S i x t e e n
S i x t e e n
P u b Q u i z
"Fuck." Hannah swore, her wrist flailing at all angles after getting pricked by a needle.
Beside her, the black-red-haired woman laughed and tilted her head back whilst I stood by the lines - trying not to smile.
We were trying to sort out the costumes before signing and I assisted Hannah trying to sew back on a part of her costume due to her fear of needles. "Don't mind Kim, we'll steal her 'noods' and show it to world."
"Oi!" Both of us stared and Kim had to quickly defend her love of noodles and her Ramen lunch whilst we finished our sewing problem. Even I disliked the fiddling, but perhaps it was because Hannah was relying on my sewing skills which I lacked of. She was changing her shirt whilst Kim and I put out more filming of us commenting about what had been happening.
In fact Insomnia was considered nosier than I expected, not including the bright flashing lights that swarmed every room and booth they provided and the lack of open and fresh air. It was like being cramped in an airtight bag which I was prized as a salmon - much like Trott's story on how he was vacuumed as a fish.
Now that was a story I could not forget.
Kim and I managed to manoeuvre over to our seats and waited for the signing to begin. She had cooped herself over near Duncan and Caff and I was left walking over to the empty two seats by George. She had alright looked refreshed and pumped with excitement for meeting people. On the other hand, I definitely knew I was not ready.
It was not when I sighed in shame when George commented on my awful tied-back hair that came across as a blackberry bush and a dust ball under a sofa. There was no caring to my looks, but I knew people often judged their idols when it came to appearance.
He also added, "Why didn't Hannah, Kim or Nina tell you?"
I was too tired to be annoyed and replied with nonchalance, "Because Hannah's costume tonight is more important than my hair problem." My hands quickly fiddled with the hair bobble and I winced once I pulled it out. "I'll try and look decent."
Just as I had been doing so, Lewis walked over. I was too focused on trying to get the last hair band out and didn't mean to ignore the man. George was chatting next to Sjin and I ended up crying in frustration.
His eyes darted over to me, suppressing a smirk. "You alright there?"
"Shut it, Brindley." I now glared and his lips formed a faint smile. "It was a matter of monetizing Hannah's outfit or making me look presentable."
I thought he was going to make it worse when he spoke, "Here, let me help."
"No it's fine, really-" My protests did not help once his hands then took over where I had been trying to remove.
He was gently pulled back my hair and took the band off. There was a point I had to wince but he quickly stopped and asked if I had been alright.
This man was indeed being careful, almost too gentle that it had reminded me when I saw the worry the nerve in his eyes. His fingers did not touch any part of my head other than the tangled part of my hair. I assumed that it had reminded him of when I fainted when he tried to see if I was alright. But I never wanted him to have felt that. Maybe this was an improvement.
"There you go," Lewis handed me the hair band and I answered back with a relieved smile.
I said, "Thank you. At least you're helping." I pointed a thumb at George's direction. "He's just insulting me that I look like blackberry bush."
There was a following snort from him.
He sat down beside me, uncapping the lid of the water bottle and I continued to tie my hair a bit more decently - which passed the approving nod my best friend gave me and a grin from Lewis. Sjin and him were busy talking more on the games they wanted to play afterwards whilst I had Turps and Lewis to converse about what was happening later on.
The Yogscast Sports Day was something Barry thought up a few weeks back with Turps on a sunny day. I knew their plan since there were obvious and spotted a goggled-up Mark Hulmes in front of the green screen whilst I walked passed by. Lewis knew it as well, and he had to remove me since he thought I could beat all of the teams as a one woman team.
"I still think you need another payer," I took a sip of my water whilst I prepared my hands for an hour long of signing.
In the corner of my eye, Lewis shook his head. "Definitely not, you'll beat the shit out of all of us."
"Yeah, why not?" Turps shrugged and he frowned at me when I smirked back at his predicted thoughts. "I'm suppose to have my one host moment! [Y/N] will ruin it if she co-hosts with me!"
