Kill or Be Killed
After Chapter 45
Sin slowly walked along with the group as they approach their next destination.
Sin is lost in his own thoughts, Percival is against killing his enemies and that is morally right but not in this situation.
"Sin." Percival's shaky voice called the fox.
Sin looked up only to see multiple people skewered on giant pointy mountains. Multiple corpses can also be seen on the groud.
"These mountains looks unnatural." Anne commented. "These almost looks like there are needles poking out of the earth."
"A Giant must have made these formations." Nasiens added.
The group walked deeper into the scene.
"This is brutal, who could've done such a thing." Percival commented.
Then a scream of agony erupted and the group panicked.
"What the hell is that!!!" Donny shouted.
"Calm down all of you!" Sin shouted.
"What do you mean calm down!! That might be another victim from this crazy killer!!" Anne shouted back. "We need to help them!"
A figure then slowly approached the group, the group then pulled out their weapons and prepared to launch their attack.
The figure became clearer and soon enough it stood right in front of them.
It's a boy, short brown hair that gets lighter as the color goes down his hair and amber eyes. The boy is holding a blood soaked spear and blood splatters can be seen in his clothes and even in his face.
There is no question, this boy right here is the one responsible for the deaths of the people around them.
"You've made quite a mess." Sin is the first one to speak.
"How am I supposed to know that they'll come after me with a whole army." The boy replied.
"They know your lineage, they know what to expect from you." Sin walked closer to the boy.
"Well, they didn't know everything." The boy chuckled and noticed the group behind Sin.
"Is that?"
Sin simply nodded.
"Everyone, meet Galehaut." Sin said. "There's no need to be alarmed, he's on our side."
"You killed them." Percival's voice cracked.
"They want me dead, why not return the favor." Galehaut replied.
"But it's wrong!" Percival shouted. "Some of them, could've been redeemed."
"Killing is never right, that's the truth, but you have to know, this is the only way out of this situation, if I didn't kill them, they won't stop until they kill me or kill themselves." Galehaut spoke in a calm manner but Sin knows better than to trust the tone of his voice.
Galehaut sighed and took a cloth in his pocket and started cleaning the blood stains in his skin as well in his weapon.
"That is a problem." Galehaut spoke.
"I know, and I'll take care of it." Sin nodded.
"I'm on my way home. I can come with you on your way to Liones." Galehaut added.
"That'd be very appreciated." Sin nodded.
"Alright everyone let's keep it moving!!" Sin shouted at the group.
"He's coming with us?" Anne asked.
"Yes." Sin nodded and the group walked on ahead.
"You know, Galehaut does have a point." Donny said.
"I have to agree." Nasiens added.
Percival didn't speak, he's quiet the entire walk until they reach the spot where they have a good view of Liones.
"There it is." Donny said and the others looked in awe of the building in front of them.
"We're almost there." Anne smiled.
"Not quite yet. We still have a long way to go." Sin said but he tensed up as he felt a strong wave of magical energy approaching them.
"I've found you.~" A knight cackled.
Galehaut prepared to attack as the knight gets closer.
The knight leaped in with incredible speed and managed to disarmed Galehaut.
"I've heard about you, you're one of the prophesied knights and you're useless without your weapon." The knight cackled. "I have won, this is for King Arthur!!!" The knight shouted as he swung his sword at Galehaut.
Expecting for Galehaut to be defeated the Knight is shocked to see that Galehaut is still standing and his sword didn't even land a hit on him.
Galehaut's body is now in a completely different color.
"Heavy Metal." Nasiens said. "That's the same move Dolores did to protect herself from the poison back then."
Galehaut smirked and got a hold of the knight's arm and knocked him out with a strong punch. "I hate to break it to ya but I'm not one of the four but it's nice that you think so highly of me to put me on that pedestal."
"I told you Sin, they don't know everything." Galehaut turned around to face the others.
"You do love to be underestimated." Sin chuckled.
"It's the best! Seeing that look on their faces when I proved them wrong is an amazing sight." Galehaut laughed.
The knight coughed up blood and looked at Galehaut, fear rushed through his bones knowing he greatly underestimated the boy, the fear of the unknown haunted him as he have no idea what Galehaut will do.
Galehaut glanced at the knight and a spear flew straight to his chest, killing him.
"There is no redeeming him, his heart is says it all." Galehaut said.
"How are you so sure about that?" Percival asked.
"I'm half fairy, I can read the hearts of others, I can tell hear what you're truly thinking and feeling. And you my friend are incredibly innocent and naive, you really don't have a grasp of what's going on here." Galehaut started.
"Your perspective needs to change or you won't survive, every single knight from Camelot is out there to kill you, there are some exemptions I know that, but majority is out for blood, we don't have choice, it's kill or be killed."
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