5 Stages of Grief
They say there are five stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. But for certain people things just don't go like how it's listed.
Quick Note: Depression and Anger Stages are the longer bits.
First Stage: Denial
Tristan's eyes swell up as he stood next to his father's corpse.
Seven scars are visible in his chest.
"No, no, no." Tristan sobbed. "He's not dead, he can't be."
Elizabeth embraced her son in a tight hug as she comforted him.
"Dad's strong, he'll come back, right?" Tristan cried as Elizabeth hugged him tighter.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but we have to accept it."
First Stage: Bargaining
"If only I'm strong enough, I could've helped them, and maybe this wouldn't happen." Lancelot said.
"Lancelot, don't beat yourself up to it. They did their best to protect everyone." Elaine looked at his son with tears pooling from her eyes.
"But I could've helped, We could've helped them." Lancelot pulled his hsir back. "If onlys" and "What ifs" circuled around his brain.
Elaine being able to read his son's heart immediately rushed into his aid doing her absolute best to comfort him.
First Stage: Depression
Galehaut stood outside the infirmary, only able to see his parents for a short while. He dosen't want to come back. Everyone is already down by their own parent's death, he dosen't want to be a burdern. Seeking another shoulder to cry onto.
So he walked away, went inside his quarters and sat on his bed.
He looked over the balcony where there sat a pot with two fully grown sunflowers.
Galehaut sniffled as he walked over and looked at the flower.
King gave the flower to Galehaut when he first left the forest to train to be a Holy Knight in Liones.
Memories filled Galehaut's mind as he started bawling his eyes out.
"Oi!!! What the fuck are you doing in here??!!" A voice came inside the room.
It was Lancelot. His tone seemed angry as he walked in but the moment he saw the state of his cousin his expression softened.
Lancelot lost a father today and so did Tristan. But Galehaut lost both of his parents.
Lancelot walked over to Galehaut and looked at him straight in the eye.
"Listen, I know that the pain I'm feeling right now is nothing compared to yours, but dude, I'm your cousin, I'm family, you can come over to me whenever you want a shoulder to cry on to. Stop being so fucking selfless because I'm right here, Mom's right here, everyone's right here for you." Lancelot said, tears form once again in his eyes.
Second Stage: Bargaining
"I'll do anything, just please bring him back, bring my dad back." Tristan cried snd cried as he face the Goddess before him.
"I'm sorry, but I can't."
"But I need him, I need my dad. Mael, please I'm begging you, bring my dad back. I'll do anything you want. I can find where the graces of Flash, Tornado and Ocean are passed to for you." Tristan begged.
"Tristan, I'm really sorry, but I don't have that power."
Second Stage: Anger
Lancelot balled his hands and gripped the curtain behind him tightly.
His father didn't deserve to die. Every evil bastard in the world does. Not his father.
Lancelot is angry that this occurrence happened to him. The pain in his chest is overwhelming.
Why did his father have to die. What did he do to deserve it.
Lancelot isn't the type of person to be angry so he took a deep breath and went over to the person he knows need comfort more than anyone. Galehaut.
He closed the blinds and went over to where he thought Galehaut would be but he's not there.
He exited the infirmary and asked anyone where Galehaut might be.
"I saw Sir Galehaut enter his quarters."
What the fuck is that bastard doing in there??!! Did he evenwent up to check on his parents!!!!
The anger from before washed over him. Lancelot knows it's unnecessary but he can't control his feelings at that moment.
Lancelot harshly opened the door.
"Oi!!! What the fuck are you doing in here??!!" He shouted.
But what he saw broke him inside. Galehaut is right there on the floor bawling his eyes out.
Galehaut is a happy person by nature. He laughs and tell jokes even in tiring times, it's his coping mechanism and seeing that same person in such a broken state is hard to watch.
Being able to read his heart didn't help, for Lancelot to think that his situation is terrible is laughable as he realizes that Galehaut's situation is the worst thing a child could ever experience.
The anger inside Lancelot disappeared and he walked over to Galehaut to give him the comfort he so desperately want and need.
Second Stage: Denial
Galehaut sighed as he looked at their state. Elizabeth and Mael tried their best to atleast fully heal one of the remaining sins but by the end none survived.
