T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y E i g h t
K n i g h t s
- Your View -
- Last Night of Insomnia -
Never I imagined to be back at another social event. Not that the Twitch party ever counted as one, though I had intended to dodge this social gathering ever since the charity ball and the little fiasco.
I had my arms weighed down on top of the metal table, making sure it didn't wobble whilst I pulled myself forward so I sat on the edge of the seat. A cup of beer rested on my fingers, letting them tap on the plastic material to the beat. The bass sound roared in discomfort, echoing in large waves that sent the hairs on my skin tingling upwards.
"You alright, [Y/N]?"
Turning to my side, I noticed a familiar voice call to me. His eyes found mine, the distress in his unsettled smile caused me to falter. I licked my lips and hummed.
"I'm fine," I simply spoke, continuing to tap on my cup. Though, he expected to somehow find a explanation from me.
Anyhow, I never stopped trying to glance back. I hoped he didn't notice whenever I did. His eyes smiled after he asked how I was. And always contributing to conversations as I held back myself from not seeing the familiar ginger man on the other table, letting go the tension between are faces.
What I was certaintly worried about was getting drunk.
Mike slapped me on the back, and I glared as he said, "Such a fucking liar! You said you were going to be sober!"
"Fuck you!" A laugh rolled of my mouth, shoving my elbow at him so he couldn't lean down to the table to grab my drink. I snatched the cup back - pulling it to my chest. He had walked over to our table, just to prove our little antics.
The blonde man pouted, grabbing the next full cup on our table. "I took a bet with Barry, you know."
On the other side, sitting opposite me: Harry held his right arm out, palm out. I watched Mike toss a ten pound note at the young man before blowing a kiss at our direction. His little antic with us didn't last long, once the CEO of our company shooed the man away from our table before I could retort back.
Just as I was about to turn around, back to facing the stage, an arm slipped around my shoulders. I looked across and my breath shortened. His face was just inches at me, and I could feel his breath brushing against me cheek. It felt too exposed, as if everyone was staring at me - at us.
Though when I glanced at the edge of my vision, no one seemed to care about the two of us.
His voice was hard to distinguish from the multiple layers of sounds, but it hard not to notice how it made my the beat in my chest deepen.
"Hey," He spoke. "Are you sure you're okay?"
I rolled my eyes and replied, "Stop worrying, you dumb arse."
He gave me an amused.
"I am fine." My hands placed down the cup and gestured my whole body. Turning back to his face, I watched his disbelieving look fall into crestfallen smile.
However, our faces ceased. And at that moment, all I could see were his eyes. And perhaps you couldn't tell that they were light blue due to the dark room and the bright neon lights; but I knew them well. It reminded me of a blue sky, the facade of this sort of freedom he held to himself.
And where moments like these seemed to feel ordinarily magical, his lips tasted all the same. I had plentiful memories, of intimacy, sentiment and fondness. The sense of touch at the most sensitive places. You were suppose to feel it, feel the imaginary butterflies swirl in your stomach, the impeccable imagery of clod nine.
Yet: there were no butterflies once Zylus began to kiss me.
- One Week Before Insomnia -
When Mark Hulmes went around the office, carrying a growing list of names on his note app: I choked on my daily dosage.
I coughed out as I finished gulping a whole glass of water, "Jesus, Hulmes! I've already seen the gates of hell, do you want me to see the devil soon?" The glare on my face faltered, but I was a bit irritated as my shirt had a stain.
"I didn't know you were drugging yourself!" Mark whined, and I felt his hand pat my back swiftly before returning back onto his phone. "Plus, this is way more important."
Placing the glass on the counter table, I began cleaning the puddle of water on the floor whilst Mark explained through on the plans this year, since he did coordinate majority of the work related trips in the office and within the company. I listened closely while he had gone through Insomnia convention we were going to go to this following week.
He then asked, "So you're coming, right?"
"Of course," My face sent him a faint smile, turning back once more to cleaning the shit I made with the water. "I am not going to miss some lovely pub quiz and you guys drunk off your tits-"
Another voice cried, "Oi!" When I glanced at the door of the kitchenette, Mark and I spotted Mike, who had been carrying a box of new merchandise. His face furrowed, resting his mouth to a put as he proclaimed, "You tell us we get drunk off our tits, says you - sober queen."
