F o u r
F o u r
F i x e r U p p e r
It was a struggle really: to remember my childhood. All I could remember are the simple things that I had deduced to have influenced the present day and career.
For instance: my love of solving things and fixing problems. I always loved tinkering with makeshift appliances or play board games to an endless cycle. Maybe that's why my parents dreamed of my career in the engineering sector - or anything to do with science.
However, what I lacked in childhood experience was social interaction.
"Morning, [Y/N]!" I walked passed the first floor corridor to be greeted by Sjin entering his room.
I smiled thought faltered as I replied, "Um...uh: morning Sjin. Hope you have fun recording."
After that encounter, I wanted to face palm myself so many times.
How was I suppose to work in an office environment - where majority of us called each other rude gestures and names and treat each other like friends? I would have to pick up some data from online.
Nevertheless, I entered my office whilst I sipped the froth floating on the coffee I bought on the way. The Chill Blast computer quickly ran on whilst I placed more stuff into my office. It had seemed to have been coming together after the next day, and I was able to look through Kim's and Hannah's offices for some inspiration. I met them before, at a previous Insomnia convention George and I went to alongside Pippa and Lola. Pippa was actually the one who had introduced me to the two women who I now work with.
I turned back to my bag and unpacked my notebook and figurines of Nino-Kuni and Little Inferno that I used to play a few years ago whilst I placed a pot of post-it notes and pens on my desk. The room still looked slightly empty, though I admitted that I wasn't going to use the office space as much as I had thought, since I knew that the recordings I had planned to do might have to be during the nights.
Taking one last sip, I turned my phone into airplane mode, made myself comfortable on my seat with a swivel before turning on the set up for building new plans on the Yogscast Complete server.
George was ever so ecstatic when we were joining the server and I guess: make our own story. The excited man suggested so many things our characters can do in the world, though he was specific that we had to choose either magic or science and which one do we side with.
"Honestly," I huffed, though with a grin. "We sound so childish picking a side, why can't we just make our own side?"
He groaned from the other side of the mic, and he said. "[Y/N], it's important to know who you are siding with, and who you'll be making an alliance with."
"When was that a rule?" I laughed.
"You really need to go watch Flux Buddies." He simply responded. "Now that is a hectic series to compare with."
"And I'm going to experiment on you."
George replied, "Okay...maybe not that but-"
Rolling my eyes, I let my character follow George up the hill; from I thought that the valley in front of us seemed to be a good place for a cliff side hide out. We let KirinDave know from the chat and afterwards: we began our recording for a new series.
The next two hours was filled with my character falling off the cliff and into the riverbed, George getting owned by skeletons and Endermen, and our failure with trying to make a ceiling as gravel kept up on our toes most of the time. In the end, we ended the recordings whilst having a laugh about what just happened before George disconnected to record his own videos. As for me, I had planned to finish my recording of [insert favourite game here].
Setting up my console, I was unraveling the wires under the desktop until I heard someone knock on the door. I shouted for them to come in, and I continued with the cables. It was new voice I haven't heard yet, and I felt like an idiot for introducing myself under a table.
I paused, "Give me a minute." Since I was clumsy, I got up from the desk and hit my head on the table top as I got up.
"God, are you okay?" The blonde man chuckled whilst I rubbed my head in pain.
I failed a smile , but replied: "Needed a bit of brain cell reduction, nevertheless: hi." The added joke had me hit myself mentally before I watched him take his hand out towards me.
"Martyn," He spoke and I gladly took his hand for a shake.
I said, "Hi Martyn, I'm [Y/N]." From his appearance, he was a single man with two very rare cats; he used to parkour at a young age from his muscle and build but I knew that he he hadn't done it for a while. As well as this: Martyn Littlewood liked Nino-Kuni, as he eyed the figurine that was now perched on the shelf. He was a Nintendo gamer, I believed.
"Zelda?" I simply asked.
His eyes almost shone to the naked eye and his moved with a mixture of confusion and interest. I was right.
Martyn said, "I'm sorry, um...Zelda?"
"Don't worry," I shook my head, and twirled the wire I fiddled around my fingers. "So how long have you've been working here?"
"Almost four years actually," The blonde man explained. "It's still amazing that other creators still want to go here; because we usually have newer members record from their place nowadays. It's all been rusty here at Yogtowers..."
I replied, "My friend George was very keen on moving. Our place wasn't exactly well 'built' for recording."
