T w e n t y S e v e n
T w e n t y S e v e n
D a v e
[noun. Lewis' Personal Trainer]
A/N: It's going to be a long arse chapter. Yep.
- Lewis' View -
That evening, it was a struggle to lug myself to the gym. I was already fatigued from the stream with Duncan, and I could not help but took deep breaths every time he messed up with some of placements in Anno 2017. Whilst we did play, I ignored the little squeals the blonde man reacted to. And fuck me...I was tempted to shout back.
So my little frustrations were planned to be relieved with some effort of working out. In the back of my mind, I was a little hesitant to walk up towards the entrance - finding a familiar face that I had somehow acted idiotic to.
Why did ever I say those things?!
Even Pyrion and Sips were in disbelief when I told them during the Triforce podcast. Those twats began to mock me, leaning into sheer joking that I was actually making it all up.
My mind should really sort itself out...or stop making dick jokes to my personal trainer.
By the time I arrived, my head clicked into reality - tuning out the music from my headphones - when I saw Dave's figure standing by the reception desk. He was talking with another man, a passive expression on his face as I began to saunter over. A little bit, I straightened up - reminding my posture to have improve within a week - before he was just about to catch my eyes.
"Hey, Lewis." Dave turned with a sincere smile. "Glad that you're on time."
I said, "Well, that's me." I restricted the laugh I was about to release, before I could embarrass myself any longer. Somehow Sips' voice reminded it to my in my head. "'Just in time' Lewis..."
Finishing their conversation, he grabbed his duffel bag and the two of us headed over to the changing room. The cold weather did help it sometimes, as the leather jacket and dark grey jumper didn't fully warm me up. After fitting on my shorts, I shoved on a sleeveless shirt, that never even hugged my torso. I eyed myself over the mirror, I sighed and decided to carry on putting my shoes.
We got into the main room immediately, and Dave began going over what we've done for the previous sessions, questioning me on what I've been doing. I only answered back quietly, saying that I did some jogging whenever I wasn't busy.
"That's good," He praised. "But as we're trying to gain some stamina, we'll carry on with the cycling and step ups."
The next half an hour consisted of just going through the circuits route. My trainer and I hopped onto the cycling machines, using the three minute intervals. I pushed the peddles with slight force, gazing down at the front screen as a focus. I remembered the first time I had gone onto this (that was three weeks back), and hell I walked into the office as if I got electrocuted and placed in cold water afterwards.
I felt my calves tense as he told me to peddle a bit faster. My breath hitched and almost then I gulped back the bile and focused more. Pippa's voice, sooner or later, got to my head;
- This Morning -
It had been a Monday when my Face Time app notified me for a call.
Sitting back once I placed my mug on the coffee table, my fingers ruffled over my messy hair. My living room never seemed too messy, but there were several bills and open letters scattered over the table, the television had a layer of dust, and my efforts on having plants in the flat wasn't working well.
I then clicked onto the green icon. With a slight buffer, I thought back when was the last time my sister has called me. She never called me - unless she was persistent for information.
So once her familiar face popped up to the screen, I quickly questioned her.
"Am I that predictable?" Pippa gazed upwards before grumbling. "I didn't even say what I was about to say-"
I tutted, slightly annoyed, "You never call me. Pip..." There was a slight pause. "You emailed me your wedding invitation six months ago."
"I was at VidCon for god's sake." A similar glare was thrown back at me, and I was sure to sigh back. Pippa retorted back, "What about you? Finally emailed a new personal trainer?"
I raised an eyebrow, "Yes, actually."
There was a quiet pause until she mentioned;
"Lewis, you've been awfully quiet."
The moment I placed my mug in the sink I almost dropped it. My phone went silent. Mentally, I wanted to groan in frustration - fairly annoyed at my sister for even mentioning that.
This was why Pippa never got with my mother; she was always persistent to question our changes - and unfortunately the only trait Pippa got. That was why I understood their 'relationship'.
And I physically sharpened my eyes back, but all I got was a scowl. "I know when you're hiding something, Lewis."
I said stiffly, "I'm not hiding anything." Nostrils flaring, I began to turn the tap on, letting the water run in the sink.
Pippa's eyes flared back, letting me slightly agitated at what she simply answered;
"Yes. Because remaining calm and collective after your girlfriend left you and you just survived a terrorist attack-" She drawled, "-is so fucking normal."