"That's because I know how to hold my alcohol, Mike." I retorted, a rather sly move as I winked back. His eyebrows raised, as a laugh escaped his lips before he waved off down the hallway.
Mark turned to me and then slowly spoke, "So...?"
"Yes!" I sighed, tiredly putting a smile whilst I threw the damp paper towel in the bin before facing Mark. "How can I not miss it? It's going to be pain, but great blackmail photos."
"You know Sjin does is too." He pointed out.
"Blackmail photos?"
"Yep," He popped. "Anyways, thanks for the notice. I'll let Nina and Alice know." At a matter of a fact tone, Mark waved his departure from the room. The door made a small click sound, and soon I mentally cursed to myself.
I had no intention coming along this year to any of the conventions. And the moment I had just said yes, my mind forgot all the costs it inhabited. My hands clasped the glass of water, letting the water slosh around and swirl, almost entrancing me.
- Two Weeks Before Insomnia -
The first and ever most time I met Zylus was a few years back. Back when I still went abroad for work. Back when he was still called Rick.
He was one of the safe houses I had. He showed me his town. Taught me how to speak Dutch. It was only few days and by the time I was healed and ready to head back to London - we chose our paths to forget each other and pretend we never knew each other.
Better to know nothing then hide something - until now.
Where the sun had gladly taken its position up in the blue sky and behind perpetual clouds. My mouth was tightly shut, humming carefully to a sonata as the rhythm matched the peddling. The wheels gone over the metal gutter before I hopped of to the pavement and began sauntering down.
It was quite a busy Saturday, probably due to the weather I expected. Some teenagers were skating down, rowdy yet kept to themselves as I spotted them go over across the road to a nearby clothing store. Needless to say, I was about to divert my eyes to something else but when I saw there was an empty spot of the bike racks - I didn't hesitate to move.
I got bag before I left my bike and entered the building.
A waft of coffee soared through my nose, and I anticipated to go straight to the line rather than search for Lewis. When I got to the counter, I ordered my usual and thanked the young waitress before heading to an empty seat by the window.
What I hadn't expected was Lewis bringing a friend over.
Rick fucking Van Laanen.
I was going to halt, but I merely walked over - mentally telling myself to calm down.
Behind the round spectacles, his eyes darted to mine and back to his hands - dusting his jumper and jacket. Of course, he wasn't a threat. I could easily tell: never mind having to look at his clothes or his hair, which seemed quite nice...
"Oh hey, man." I blinked out of thought, noticing Lewis had smiled kindly at me. He appeared to have already pulled up a seat between him and the other man so I placed my cup and plate, removing the tray. "I thought you were with Turps in the new office?" Lewis spoke in a concerned tone.
I dusted myself off, sitting down before facing him. "Finished and done for now." I contorted a small smile. "And - I thought I could have caught up with you today, so-"
"-Oh, uh." Lewis began, coughing slightly before gesturing his empty hand at the man. I gazed back, reluctant enough to nod back with the same emotion. But my head seemed to think differently. "This is Rick, or Zylus which we usually call him."
His voice was rather low, the same baritone pitch I remembered as the man glowered back at Lewis for having to introduced him instead of himself. Though, I should take it in mind when he rather looked at me in sincerity rather than nervously - and that was not how people tend to find me.
When I introduced myself, Lewis began talking about new games they had been trying out in the office. Some of them were mostly the one that I was contributing as well, since one of the main events we had been invited to was to try out new games in Canada this early May.
"So how did you guys meet?" I questioned the two men whilst I sipped with my tea. "Please not some Tinder website, Lewis."
Lewis stifled laugh, "Why do you always think of the worse, [Y/N]?" He exhaled, "But if you really want to know...we met at Gamescom."
"Yeah," My attention drew to Zylus, as he coughed up his answer. "What about you?"
To answer his question, I mentioned that I met Lewis through Turps. The tale landed me back to explaining about George and how we moved from London. But I kept it blunt, I guess. I didn't mention everything, and despite the tint of his face showing some unsatisfactory - I was more surprised at how I dealt with it.
Lewis was a little more hostile, I guess. He seemed slightly surprised and aggravated whenever Zylus spoke and I answered back. It wasn't that I seemed too observing and suspicious, but his vexation when I laughed at Zylus' joke sent me to question him. And something in my gut clenched, as if I was getting pinch whenever a drew a smile.