It was my turn to snort, "Turps, I would gladly be my own team just to let you boost your ego for another ten per cent." The insult did not take him hard, but the father pouted and turned on his camera to clog once more. Even Lewis laughed and I could feel my cheeks warm from the embarrassment and a bit of guilt.
Our conversation was abrupt when the first couple of fans were allowed to fly out and begin walking over to us. I was a little hesitant at first. There was a reason as to why George and I moved up the line of signings after literally being at the end of the queue. Most of the fans slowly but secretly gained to know my content as well as George's. They knew my work seperately but also with the Yogs when it came to Twitch and Deck Rippers.
However, I was worried of just trying to gain composure for the rest of the hour. The deep breaths before the next person helped me at least give some reassurance but there was always moments of remembering what happened.
The odd flashbacks stopped.
But despite that, it was replaced by the moment I collapsed in front of my friend.
"Hey," I flashed a kind smile to the older man who was behind the young boy. "Glad to see some amazing parents here to let you meet us."
The father spoke,"You don't how much Caleb has wanted to meet you two-" He had meant George and I. "-All I've been getting is notifications from your channel."
George flashed a grin and said, "That's great that our work is reaching to parents as well. It's good to have parents supporting you."
The teenager did not speak, but I could understand perfectly when he signed with his hands, 'You both have been a great part of my life. And It's hard not knowing what you actually sound like.' He grinned and signed again, 'I wish I could hear you're playing. You must be so good on the piano.'
There was something down in my chest, that I could sense I feeling of pride and happiness.
I did not know how to respond as an expression, so I signed instead: 'Thank you. You have made my day saying that to me. And I am glad you are enjoying our content, and I'm proud of your dad supporting you. I hope you have a great day at the convention.'
His bright grey eyes gleamed up and I took my time writing a note on the poster he had brought before George signed it as well. Afterwards, I watched the young boy get his signed to the others as well - but his father had to tell some of them what Caleb had signed. Even George - who grew conscious of my sign language - always asked what I said.
"Oh my god," George cried. "Did you tell him something stupid about me?"
I shook my head and chuckled, "No! Why would I? His dad will be pissed if I said something. I would have probably told him something about Lewis though..." Both of us laughed and we both earned a raised eyebrow from our boss.
"I hope you actually didn't tell something about me," Lewis grumbled and took a rest by shaking his wrist for a while.
Turps commented, "She probably said. Don't tell Lewis: but he's going to twerk in front of a live audience later on."
"Turps!" I cried with widened eyes whilst Lewis shouted "What!" Both of us glared at him whilst he howled in our shocked response.
I eyes him with pierced eyes as he shed a tear - pretending from his eyes - and he added, "God you two...you're like an old married couple." He signed another poster and excused us for being so loud and unprofessional.
There was no response from me whilst Lewis rolled his eyes and stretched for a whilst before he continued his signing. We both knew Turps was joking, though somehow it irritated me since the fact that Lewis was clearly in a relationship whilst I definitely was married to one thing.
My job and career.
They could've excluded me from the Yogscast Sports Day show, but somehow they forced me to compete for their sacred Pub Quiz.
It was mostly Turps excitement as he slammed my name right at the top of our Team list and forced me not to grab a cup of beer or any alcoholic drink.
The lights dimmed, and Katie and I headed over to Yog's table as the music began to blare out. There was a glimpse of Katie exasperating at Hatfilms, Lewis, Turps and Duncan. The six were already toasting for a future and non-existent victory that I had to hide a smile at them. Everyone from Insomnia came for the Pub Quiz, and the DJ was ready telling for us to sit and prepare.
Smith howled, "We've got the best team! Cus' little [Y/N] will beat all of our asses!"
"You do realise that I'm in your team?" I could not even hear myself shout but I felt a hand slap my back. My body turned, and I smiled kindly at George.
He had his arms slung around Tom, gazing down at both Katie and I whilst we maintained the boys from being reckless. Once the two sat down, the pub quiz began And I was amazed at how well they all functioned even at a drunken state.
