Chapter 27: Jacob
She looked at me with a bored expression. That face, I knew it all to well, the face people make when you let them down, when you fail so bad that you can't possibly make it right. All you can do, is try.
"Pixie... I, I'm glad you're okay."
She slowly walked over and stopped in front of me. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and my heart fell apart, save a few strings. She raised a paw and slapped me with it. It hurt more than any attack ever could.
"You're glad I'm okay? I'm not okay. I was, I was better than okay. I'd found a friend, hell, I'd found a family. You took that from me."
"Pixie, I-"
"Shut up! I'm talking, and you will listen!"
The way she looked at me, with, hatred. It was all I could do to nod.
"I never knew my parents, I was all alone right from the start. I was hunted as a pup! Not three days old! I was too young to be all grown up. One week old, I was hurt, bad, I was going to die. A Stoutland found me, he saved me, gave me a home, raised me. He was the first Pokémon to look at me kindly."
Her voice broke and she let out a single sob, she was glaring at the ground.
"But... But he died! Protecting me! That was when I decided that I would never have to be saved by anyone ever again and to make sure of it, I changed, I became mean, cold, but then you showed up, you saved me without a second thought. That's why I nearly killed you that day. I wanted to scare you, I wanted you to run and save yourself, save yourself... from me. But then, you saved me again, it was too late, I grew to like you, I wanted to trust again, I didn't want to leave you, but you wanted to leave me, you didn't want me around. I know how it feels, to be alone, to be the only person you can trust, and I couldn't let you suffer the same way I had."
She was bawling now.
"Staying, not leaving, that was a choice. Falling in love with you, I had no control over."
Me heart stopped and the strings that held it together, snapped.
"Why, why did you leave us? Why'd you leave me?"
My head dropped and so did my ears.
"I get it now. I know why you called me 'Ace'. I thought it was because I was your number 1, I'm not, I never was. You called me 'Ace' because I was My number 1. You called me 'Ace' because I'm selfish. You called me 'Ace' because I didn't care about any other number. But I realise now, what good is number 1, if it's all alone?"
She sobbed again, then she said.
"Look me in the eye."
I lifted my head and looked into her big brown eyes, wet with tears.
"Why, why did you betray us? Why did you kill Motor?"
"You heard me!"
"I didn't kill Motor! Archie did! Archie-oof!"
I was cut short as a collision sent me flying into the far book shelf, books rained from above, the bookshelf teetered but didn't fall. Archie grinned at me maliciously.
"Good work Pixie now let's finish him."
Pixie looked back and forth between Archie and me. My head was spinning, and my vision blurred, but I could see him prowling towards her. His head tilted in curiosity and he asked; "Pixie, are you okay?"
I tried to shout and choked on a book. (Lame! Boo!)
He clobbered her in the head with a single massive paw. She slammed into the ground forming a small crater from the impact. I heard bones crack. He then turned towards me.
"Now that she's out of the way, let's talk."
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