"Uwaaah! Kacchan that's amazing!" Izuku chirped as he watched Katsuki flip a pancake flawlessly. The blonde grinned as he heard his children clapping for him too.
Izuku repositioned his legs since they were beginning to slide down Katsuki's waist. "Stop moving so much nerd." Katsuki mumbled. Izuku placed his head on his shoulder and chuckled. "Sorry Kacchan." Katsuki grumbled in response as he placed the pancakes on a plate.
Hiroki began slowly dosing since Katsuki was taking such long time to him. "Awbawaaah!!" Katsumi yelled at Hiroki, waking the baby up again. Hiroki narrowed his eyes at Katsumi, obviously mad that she woke him up before he could even fall asleep.
"Nooo! You broke the yolk..." Izuku mumbled with a pout. Kacchan pinched the freckled male's cheek and chuckled. "I did it by accident relax nerd." Katsuki mumbled, shoving some of his pancake in Izuku's mouth. "Eat fast our children are hungry." Katsuki exclaimed. Izuku opened his mouth again, waiting for Katsuki to feed him once more.
"I have to eat too dumbass." Katsuki groaned, feeding him some of his eggs. Izuku's lips carved into a smile as the flavor melted in his mouth. The couple ate fast, the food on their plates barely lasting ten minutes. "Alright Kacchan get the baby food for Hiroki and the baby bottle for Katsumi." Izuku said softly.
Katsuki fixed Izuku's legs, since they were falling once more, and rocketed over to the cabinets. "Do you think Katsumi will finally eat today?" Izuku mumbled as Katsuki handed him the apples and peaches flavored baby food. "Yeah. She'll have to like it one day since she can't drink milk forever." Katsuki said softly.
Izuku hummed in agreement as Katsuki slipped the baby bottle in his head. Katsuki walked over to the microwave as Izuku opened it and placed the bottle in there for thirty seconds. "Alright get down Deku." Katsuki mumbled as he felt Izuku get off his back.
Izuku grabbed the yellow and blue all might themed spoon and walked over to Hiroki. "Ready to eat?" Izuku chirped watching his son's face turn into a smile. "Here comes the airplane!" Izuku chimed as a spoonful of baby food came towards Hiroki's mouth.
The baby swallowed, a fat smile falling on his lips. "Awaah!" Hiroki babbled, opening his mouth again. "Ok! Here's another!" Izuku chimed once more, his mood matching Hiroki's perfectly.
Meanwhile, Katsumi patiently waited for Katsuki to come over to her high chair. "Katsuki, smile." Izuku warned as he walked over to Katsumi. Katsuki rolled his eyes as he placed the baby bottle on the tray.
"Let's try again Katsumi." Katsuki somehow cooed as his lips curved into the perfect smile. Izuku looked over at the male and immediately took a picture knowing this may never happen again.
"Waahba!" Katsumi cheered. Katsuki took the pink and green spoon and dipped it into their second supply of peaches and apples baby food. "It's good. Maybe if you try it you'll like it." Katsuki softly said watching his daughters mouth not move a single inch.
Katsuki ate the spoon full, his lips turning into a smile. "Yummy! Now you try." Katsumi hesitantly opened her mouth much to Katsuki's surprise. "Uh...here comes the train." Katsuki mumbled, placing the rubber like spoon in Katsumi's mouth.
Katsuki removed the spoon, watching his daughter 'eat' her food slowly. Her face turned into a smile then bubbly laughter erupted from her throat as she opened her mouth again. Katsuki felt a bubbly feeling himself as he found himself smiling at her happiness.
"Again?" Katsuki chuckled as Katsumi happily clapped her hands.
After a few minutes, Katsuki watched as Katsumi's eyes began to droop. "Alright up we go." Katsuki whispered as he patted her back gently and softly listening for if she had to burp or not. Yet instead of burping, soft snores came from her. "Nap time?" Katsuki said to Izuku as Hiroki was already sleeping in his arms.
"Yeah I suppose." Izuku chuckled as the couple headed up the stairs. "You should smile more often." Izuku said. Katsuki looked at his lover then back ahead of him. "In your dreams nerd." Katsuki mumbled as they made a turn towards their children's room.
They tucked their children in their cribs before slowly walking out the room. "Up!" Izuku chimed to Katsuki. After months of laying down and not being able to be that close to Katsuki, you could say Izuku was recovering from it all. Katsuki however, thought it was a hassle rather than a recovering session. So Katsuki just lifted Izuku up from the ground and gave his lover a soft kiss, watching his face turn red.
"Come on, let's watch a movie or something." Katsuki whispered gently, converting the freckled male into his arms. Izuku nodded, still feeling his heart pound a little faster than usual.
Katsuki chuckled before walking down the stairs slowly with his lover.
Once I see Katsuki actually smile in the anime/Manga/wherever that's official
I'll finally be able to die with no regrets
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