I scoffed with a large waft of my hand at the screen, "What the actual fuck do you believe I'm doing?" My voice raised. "I'm not grieving for some woman who I've only gone out for less than a year!"
"But I don't see you doing anything about it!" Pippa shouted angrily. "You're not answering my questions about it. Ralph's been wondering if you're okay!Dad's emailing me, asking why you haven't answered his calls and god dammit...even Mum actually called to know if it was my fault-"
With a large piercing shatter, I slammed the mug on the counter table - letting the cracked pieces scatter. A piece of ceramic flew at my bare arms, laying a cut over my skin. I only then glared back at her, speaking loudly back;
"I can bloody take care of myself!" I exasperated. "For once can you just spend you worries with your life than mine?"
Pippa made a disgusted noise, "I'm trying to help you!"
"I don't need help!" Arms flailing, I loudly shouted - regretting the tone as I realized I had thin walls.
"And I know you're going to tell her."
There was a long pause once more. And my reddened face paled and darkened from the reflection of the metallic sink. I felt my arm sting. "That isn't your business." My voive lowered.
"It bloody well is." Her voice toned down, almost in a deadly low voice that made my glare falter. I could see the flash in her eyes, the immediate response on what she had just said. She blurted out the truth.
I wavered, "Who had to stand there,"
My eyes never left the my hands, finding them in fists. "Who had to watch her? Who had to lose someone who actually meant something to their life?"
"Lewis...I hadn't meant it like that, I--"
I was tired arguing, despite my urge to taunt her. The topic was...sensitive. For all of us: the whole Brindley bunch. Sometimes it was incredibly cliche to have one person affect a family.
Having to be pulled with choices that we couldn't really do anything but take the one path. I was never the type who had to take one choice. There was always two or I could make one and probably fuck it up myself during the process. My sister was another story, and once I said goodbye, I placed my hands over my head with a heavy sigh.
My arm was still bleeding but I ignored it.
'Why did she just make things ten times worse?' I mentally facepalmed.
To my view, there was a sudden darker tone I saw of her. But I couldn't disagree with my sister's choices. And perhaps with my typical advocate personality, I hated agreeing with the truth. It was always bound to bite us back in the ass.
However, I shoved the memory back - bringing myself back once more.
We then went over to the rowing machines, and that had been three minutes. Then it was the treadmills, before the step ups.
"You're improving." Dave pointed out.
I bit back a snark before breathing out. "Thanks."
His mood changed, almost from a stern look to a calming one as he then added, "We can cool down with some squats and press-ups." After a nod, we agreed to head over to the middle of the gym, passing by Chris and Katie.
Katie's eyes found mine and she quickly smiled before continuing over on the step up machine. On the other hand, I passed Trott - who looked to have been too focused on not breaking his spine with the pull up bars. My mouth was always a mind of its own, and that no one can't disagree with.
My cheeks began to heat up, even though I was already peachy as fuck. But no matter how I go to the gym, I almost felt that the room suffocated, that it almost felt like I was naked in front of people I knew and they knew me. I was never really sure, but ever since everyone in the office began to go to the gym, it was hard not to pass the mirror without staring at myself.
Anyhow, I picked up an exercise ball and we began my knees destruction by doing a hundred squats. But as I did so, I looked out in the gym until I gazed my eyes at a familiar figure.
She stood in the far end of the room, where there was an open space covered in red mats. With arms tensed, she kept them bent and close to her face, body pivoted to the side in a sparring stance. Across to her, was a man - definitely taller than herself and probably myself.
What came next almost had my breath hitch.
The person threw a punch, and it was too quick to process as she took her blow. She swept to the side, grabbing the man's arm before doing a turn and elbowing his stomach. There, he took her body with with other arm and tried to wrap his right arm off hers and twist her arm back.
Suddenly, she bent forward, knee on the mat before kneeing him and twirling back with a sweep and kick. The man fell back, and I could imagine the large thump if the room wasn't so noisy. I mentally winced in once they continued on. She grabbed his hand, a side-smile that I heard a large thud.
"You alright, mate?"
I shook my head, noticing that I had dropped my exercise ball on the mat. I shuffled back it up, mumbling to myself before my eyes glanced over to a his quirked smile.
Shit. He knows what I've been looking at.
Dave spoke as we finished our squats, and shook his hands together. "I thought you had a girl-"
"N-no!" I stuttered out, annoyed at my reddened cheeks. But I then explained. "I mean...I don't have a girlfriend. I was kidding the first time."