I could sense his discomfort, how he shifted in his seat, how his fingers never moved as they were sixteen centimetres apart from mine. How his chocolate brown eyes darted mostly at the tea cup and the necklace on my neck. It was odd to see this; it was so small that I had to take a double take at him.
Nevertheless, Lewis hadn't blurted anything out until I had to leave to head back to the hospital - a check up for my stitched up bullet hole.
"Do you want me to come with you?" The said British man touched my arm as I stood.
My eyes glanced back at him, to Zylus - observing the two men. But I didn't say anything else about that.
"It's fine, Lewis. Now: go and be a pleasant tour guide for you Dutch friend."
Soon as I left the door, all I was eager to just cycle to the hospital as quickly as possible: so I could sit in the patients' lounge and write what the fuck just happened just then.
- Day One of Insomnia -
"So [Y/N] and I are back at Insomnia! With the Yogs." George held the camera by the tripod and faced it at the two of us.
I would have fallen into rows of boxes around us if George had not pulled me to him so we could fit in the camera. His video screening was much better as his arm span stretched longer than mine and more like a giraffe neck. We both looked at the camera and I yawned whilst rubbing my eyelids.
George continued talking; "It's day one of i60, and the lovely Nina, Mike and Barry are just sorting some of the merch." He gestured over to the petite lady, happily waving at the camera before bustling through us with a pile of shirts out to the front of the booth.
"I wonder who's going to pay twenty quid, for George's nudes?" I said in an amused tone, turning to find George gape. I laughed, "You never know! I mean-"
"[Y/N], my god: you're like high on fucking god knows what." My best friend slapped my arm, playfully shoving me to the boxes. But that didn't stop me from giggling, allowing George's prominent pout held at my sight.
I titled my head back and moaned, "Let me live, George!"
"Just because you're now a year older than me, doesn't mean that." He grinned, and his frown faltered once stood back at his side.
"You treat your elders with respect, they did their most best for what is: the present." He turned the camera back to me, letting the lenses at my direction at we moved to let Alice pass us.
"...And making children who would eventually make this idiot...and hat films." It seemed too superstitious to say when three said men entered the the back of the booth and the camera faced them.
Trott waved his hand, letting a nervous laugh over the loud bustling noise. He folded his arms whilst Smith stood next to him - grinning at the George and I - whilst their own camera (held by Ross) pointed at us.
"Who said hatfilms?" The shortest of the trio called out in a nasal voice.
I innocently questioned back, "Who decided to bring them?"
"Your boyfriend," It was Smith who answered jokingly, though I couldn't tell if it was one as his voice bordered between a snarky remark rather than a joke.
But my mind reminded me that there were lenses at each of us, so I bit back the surprising tone.
I wasn't nervous when I chuckled back: "I think we all know who're the real couple here." I drawled, "Smith and Lewis just thought it would be best to hide it."
"Nah," Smith glanced at the rest of us, though my eyes never left his. "-dumped me like he dumped a load. I mean...even Turps thinks you two are banging."
It felt like someone tore down a curtain and decided to throw the tiger into the cage. The camera may have caught the circus act, I knew very well the little facade and play Smith was entangling himself into.
George grew quiet, though he never let go of the camera. To his position, Ross seemed unsure whether to turn of his camera or change it. My eyes were constantly as the ginger bearded six foot, finger quickly tapping on thighs to prevent myself from curling into fists.
"Okay!" He widened his eyes and added; "We'll see you guys later!"George halted the silence before it got too long, and waved at the turning camera. As Ross copied the same actions, everyone seemed to die down their excitement.
George was a little dramatic when he exclaimed, "Jesus Christ guys! Talk about that!" He lowered, "I'm not sure to be mortified that my best friend and boss is doing that - let alone having Lewis-"
"I think I perfectly would remember if I had banged Lewis, let alone anyone." A toneless voice left my mouth as I stood is a calm posture.
"Well...not when you're high."
Eyebrows raised, I took an internal breath before I could rush out. His began to blur from my sight, but that didn't stop me to hear his soft murmur back. "Shut up, Smith." I glared back, sending him to a flash of bewilderment.