He looked at them for a brief moment and he never really gotten to analyze their features. Like how his father's wings are now torn off his back and his mother's scar on her face.
Galehaut laughed as he looked over his father. "You look like your just sleeping, but this is you, you always sleep."
"You're just sleeping, right dad?"
"You're gonna wake up soon and you're gonna bring everyone back."
Third Stage: Anger
Tristan fumed with anger. He knows he shouldn't act this way but that's just how it is. He's in pain and he's not enjoying one bit so he needs to put it somebody else.
He's angry that Mael won't listen to his pleads. He's angry to himself and to Lancelot and Galehaut for not being strong enough to help.
He stormed out of the castle.
"If you won't help me then I'll go do it myself!!!" Tristan shouted and ran out of the castle.
"Tristan." Elizabeth sternly called his name but he brushed it off.
Tristan ran and ran but he doesn't even know where he's going.
He's lost in his own kingdom.
Tristan walked and walked until he stepped on something metal.
It's Lostvayne, broken in half.
Tristan picked it up and took a deep look into it.
"Useless sword." Tristan tsked. "You're supposed to be unbreakable!!" Tristan shouted and threw the remaining half on Lostvayne.
Tristan knows that Lostvayne is breakable at some point but his anger and frustration is clouding his view on facts and fiction.
Tristan sighed and punched the rock beside him.
"I swear if I see that bastard again, I'll kill him." Tristan gritted his teeth.
"I'll make you pay for what you've done if it's the last thing I'll do!!!" Tristan shouted.
"I know your in pain, but this won't help anyone." A voice spoke.
Tristan looked up, it's Galehaut.
Tristan is actually very envious of Galehaut and the way he's coping with his own loss.
Tristan remembered during the midst of it all. Galehaut is the first person to comfort him and Lancelot. A few tears are shed but he didn't broke down and yet as Tristan looks at his friend, His eyes are red and puffed, looks like he just cried a river. But Galehaut looked at him with a smile on his face, claiming that everything's gonna be alright.
Third Stage: Denial
This is all just a bad dream.
I can't count how many times I have said those words.
I hate this painful feeling in my chest, I hate seeing my friends suffer, I hate seeing mom suffer.
This, all of this is just a bad dream and I'll wake up to the smell of my father's cooking.
Third Stage: Anger
"No no no no no." Galehaut shook his head.
"But you're next in line. The sacred tree said so." Gerhade spoke.
"No, I- I can't." Galehaut sighed, slightly frustrated.
"One way or another I'll be here to guide you." Gerhade smiled.
"I know that but I just can't, I'm still a child!!" Galehaut exclaimed.
"The forest needs a protector, especially at times like these. They need you Fairy King."
"Don't call me that!!!" Galehaut snapped.
Galehaut never gets angry. Well, he does but he never shows it. For him, shouting is a waste of time and energy.
"That’s dad, not me!!" Galehaut tried to calm himself down but failed.
"You're father is no longer with us."
"I know that Gerhade!!! And it still fucking hurts!!!" Galehaut screamed and tears fell on his face.
"My parents died and I know I have to rule over the fairies and the giants now." Galehaut sobbed.
"But, Gerhade I just need more time, please." Galehaut pleaded.
Gerhade came closer and gave Galehaut a hug.
"I'm sorry, I disregarded your feelings. It's tough to loose both of your parents. I guess I can't relate to that since fairies necessarily don't have one." Gerhade started. "You can go to the fairy realm for some peace and quiet. I'll take care of things in here, it's nothing I haven't done before."
Galehaut sniffled and wiped his tears away.
"Thank you." Galehaut nodded. "Don't worry, if the forest is in any trouble, I'll be there." Galehaut smiled and Gerhade nodded as she guided the 4th Fairy King to the entrance to the fairy realm.
Fourth Stage: Depression
Elizabeth knocked on Tristan's door but she didn't get any response.
Tristan locked himself in his room for days now and Elizabeth is rightfully to be worried about her son.
Elizabeth then successfully opened the door to his room.
Tristan is by his window, bundled up in blankets.
"Tristan, sweetie I brought lunch." Elizabeth placed the plate filled with food on a table but she also noticed that Tristan didn't touch his breakfast.
