconscious Pokémon and fled. The remaining warriors were outnumbered and outmatched, Champ's team of Legendaries plagued the valley. None could stand against them and yet Jacob could still see Sheldon fighting, he was surrounded and all alone.
A shadow flickered.
No, he wasn't alone.
The exhausted Eevee faced his mighty foe. Jacob struggled to his feet again but remained standing this time, his head was down, and he was breathing hard.
"You're wrong, this isn't over yet."
Zeraora growled as he watched the battle below. Marv sprang from the shadows, saving Sheldon. Legendary Pokémon ran over the hill and down into battle. The swords of Justice, Cobalion, Virizion and Terrakion, flying alongside them were Landorus, Latios and Latias. Regigigas walked over the hill. Floating next to him were Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie and Keldeo, riding the Keldeo was Meloetta and Victini.
Champ roared in defiance, he turned his head and whistled, more Legendary Pokémon poured onto the battlefield joining his ranks. Tornadus and Thundurus appeared and summoned a massive storm, wind whipped, lightning crashed, and the rain pelted down. I nearly didn't see Zeraora's Silvally and Volcanion enter the fray.
Now the battle field was a clash of Legendary Titans, the few remaining Pokémon struggled to avoid their ferocious attacks. Sheldon organised his few remaining troops and began gathering the wounded.
Marv looked up at the peak upon which a Zeraora and an Eevee stood, the Marshadow merely nodded, that was all the Eevee needed.
Champ leapt from the peak towards the battle, but Jacob slammed into his side.
"Not so fast, we're not done yet."
Zeraora growled at the Eevee, darkness writhed around it. Black lightning cracked around the broken Pokémon, Shadows covered Jacob and dripped from his teeth.
As Legendary monsters fought below, above them raged two beings, consumed by their own evil.
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