Chapter 42: Jacob
Pixie, Glair, Tertle and I sat waiting in a clearing. Adrie would be arriving shortly, I still had no idea what we were gonna do then, but I need to get those Tears from her. Pixie saw the look on my face.
"Don't worry Jacob, Adrie can help, she's nice. -Pixie looked at me slyly from the corner of her eye- In fact, I might get her to catch me." (The bottom left of her mouth twitched)
Tertle and Glair couldn't believe their ears.
"What? No! I won't let her take you from me!" Glair shouted.
I shook my head, smiling. "Glair calm down, Pixie stop lying."
Pixie frowned at me. "I'm not lying." (Her mouth twitched again, get it yet?)
"Yes, you are, every time you lie the bottom left of your mouth twitches."
"It does not!" Her mouth twitched. She growled in frustration, Tertle laughed.
Glair was confused. "I'm confused."
Tertle spoke up. "Don't worry Glair, Pixie would never let herself get caught, she's just trying to make Jacob jealous."
Glair finally understood and started rolling on the floor lying, Pixie went bright red.
"I am not!" Her mouth twitched.
"Lie!" Glair shouted.
I leant against Pixie and nuzzled her. "Aw, Pix."
She snarled. "I'll kill you." Her mouth twitched again.
"Lie!" Glair shouted again.
We all laughed except Pixie who huffed.
Adrie walked through the bushes and Pixie ran and jumped into the girl's arms, I frowned. Pixie smirked at me and then looked away.
Adrie startled at the Vulpix but then laughed and sat in front of us, Pixie in her lap.
"So, girl, are these your friends?"
"They were."
I sighed and walked forward. "Pixie, don't be like that, just get the Tears off the dumb girl and let's go."
Adrie huffed at me, "Who are you calling dumb!"
"The one who's too dumb to understand what I'm saying!"
"Oh yeah!?"
Pixie shot a stream of fire into my face.
I coughed angrily. "Damn it Pixie!"
"Damn it Jacob! Stop for a second and think! Notice anything weird about what just happened, like oh I don't know Adrie being able to understand what you said!"
I looked dumbly at the girl, Adrie looked dumbly back at me.
"Uh, hi there, names Jacob."
"Um, I'm Adrie."
Everyone confused, Tertle (Captain Obvious!) asked the obvious question. "Why can she understand you?"
"I don't know, maybe because I used to be human?" (That's convenient.)
Adrie looked at me with worry. "You are one strange Eevee."
I sighed and shook my head. "Doesn't matter, what matters is that you have the first two Princes' Tears but we need the third."
She looked sad. "Yeah but we can't get past that Lucario."
I opened my mouth to reply but; "Jacob, Jacob!"
I turned around, flying towards us was the Misdreavus from sentry duty, her name's Missy, I think.
"Missy, what's wrong?" Pixie asked.
"It's Rio (The Simipour), he's back! He's all beat up, covered in bruises and, and he said." Missy was freaking out, talking too fast and breathing too hard.
"Missy" I said. "Calm down, Rio, what did he say?"
"It's coming."
She was looking all around, she didn't hear me.
"Missy!" She looked at me. "What's coming?"
"An army, they have an army."
I grit my teeth.
Captain Obvious stated the obvious, "This is bad!" Gee Tertle ya think!
This was it, the beginning of the end, I told Marv I would become a Hero, now was the time. I turned to Adrie.
"Adrie! Get too Alcarmia castle, get the third Tear and get back ASAP."
"But, but what if I can't..." She looked at the ground.
"Hey, look at me." She didn't. I said it fiercer this time. "Look at me!" She stared down at me, me just a little brown furball, what could I possibly say? I looked to my friends and found the answer.
"Pixie, Glair and Tertle, I trust these three with my life, they are the strongest Pokémon I have ever met, you're stronger than you know and if anyone can make you see that, it's these three."
Tertle smiled proudly, Glair stood tall and Pixie looked at me with a sad smile, I nodded to her. Then stared hard at Adrie. "Trust me, you got this."
She smiled shakily and stood up. "Right, Glair, Tertle, Pixie, let's go!"
They ran off into the forest without looking back. I turned to Missy.
"Let's go too, back to the guild." Missy nodded.
It was time to prepare my troops for battle.
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