Barry and Mike were all chugging glasses to the boys whilst Sjin - the only moderate drinker - sat without having to shout the answer and let everyone else know about it. I resulted keeping the drinks from George and Tom, knowing they will definitely fuck something up if they drank.
"How the fuck do you know the date of that battle?" Turps eyed me incredulously and wrote down what I said.
Ross took another sip before reply, "Oh don't worry about it. Least we could do is maintain some sober percentage."
"Yeah," Duncan laughed, pulling back his hair before it touched the beer in his cup. "[Y/N], Katie, Hanah and Kim don't look too happy with us!"
Hannah cried back, "Of course we don't. Sooner or later," She leaned back from her seat as I tried to set myself back from the conversation."You arses will probably do something and one of us has to take you back to the hotel."
The three girls hummed in agreement, a little serious however was only taken from that warning. I could care less for the men but I knew it was not right for me to answer all of their questions for them. George had already snuck another drink since his breath stank, his walking slowed and his reflexes were weakening by the time I tested to take his arm and pulled him towards the table.
"Okay everybody!" The DJ spoke from his mic and everyone roared along. "Last round of the quiz! This is gonna be a tough one."
The crowd roared, competing with the expel of Mr Brightside on the speakers. The questions were given, and I was happy that the men did answer it instead of relying on me and the girls. After all, Kim and Hanna already had a few drinks and Katie was slurring with Nina once she turned up half way through it. And to my dismay, I did take one drink.
And that caught all of them pissed.
"Hey!" I scowled in a joking matter and then laughed. "One drink won't harm me!" Since then, I felt a large push from my back. I stumbled forward and my drink spilled over the table.
And with a Rush, I widened my eyes. My face had almost hit the floor until I huffed as the arm looped back - saving me from looking like a drunk maniac. Their arm was still slung over my torso, carefully wrapping itself around my jumper and their fingers barely touching my skin. From there, a wave of warmth passed my face soon as I saw his face.
Lewis flashed a quick smile that showered his worried expression. I was confused at his hidden embarrassment but I quickly stood as to why he did turn red. To me his face was miles off.
But to our table and peers, our faces were inches off.
"Changing your considerations?" Lewis raised an eyebrow as he asked.
With a lope-sided smile, I muttered to his ear. My eyes never wandered away as I said, "That was Smith, dumb-ass. Plus: I've got my Lew Lew in shining armour." His smile formed into a wider grin and he laughed once I got up back to my seat. It was then my eyes broke apart from his, and now focused back onto the quiz.
And when the answers came up, our table roared with hopes. Majority of our answers were correct apart from the question that involved Turps 'definitely' thinking the answer was the founding fathers. And that was the time when I decided to take another drink.
I chose the right time as well, since I watched Turps get carried up to the stage to grab the large cheque for the Yog's chosen charity. A grin was formed and I couldn't help but shake my head once Smith exclaimed and almost shoved Turps into the crowd as if it was a mosh pit.
Nevertheless, the quiz was done - but not the overall night. Empty cups piled up and the only conversation I could make was a drunk Kim and Duncan whilst I tried to keep everyone from any violence. I laughed along, trying to prevent myself from always looking from somewhere less suffocating. The atmosphere was already cloudy, stuffed with stinky breaths and the ringing of the speakers.
Lewis may have been too drunk and caught me whilst I was about to leave for fresh air. His arms clung over my shoulder and a cold and sharp jolt sent me to freeze at my steps. His fingers traced over and once he grasped my jumper, his face was hazy and I blinked too much that I could sense them watering.
"Where are you off to?" Lewis asked. "You haven't even drank at all."
I brushed his arms away; I knew that he was too drunk to notice what he was doing. "I need some fresh air." His eyes stared back , trying to cling back onto my hands but I understood it well - no matter how I could sense my erratic breathing.
I was curious to the feeling, almost confused at to why I was feeling short breaths at his close contact. In the end, I was getting more confused at Lewis getting closer that I ripped my arm of and played the part. Instead of frowning, I pulled a wry smile. "Please, I won't be long" His eyes luckily lifted, and I took his relieved expression to be a relief as well.