He continued to glance back over to where I was staring at and replied, "Good. Because...that won't be nice, when you're looking at Ms. [Y/L/N] that way."
My head spun back, raised eyebrows as I asked, "You know her?"
"Yes." Dave spoke confusedly. "She's been coming in for the past two weeks. She's...I don't really know what to say about her. Why?"
I smiled, not even looking at my trainer. "She's a friend, actually. I just...never expected...that." 'And never expected that she's a savage.' I added but never said out loud.
I took note of this and made sure of myself not to piss her off.
By the time we finished our press-ups. My arms and elbows were aching, beads of sweat turned into puddles once I cracked my back and sat on the mat. I wiped the sweat off my forehead, and a moment too soon as I found a silhouette in front of me.
Looking, up: I found [Y/N] gazing down, a concerned look on hers...
"Fuck off," I muttered, and I heard her snort.
She replied, "Good evening to you as well." Her bare hand stretched out, which I reluctantly took and lulled myself up to a standing position.
After watching her throw down a giant, I wasn't shocked that she could haul me up with a swift motion. Damn her, she even pointed out how light I was.
"Apologies..." She softly said. "God...I did not imagine you to be...well..." She ended with high pitched tone.
I eyed back, "Incredibly Hot 'af' or..."
"Incredibly flimsy." She pointed.
"Flimsy?!" I gaped. "I have you know I do have guns." Holding my arms up, I tensed them as I found her face unchanged, but her smirk growing. I internally wanted to sigh to myself.
She quirked a brow, edging towards me closer that I had to look down a bit. She always had been a bit small, and I gulped down the memories once her eyes met mine.
When I saw her at the hospital. I could see a tint of confusion and defiance in them. And that was when I was thrown back to her and I. Us. Just friends. For the past year, that seemed to be the constant reminder that [Y/N] had changed.
Now: they were...I couldn't seem to describe it.
They were shining, but it was as if they used to flash like warning lights - ones that never stopped.
And for the past year, that seemed to be the constant reminder that [Y/N] had changed, and almost the making me unsure of what to think of her to be honest.
"Okay, mister muscle," Her hand patted my bicep before tilting up her head to her right. "I'm suppose to be on the bars, but someone's on it at the moment. Anyhow, you're suppose to be..."
I plainly answered, "Pulling these weights." I then quickly added, "I don't need any demonstration, [Y/N]."
"Aw, Brindley." Her smirk changed to a kind smile, stepping back and then gesturing; "Careful. You're ego right there will burst those hunk of muscles you have."
"You calling me a hunk?" I raised an eyebrow, now the one teasing.
Forcing back my peachy cheeks, [Y/N] fell to her natural resting face - a little grin on her lips. But before she left, I then blurted out. "Hey, I'm free afterwards: do you want to head over to mine?"
A moment of silent crossed us, and for that time I scolded myself for even asking that. I was trying to stop myself from telling her the truth so soon: not ask her as if I was some fucking creep after the gym.
[Y/N] then answered, "Finally? After a month of ignoring me, you ask me now?"
"I can tell you later," My strong voice slightly weakened. "Please. Just not here."
With a hum, she nodded before she left to the bars. And right on time, Dave came back after consulting with another person - almost giving me the most incredulous gaze that sent me grumbling again why I even go here.
- Your View -
After the changing back to my ordinary clothes, I met with the raven haired man in reception - Katie talking quietly in by my ear, urging me to huff.
"I've never heard Lewis to be so...forward." Katie grinned. "And so...well not dramatic, I suppose."
I joked, "When has he never been dramatic?"
"With you," She dully answered, making me pause back and glance at her. Since when did she get observant?
A snort cut me from my thoughts, "Since I've been your little caretaker with your medication." The woman constantly reminded this, and to my honest confession - I owed her debt after pulling through my endurance.
George sometimes had enough of me, when I constantly locked myself in my room and purposely did not eat for a whole day. That was Katie's job: pulling me out of the situation. I was busy catching up with video recordings and editing. As well as this, I had been sorting over my 'civilian' life - not that they knew about that. At least Mark 'fucking' Turpin hadn't forced me to go out in his night in's with the office.
That included drinking and a lot of terrible photos for blackmail.
As soon as I found Lewis, Katie diverted herself over to her boyfriend, who had cautiously eyed me whilst I walked over. His curled smile turning to a cheeky grin almost made me glare intensely back. The two were acting like teenagers, very obnoxious ones.
