Oh, ghostly eerie type noises? Pitch Black? An out of body experience? Yep, this is the weirdest dream I have ever had.
Wow, this dream is like something out of a movie or book, but its real...
"F-f-r-ii ... o-rr-e f...e"
"I'm sorry, spooky voice you're gonna have to speak up."
"Fri-e d oo-r fo."
"Okay, one more time."
"Fri-end or fo-e."
"'Friend or foe?' Well that really depends are you some corporeal being going to kill me if I say foe or is this a trick question and I have to work out if you're a friend or not?"
"Friend or foe? Choose!"
Gee, this ghost has got some serious anger issues maybe its deciding whether to haunt me or not, guess I'll humour it.
Huh, silence, is this awkward or not? Can you have an awkward silence in a dream? I'll give it a few more seconds... Damn I guess you can, being ignored in your own dream, now that is awkward. Wait, I hear something.
"Friend, will you help me?"
This is one strange ghost.
"Sure, why not, What'cha need pal?"
This should be interesting.
"Thankyou friend, I hope to see you soon, pal."
"Okay, see ya then!"
What do you know, a 'bloop' noise, it kinda sounded like something being sucked into a vacuum, did the ghostbusters get my friend! Oh no, there he is, surrounded by a light, it's shimmering, almost looks like an aurora, wow, you don't see that every night.
It's pretty, must be my friend, he's coming closer though and not saying anything anymore, now I can see darker hues of colour rippling through him, like he's been contaminated or something, that ain't right, maybe he's coming to haunt me after all.
Okay he changed again, he's still coming closer, he's all black and purple now, like a black hole, that's not ominous at all. There is nothing around me, but he seems to be sucking it in somehow, hang on, I'm slipping, I have nothing to hold onto, he's almost on me, nope had enough, bye friend its time for me to wake up.
I move to pinch myself and make a fatal mistake, I lost my grip, then a lot of things happened but most importantly; I slipped, I fell, I tripped, I stumbled, I tumbled, and I got swallowed by a black hole, damn this weak human body of mine!
Ow, ow, OW. This is the most realistic dream I've ever had because I hurt all over, and now I hear something, sounds like footsteps, yay my 'friend's' back, lucky me. It feels like something is breathing on more, the breath is hot, hey, that tickles, now he's nudging me, fine I'm getting up.
With an other-worldly effort I lift my eye-lids and look up into the big brown eyes which are staring down at me.
My friend leapt back in surprise, I pulled myself into a sitting position before surveying my surroundings and eventually returning my attention to my companion.
Oh, it's adorable, a little fox covered in brown-red fur with six curled tails, it's a Vulpix. This, is the best dream ever, it's so cute, I couldn't help myself. I leant forwards and grabbed its cheeks, rubbing them softly and petting its head.
"Who's a little cutie, you are, you are! And so soft!"
Okay clarification, I love Pokémon, have since I was little, I am internally screaming, this is awesome, for me at least, the Vulpix doesn't seem to think so. Her eyes at first wide and startled were now narrowed and fierce.
Opening her mouth, she breathed fire in my face, and it hurt, a lot, either the pinch yourself theory of dreaming doesn't work or this isn't a dream.
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