With another smile, he walked off to find the others at the table. Whilst I walked, I hopped Lewis was still standing and little more sober. My breathing continued to be quick, but luckily once the cold air wafted at my face - I was beginning to relax a bit more.
The street was quiet, a few pedestrians walking pass by whilst I sat by the bench and wanted to shut my eyes.
However, the silence did not last long.
The door slammed open beside me, and I watched Tom - Tom Bates - storm off as he was putting his coat on. Now that was unexpected. After a cry, I turned again to find someone whom I did not expect as well. A ray of curls was atop his head, much like his frantic eyes that I knew too well.
Tom cried, "I can't...can't believe you would just do that!"
"TOM!" George roared and I had to give a double take at his actions. What the hell was going on? "For one second, can you just listen to me! PLEASE!"
His sleeves were were stained from his tear, and Tom bellowed back, "HOW CAN I WHEN I JUST SAW YOU DO THAT!"
"IT WAS HIM! NOT ME!" George stomped over to his boyfriend, and I wished I intervened sooner. But to my instincts, I wanted to stay back: knowing that George's fury won't calm down if I did. "HE KISSED ME!"
At that moment, I watched Tom gasp in shock. "AND YOU DIDN'T PUSH BACK!" His voice afterwards quietened, and it sent a chill to myself once he spoke with a glare that sent daggers to my best friend. He whispered that was filled with rage, "How can I love someone who will never know boundaries? I'm sorry...George."
Spectating something like this...I couldn't get my head around it. I could sense why Tom was angry but I was confused - almost irritated - at my very own friend's irrational speech. George was never like this, let alone being drunk. He knew not to continue when it came to become intimate with anyone. George had always held that promise; and he hadn't needed to even imply it. He never touched anyone to hurt others.
There was only the sounds of George's breath whilst I cautiously sauntered over to him. The street light illuminated his face, and I could see as his lack of sense. His eyes were bloodshot red, his fingers twitched and he looked too pale - even under the white light. The alcohol and vape had gotten into his system - and then resulted a broken man.
As I was about to speak, he spotted me and paused from my tracks. The expression that he dressed changed immediately, and I could sense something in my chest drop. And once his scowl radiated of anger, it felt like confronting a different person.
I composed myself. "George..."
"You saw that, didn't you?" He snapped back and I forced back a glare.
I replied, "Not entirely. Just the bit when you came out..."
"And you didn't back me up?" He stifled back laugh, shocked and almost unbelievable at me. I blinked back in surprise.
The words came out stuttering, "Why...how would I if I wasn't even involved?"
George laughed, not amused as he then glared a second later. There was a growing impatience with his attitude, and I had to hold it back further. He took a step toward me, and I was held back shut as I had my back turned onto the road. "You were there! You saw how ridiculous Tom was doing and you weren't backing me up! YOU are suppose to back me up, [Y/N]!"
I scoffed, "Backed you up!" I repeated him. "You were the one who didn't stop and you very well know that you've drank eight of those pints without a single bite!"
"CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR DEDUCTIONS!" His voice echoed in my ears and my whole body froze as I stared at him. "You're ALWAYS like that! You always find a way to prove your point but in fact you're shitting yourself a bigger hole! I HAVE BEEN YOUR FRIEND FOR YEARS BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WANTED YOU AS A FRIEND."
Soon as the words slipped, I was wanted to shout back as much as he did. But in my mind, the only logical way was to be quiet. I already made too much damage let alone George.
And as much as it hurt, I turned my back and walked back in. And to be honest: it was the first time in while that I was truly alone again.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but I've done it! Hoped you had a lovely Christmas and this is my late present to you after trying to find time to finish this.
That turned a litte bit angsty, but count on the next chapter...whenever that is. xD But yep, a lot of Lewis/Reader shit will happen next chapter. More interactions and a big reveal on some of the background and ground personality.
Hoped you guys enjoyed reading :)
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