"I didn't say anything!" Smith raised his hands by his side. When his nervous laugh echoed, I was about to clench my hands. Luckily, I controlled myself and continued to walk out through the curtains.
"Smith, I think that was too harsh, mate." Ross' awkwardly called out just as I was about to exit.
But heart lilted once Smith spoke in a questioning tone. "What? Out of everyone here, she was hired by Lewis. Isn't that just odd-"
"Enough!"George loudly cut it. I didn't need to see his furrowed eyebrows contort in a mixture of anger and nerves. "Stop! You don't know her well enough to get under her skin like that."
My fingers, somehow still tapping the rhythm, pulled back the curtain as I sauntered through. I was greeted by crowds of people - a line of fans cheering once they had seen my face. There, I could have ignored them, I could have held my head down and rushed over to my seat by Martyn and Kim.
"I know. And pretty sure, she's much more skilled in that area than we ought to think about." A voice, said. Due to the large crowd and noise: I wasn't sure if it was my head or Smith.
However, I let out a side smile: letting my face put a plaster of optimism - finally letting my hands turn white under the table.
- Three Weeks Before Insomnia -
Turps and I sat in the live stream room, hands on mouse and headsets on.
We were playing Hearthstone today, considering how Turps was anticipating for me to play. He promised to teach me alongside Sips, but I was a bit skeptical on what he mean by 'teach'. And by the time we were half way through the stream, I just gave up my deck of cards and just began going through questions the Twitch chat wanted.
One of them said, "Olivia Frank asks: 'when is my birthday and how old am I?'." Reading that aloud, I looked up to the screen and stifled a grin. It was Turps who encouraged me to answer the question.
I simply stated, "Tomorrow."
I winced when I heard the man's shrill voice and Sips toaster microphone coming from my ears. "Jesus Christ, it's your birthday tomorrow?"
I leaned back on the office chair, raising eyebrows. I was a bit confused at their shock."Yes, and I think everyone has one?" My eyebrows furrowed.
Mark Turpin continued, "You didn't tell us last year! Wait, were you with us?"
"No...well George knew about it, and Katie and Trott know because they asked." I shrugged, but when I turned to Turps, he gave me a serious look - still unimpressed at my answer. I didn't really know what to expect. It was was my birthday, but it wasn't entirely special.
"Doesn't mean that," Sips shouted. "Fuck me...Turps you better get her something: and not a goddamn Dad Bod shirt."
- Second Day of Insomnia -
"I think someone has a crush on you." A quiet murmur came from my ear. Lewis leaned towards me, his face closing in on my ear as he whispered back. "He keeps looking at you."
By the time I glanced at the Dutch man, I saw him chat with Duncan and Sjin across the table. Lewis had sat between Sjin and I whilst we had faced Kim and Martyn. Mike had booked out a long table for the whole Yogs at this curry house, and it smelt a variation of spices and onion over the room with a hint of vanilla scented candles placed on the table.
'He's always had that look ever since that night six years ago.'
"Shut up." I turned back to Lewis, leaning in as well to whisper back.
His head pulled back, a secretive smile in his eyes as he answered, "I thought you would deduce these sorts of things, [Y/N]"
"I'm a busy woman, Lew Lew." I placed down my fork and knife down on the plate.
Muttering back, I watched his eyes gaze back to the opposite side of the table - pointed right at the man we've just been gossiping about. "Alrighty then. But be careful. I'm here when he fucks it up." Lewis gave a half-serious tone.
"I thought you would be the good friend?" With an eyebrow raised, I smirked.
That caused him to gasp, and I could not help but chuckle between my lips.
Suddenly, he gently slapped my left arm, scoffing back: "I am! Fuck you!"I grinned and he added, "Thinking I'm a shit friend!"
I leaned back in, clinging my hands on his arms and placed my head on his shoulder, making sure the necklace didn't caught onto his jumper. Lewis eyed me but I reassured him with a reply. "I'm joking, dingus."
- Three Weeks Before Insomnia -
I got into the office on Friday quite late. Last night's recording with Pippa and Lola with PUBG had gone over the usual time (since Lola spilled coffee over her desk and I got back to the flat after the stream).
