4 2 0 - O v e r v i e w
F o u r H u n d r e d
A n d
T w e n t y
[ A Yogscast Lewis x Reader Fic]
O v e r v i e w
You had an odd ancestry.
You had grandparents who didn't speak English, whilst your parents were born in the United Kingdom. As for you, you were born in another country that your parents had worked for a few years.
That was difficult to keep up, since all your classmates were all speaking a different language you speak usually. However, at the age of five: you were the brightest in the year, despite your different cultures.
And that did impacted on who your friends were...
After being isolated and bullied, your parents had took the concerns and took you back to the UK to raise you. But even at the age of five, you can speak several different languages. Your dad always joked that the intelligence came from your dad's side. Then you mum would usually slap him in the head, laughing along.
So just before your fifth birthday, you travelled by plane back to the UK. You didn't really understand where you would be living; what sort of place you'll be looking to expect. So once the car stopped, you stepped out and gazed upon a large, old and cosy house.
It daunted you with the growing vines and cobbled pathways. But your mum urged you to take it in.
But what you didn't expect as you entered in, that three pairs of eyes were watching you from across the road.
You met the Brindleys. And they had three children: Philippa (the youngest), Ralph (the middle child) and the eldest Lewis.
Pippa (short for Philippa) was the same age as you whilst Ralph was three years older than you. Lewis Brindley was twice the age as you.
The Brindley's were your neighbours, who had constantly loved having tea with your parents and having you and the siblings play in your new back garden. You enjoyed the siblings' company. Though, they lacked of actual understanding
Pippa Brindley could barely make a proper sentence as the four of them played a game of sword fighting in the garden. Ralph was quite uncomfortable with the amount of things you knew that he didn't, whilst Lewis seemed to just stare at you.
The eldest of the Brindley siblings seemed curious towards you. You wonder why he doesn't speak or interact with you in some way, until one rainy day happened.
The four of you had decided to play board games for the rest of the afternoon in the Brindley house. But when Pippa had fell asleep on the sofa and Ralph had decided to go to his room to do homework: that had left you with Lewis, who was now moving the pieces of the board carelessly.
Out of nowhere, you decided to ask him for a game of chess(a game you wished to have never learnt). Lewis was a little bitten back, but agreed to play with you.
It took two hours and eventually your queen had succeeded. For a five year old, Lewis was surprised to have been beaten. You weren't exactly a prodigy in chess, but you acted smug about it.
So the next few days, you an Lewis had agreed to keep a certain two hours after school to play chess and other very complicated mind games. You loved playing scrabble and trying to make the worse sort of word out of the letter given. Lewis loved the fact that he was losing to you every time.
After the days, you found out that you were being placed in a primary school at the age of six. The pupils that were in your class were much bigger than you. And of course lead to you becoming more self conscious with your age and height.
One time, you were bullied all the way home. They were teasing you and pushing your books onto the ground until Lewis had decided to take charge of the ten year olds and pulled you to safety. You felt the world shift so much that you realised that Lewis was the only person who had cared of you.
You're friendship grew, but so did age.
And at the age of thirteen, you were upset that Lewis was leaving for university at age eighteen whilst you were stuck in middle school.
However, suddenly your whole life goes tumbling down.
You were just thirteen years old. Young, frail and broken. And as you opened your eyes to find yourself in hospital, you are confronted with doctors and a couple. You didn't know anyone in the room; you didn't know your own name.
It was difficult for Lewis. For a young man, he had a soft place in his heart for you. You were his friend, but now all you knew of him: was the mad man that thought you were his best friend in a hospital room.
Amnesia had diverted your bond.
But of course things like these must come back again.
In twelve years later...
Where our story begins of you and your best friend being promoted to become content creators at Yogscast Ltd.
A/n: It thought I would do this for fun. :) I don't tend to write x reader and in the second person, so for the rest of the story: I would be doing first person.
'It's a story about family, acceptance, love and importance of childhood. You should tread carefully, but also sometimes be reckless. Be confident in your personality and accept the mistakes that you'll eventually be glad that you've made. Because that was what made you you.'
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