"Hey." I waved myself, catching Lewis' attention. His tired grin already showed quite a lot, and perhaps how he slouched over to check his phone.
Lewis lugged over his bag and spoke, "Alright-y then, you don't mind walking, do you? You must be tired after that."
Luckily my assuring answer led Lewis to lower his shoulders and oblige. And it wasn't a long walk through the city. The grey skies illuminated as the moon hid from the clouds. Our conversations were...tense. I could tell by he snapped answers that Lewis wasn't in the mood. It was probably from the Project Ozone recording they had. Duncan had mentioned it to me as he had gone to get some coffee in the kitchen this morning.
Once I noticed he began slowing his pace, we entered through the gate which resided over a tall Georgian terrace house, converted into flats. The more I observed, my face contorted to confusion - but I forced it back. I wasn't sure why. Anyways, he unlocked the door with his keys and the two of us stepped through to the hallway.
However, we weren't the only ones there.
An older man, scruffy and glaring spoke, "Good evening, Mr. Brindley."
I watched Lewis stop, hesitating until her said back the same. The man shut his door, grumbling to himself before I blinked - more confused as ever. But a tint of anger rose. Why was Lewis living here?
We took the stairs down to the basement and there I asked openly, "You live under an egotistical, greedy, petty and chronic-masturbating and unjustified man?"
His body paused, stifling a laugh with raised brows. "You could tell that?!"
I said nothing.
"God. It took me a month to realise that!" Lewis facepalmed. "Nevermind. Come on, before he hears anything what we've just discussed."
He led me to where I could place my bag, beside the sofa as he ran around to the kitchen. Whilst he did so, I noticed his nervous looks whenever I glanced around. Lewis seemed to freeze until I sighed and smiled. There was no words; his' stressful look lowered and he wryly smiled back. That man is going to die of stress, let alone his grey hairs that began to appear often now. And I assured him that it wasn't going to be as bad a Ross'...if he could control it therefore.
We sat down on his dining table, giving me a ready meal which I thanked him for. I could sense my stomach grumbling, and I was slightly glad that he was on the same page as I was when it came to cooking.
I placed my fork down, closing my eyes. Looking back, I spoke, "Did I say anything wrong?"
"What? N-no! It was nothing." Lewis swallowed his food and replied. His hands almost wavered, and he caught quickly the dropped fork he hand in his fingers. He then sighed and replied, "Look. I just...I was just worried - again. That I've always seem to make things worse for you."
To me, there was moment when my chest stopped rising. I held my breath, and the feeling of confusion pulled me to his worried looks. I couldn't understand what he had meant, and to him - I wasn't sure what he was feeling as well. It almost occurred to me that this moment had already happened - just last year.
"And with that happening, I felt like-" His hand ruffled at his hair, and I could sense his erratic breathing whilst he glanced back to my eyes. Lewis had the same remorse emotion on his face.
I hid back my tapping fingers and said. "Lewis: it wasn't your fault."
His pained face faltered, as the silence continued.
And I sighed, a twitch on my fingers as they abruptly stopped. "As a friend, I would entail to tell you if you did something wrong."
"Even if it's a death situation?" Lewis dryly questioned. "Because somehow our friendship has led us to deadly traps, which is in IRL."
'How poetically ironic that is,' I mentally thought. A small smile pierced through the tensed conversation whilst I concluded;
"I wouldn't promise, but I will be honest. If you stop blaming yourself."
He nodded, but he never said a word afterwards. We began tidying up the table, helping him sort out the rubbish before I grabbed my bags and thanked him for the dinner. I gulped down the feelings, thinking back at what we just spoke about.
It was so short, and somehow Lewis had wanted it that way.
However, it seemed the weather was unpredictable - which irritated me a bit. Soon as Lewis opened the front of the flat door, our eyes casted out onto the wet concrete. The rain was immense, gushing down onto the street as much as a waterfall. That was when I glanced up and internally sighed once more.
But a voice echoed from my back. "Do you want to stay for the nigh?"
I paused, letting my hand hold out and feel the droplets fall in my palm. It was getting quite cold, and my thin hoodie wasn't going to keep me warm for a half an hour walk. To be honest, I could call for a cab, but I hadn't intended to bring any cash along. And with Lewis already under my skin...
My only answer was a hum, as I shut the door - and followed his tired eyes down to his flat once more.