Elizabeth sighed took the cold breakfast with her downstairs.
"Tristan, please eat." Elizabeth begged Tristan evident by the shakiness of her voice.
Tristan looked over his meal and walked away from it.
Another knock is heard and Tristan sinply shrugged it off.
After a few minutes the door opened.
It's his Uncle Zeldris.
"Ttistan, Buddy, I heard you're not eating your meals." Zeldris walked in and immediately grabbed the food and attempted to feed Tristan.
Tristan just stood there, two blankets wrapped around him.
"Tristan, I need you to talk to me." Zeldris held the boy's hand.
"It hurts. It hurts Uncle Zel." Tristan sobbed.
Zeldris wrapped Tristan on a tight hug.
"I know it hurts but you also need to take care of yourself. Meliodas would be incredibly upset on how you're treating your body right now." Zeldris said.
Tristan nodded and looked at Zeldris.
"Uncle Zel, I'm hungry."
Fourth Stage: Depression
Lancelot took it upon himslef to help his mother in ruling over Bemwick.
He drowns himself with work beacause that is what keeps him going. His only purpose.
Nightmares constantly visit him at night, reminding him of that day where he lost his father.
"Lance, Lance." A voice kept calling his name. It's Tristan.
The door in his room opened.
Tristan walked over to Lancelot and sat next to him.
"How are you holding up?" Tristan asked.
"Fine, I guess." Lancelot nodded.
"Auntie Elaine told me that youdo nothing but work all day long. You've also skipped meals a lot of times." Tristan said.
"What else am I supposed to do." Lancelot sighed.
"Slow Down. You can't do this to yourself. I did the same thing and it's not pleasant." Tristan said.
"Tristan, how can I make it stop?" Lancelot asked. "The nightmares."
"I'm not sure, I haven't figured that one myself." Tristan sighed. "But there is one thing you need to remember, I'm here for you, we're here for and we're here for each other. It's tough, I know but you need to stop torturing your body like this."
A tear fell, how can he forget. Those words are the same words he spoke to Galehaut, how can he forget, how can he forget that he's not alone.
Fourth Stage: Bargaining
Saying that Galehaut is tired is an understatement.
Even with the help of Gerhade and Matrona the responsibility is just too much for him to handle.
Night rolls around and Galehaut entered his home.
He sighed and went straight to his room.
Galehaut looked over his window that have a perfect view of the moon and sky.
Tears then started to form. He's tired and have no idea what to do.
"I thought I'm over this already." Galehaut chuckled wiping the tears.
"Mom, Dad, I'm so tired. I don't know if I can do this anymore." Galehaut sobbed as he looked over the night sky.
"If only can bring you both back." Galehaut sighed.
Fifth and Final Stage: Acceptance
As the golden crown is placed upon his head he turned around and face his subjects.
"May I present King Tristan of Liones."
The room is filled with applause from the crowd.
"If your father were here right now he would be so proud of you." Elizabeth spoke.
"Do you really think so?" Tristan asked.
"I know so." Elizabeth smiled.
After the party Tristan decided to visit his father's grave.
"So, I'm the King now." Tristan started.
"It's pretty stressful but Lancelot and Galehaut said that it's normal. And don't you worry about us, we're fine."
Lancelot looked over his father's grave and poured booze on the two glasses in front of him.
"Happy Birthday, old man." Lancelot smiled and raised his glass to the sky and drank it.
"You don't have to worry about us, we're good." Lancelot traced a finger on the rim of his glass. "You go ahead and rest peacefully, you deserve it."
Galehaut never liked that glass box. It feels weird, but deep inside he find extreme comfort over it.
After a long day he visited them.
He looked at the glass box where his father is he looks the same as the day he died.
"Do you think they're proud of me?" Galehaut asked his Guaridian which is an orange python with green spots.
"Don't ask such stupid questions, of course they are." A voice spoke, it's Matrona.
"They'd be so proud of how far you'd come." She said.
Galehaut smiled and nodded.
"Don't you guys worry, I'm fine, I have everyone with me."
Aaannnd DONE!!!!
This is probably by far the longest oneshot I have written in this
I hope you like it...
Again sorry if there are any grammatical errors
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