My mind flickered back to a little memory before we arrived at Bristol. I could still smell the faint smog of London and the tightly packed streets and run-down apartments and places the outer city provided. I was beginning to admit that moving from the heart of the country was a better way in life. If we hadn't moved, I think I would've had to do full time engineering. Which meant: there was no time for recording videos.
"I've heard," Martyn nodded. "But hey: I'll let you get on with your recording." He gazed down to my hand and noticed the tangled wires on the floor.
I meekly answered: "You weren't a bother; it was nice to have met you finally."
"You too," Martyn smiled with a chuckle. "Hope you get untangled from your wiry mess. Maybe you can help Sam in the control room..." Just as he was about to finish, a rather slim blonde man - with younger features - halted from outside the door.
I passed through Martyn and opened the door for him. By the facial features and worried expression, I felt that he needed one of us - particularly me. Staring at me, I wrinkled my brow in confusion. "Um," I awkwardly hummed. "Hello, what seems to be the matter?"
"Hey, [Y/N]." The man panted. "I didn't know where your office was. Great to meet you for once. I'm Sam."
So this was Sam the computer engineer.
Martyn was a little more concerned as he questioned back why Sam had come running around the offices in search of me. "Everything alright?"
Sam faintly grinned. "Kind of." What an understatement. "We've been having some havoc in the control room and in the server room. [Y/N], you know how to fix a whole set of hard drives and connect them to the servers?"
"Yes," I frowned. "Did they over heat?"
Sam bit his lip and replied: "Somehow the cooling system hasn't been able to function properly. I've been trying to fix it before this noon's stream, but I'm still a bit on and off on how to make it any better." Smiling, I was more curious as to why he asked me. Until he spoke, "A little bird told me you have some experience with these things."
"I bet that was George," I internally sighed, having to give a reminder later to my best friend about telling my profession constantly. That man never stops. Why couldn't George do instead?
In the end, I nodded and agreed to go over to the server room and help fix for today's streams.
Martyn was chuckling at my grumbling whilst Sam had the weight off his shoulders and began telling me more in detail about Yog Tower's softwares and servers. The Nintendo-lover man left to go and record, who I waved back and said that I will see him once I was free from recording and fixing.
We entered the server room, and Sam pointed out what had happened. And in my instinct, I knew the problems like it was second nature to me. It was always like this; someone gives me a problem and I can happily solve it. Sometimes, it will take a while. However in the end, I was always glad whenever I've managed to fix it somehow.
It took thirty minutes with Sam to re-wire and cool down the systems before I re-cabled everything.
"How did you..." Sam trailed off. "It's working so much better now."
I explained, "I placed some improvements on how the info is flowing through the drives and it was easy to tweak it. I'd say that it was because there wasn't enough flow." Sam happily thanked me and we walked over to the control room to manage the cable and wires there.
On the way, we bumped into Lewis. It was the second time I had seen him, and there was a constant facial expression of stress on him. Wearing a jumper, jeans and trainers, the man was the first to acknowledge Sam before he looked at me.
"Oh, how's the servers going?" Lewis questioned. "Please tell me they're okay and not actually fucked."
Sam awkwardly patted me in the shoulder and said, "You should really thank [Y/N]." I kept my face solemn once he praised me. "[Y/N] even got the thing running more smoothly now."
"Really?" Lewis's head turned to me, and I couldn't help but smile back. He thanked me for the help, even adding that I can always help Sam whenever there was a problem. Though, I admitted that I really needed to record. "Well, that's...that's good - great I mean."
I said, "Always happy to help." The tension rose and I longingly looked for an exit. "You should probably go and get ready. I've got to record anyways."
He thanked me again, the corner of his lips to twitch before I could see him smile.
I left the two down the corridor, heading back to my room and finally finishing installing my console and actually playing the game I was eager to open up. Sitting, on my desk: my lips pursed, confused as to why my mind had always returned Martyn whenever I looked at my Nino-Kuni figurine. He was just a simple man, I said to myself.
And I just blew my chance of having a decent friend by making my first impression go awkwardly.
A/N: I'm sorry that I had to have this on Haitus for so long! It's been two weeks since I've posted any books, and I don't think I'll be able to do some next week as I'm away. :( I will try, but as soon as school is finished: I'm able to write freely :)
I apologise for lack of any content on computer shizzle; I am not an expert but I tried. ;/
Hoped you guys enjoyed :)
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