Sjin was the first person to greet me, who had waved from his office desk whilst I passed his room. I flashed him a quick wave before closing the door of my own. I hung my coat over the back of my seat, dropping my bag on the floor. I should have been really careful, but my eyes were a little entranced by the flash of blue on my desk.
A small box-shaped present was sitting on my desk, quite neatly wrapped despite how the tape seemed to have been used twice. They weren't used to wrapping. A little white tag was stuck on the top, which had been grasp it and turn the page over.
Even Queens need a knight in shining armour.
I'm sorry...that was totally cheesy as fuck.
Happy Birthday, man :)
- Lewis."
A grin crept up my lips, and I felt my cheeks warm and the gentle beat of my chest increased. When I shook my head in amusement, I delicately tore the paper open. What I found was a black box. I wasn't sure how to react when I opened the box. Once I did, the beat in my chest halted.
It was a necklace, with a silver pendant clasped on - a small scaled model of a queen chess piece.
- Last Day of Insomnia -
"Apollo! Where are you!"
"[Y/N], come on. The rain's getting heavier and I don't want us getting struck by lightning."
"Dad said he was important! I need to find him, please."
"What's so important about a- okay, nevermind. Ten more minutes okay?"
'Why is this coming back at this moment?' My head was mixed minded, soar when that memory flashed through my mind as I stumbled out of the door and into the reception of the venue.
As I clutched my head with my hands, I grabbed the wall with the other. I took several breath, shutting my eyes as tight as it could. It was too surreal, too realistic. It had been like my own body transported itself into a new scenery, watching the clear view of the forest, the girl and the older boy run down the pathway.
When I held my head down, leaning against the wall, I stared at the palm of my hands - forcing back the ball in my throat. Out of all the flashbacks I've ever seen...it felt like my mind palace ripped open a locked door.
I shut my eyes again and said to myself: "It was me...I had...I had a dog."
Pushing myself back up, I otherwise took another breath to prevent myself from panicking. There wasn't anyone around, a couple of cars driving by but the deserted street and the sound of the river was the only thing that didn't desert me.
"Wait! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." A figure popped out of the door, and I knew to start walking away.
"Just leave me be, Rick." I called from my back, controlling my wavering voice, my hands clenched to my sides as I held my head high.
"[Y/N]..." He trailed off thickly.
Internally, I exhaled between my speech - turning back to face him. I didn't hesitate,"Zylus, you're drunk." There was pause. "And I probably am, as well."
"I know, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that-" The Dutchman started, rubbing his palms together when his head glanced at the floor. He took a stepped forward, thought once he did - I gulped back.
"No. I...I do. I do like you. But...I can't" Even for me, a confession from me wasn't what I intended to say. "You know why I can't."
"I know."
"I'm sorry."
So once my reply reached his head, Zylus immediately spoke: "But... you like someone else." He stared, a croaky voice adding, "Don't you?"
"It's been six years, Rick."
"And two weeks."
"It isn't enough!"
"Is it Lewis?" His tone changed slightly, and I felt confused at his question. "Because I see you, and you seem to look at me and Lewis like that."
"What do you mean?"
It was a genuine question, and my head told me to stop. This wasn't right. All of it, I couldn't do to him. Not to anyone. But feeling so clueless all the same, I wasn't sure whether to pry through my own question backs instead of staying quiet.
Zylus trembled in his words, "It-it's as if you have no choice but to always say no. Do you always do that to people?"
"I can't get attached." I stopped; I couldn't bare to stare at his eyes anymore. "I...some things shouldn't cling on. And a relationship isn't my forte."
His eyes dulled, and his face showed a crestfallen emotion. "I just thought that we could...you know. Get to know each other more, [Y/N]." He sadly replied. "And not just...whatever that night was."
"I'm sorry." In a moment of time, I turned my back on to him with a quiet goodbye. "Have a good night, Van Laanen."
A/N: Oh gosh...where do I really want to start and how would I want to explain this.
So firstly, I think this chapter kind of leads on to how the character kind of deals with all the love life and issues. And Zylus is going to be an important part of the story, especially in the next chapters (so reminder that our resident foreigner will be back ;)).
On the other hand, Smith and [Y/N] are not getting on quite well and I think it always has been there (cutesy from the previous chapter part). Let me know what you think.
I will leave you with one final note: a lot of the points made and discussed are significant. And they will all link up by the end.
- SierraOwls
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