Lewis' View
[Y/N] followed me back down to the basement of the building, entering the front door as I began tidying bits of the living room.
I said back to her, "Do you mind sleeping on the sofa, or I can get my air bed out-"
My head turned back to her, who was curious on the stuff I had on the bookshelf. There were several books I've kept from my previous flat, some textbooks which I hadn't gotten rid off since university and some manga books. The top shelf had a couple of boxes, frames that I hadn't taken out as there hadn't been any room to put them on. Several Warhammer figurines were scattered on the middle shelf as well as a paint box set.
But what [Y/N] took out would have to be my cassette tape, growing a layer of dust on top of it as she blew a deep breath.
Pausing from exiting the living room, I called out, sheepishly, "Oh. I forgot I had that." And I mumbled. "I should really throw it away."
When I began walking back to the living room, air bed and pump in tow, there was a static sound echoing from the corridor. The moment when the familiar tune rang through my ears, I hitched in my breath. My chest stopped slightly, and the warm feeling returned when I saw her face.
There I saw her, moving in the middle of the room, dancing to one of the songs we used to like. When she still knew me.
My mind clouded, and I coughed back up the bile before she could turn around and sense my presence. I plastered a wry smile as I placed down the air bed by the sofa.
"Come on!" [Y/N] gestured her hands to me, a grin on her face. Shaking my head, I continued to do what I was doing - until I felt my arm tugged away.
I gave out a large yelp, glaring at her. "Damn you woman!" I stammered out, "What the actual fuck!"
Her hand did not leave my arm, but I barely felt it sting my cut. "C'mon Lewlew! You have style." Yes, but we're suppose to go to bed...
"Air bed later," Rolling her eyes, [Y/N] glanced up at me and I felt my lips slowly curl to a nervous smile. Her eyes glistened, swaying her arms slowly back and forth as her hands took mine and I began to follow her moves.
I anxiously noted her, "I can't dance for shit, [Y/N]."
"And neither can I," She rolled her eyes, continuously still holding my arms. "So we can just try and do some moves, right?"
And of course, she wouldn't let me say no. The air bed was left, and I let her guide my hands with hers. I twirled her around, and she did copied it for me - much to our dismay as she couldn't get her arm over my head as she spun me around. By the time we were just laughing in hysterics, dizzy and not exactly dancing to the music - leg tripped onto hers and we both fell onto the floor.
We stayed on the floor, laughing. My eyes blinked, looking up on the ceiling. Though, I heard her quick breaths next to me, realizing that [Y/N]'s head was just a few inches next to mine.
She breathed, a tone of unusual happiness. And the moment she spoke, my chest warmed. "I miss...I miss this feeling. This feeling of...what is it?"
"Exhaustion?" I quirked a brow, grinning.
I would have expected her to retort a sarcastic comment back towards me. Though the answer she responded was not something I had thought of her to be as. [Y/N] answered, "The feeling of being alive."
There was a quick pause, and she gave herself a breath before she added: "I mean, work and life is great and all. But I never felt now as if--"
"-As if no one is judging you?" I trailed. From the corner of my view, to my surprise - she seemed to appear relaxed even when I could tell - her eyes seemed to darted back to mine.
She hummed in agreement. "Exactly." [Y/N]'s hand moved, shuffling to lie against her chest. "Like as if the world stopped shining a spotlight for just one minute - and you can can just live without some insecurity. Do you get that?"
'With you, I do.' My mind muttered, which I then froze slightly.
However, she hadn't spotted my pause as I caught her with a reply, "Of course. I mean...not all the time. But-" Biting my lip, I glanced back again at [Y/N]. Her eyes never left the ceiling, never re-framing from my concerned look.
They seemed to have seen more than I have, not that I'm some philosophical fuck and all.
I guess we stayed there, lying on the floor next to each other: staring at the ceiling for probably a long time. And to [Y/N]'s comment: I had to admit it was true. I never felt any more safer than before. All those moments where I was sure that one slip could of ruined our friendship: they were shoved aside. It's just us now, and nothing in the odds can ruin this moment.
A/N: Holy moly that took me AGES to complete that. I apologise for such a late update, but exams season has just started, so I'm busy trying to revise.
Anyways, this part one (yep, I know, part one) was a hell to construct. If I had the whole drafts posted on here - it would have just been a separate short story. I was that long! I had to cut parts where some sub-plots were important and I also had to cut some of the scenes.
Hoped you enjoyed :)
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